A prefix used in the following ways:
1) To form the potential future tense of the active voice (see ma- for the passive voice), e.g. Makabúhat ikáw sinâ? Are you, or shall you, be able to do that? Makadángat siá sang íya nga ginatúyò, kon mapísan siá. He will be able to obtain his desire, if he is earnest about it. Makabáyad na siá sang íya útang, kay dakû ang sináplid níya sa pangomérsyo. He can now pay his debt, for he has made a large profit in business. Walâ siá makaabút, kay madámol ang ulán. He could not come, for there was a heavy rain. Indì siá makahalín. He cannot leave or get away. N.B. Quite frequently this "maka-", particularly in verbs expressive of any mental or sensitive operation, has the meaning of the present, e.g. Makahibaló ka siní? Do you understand this? Makabatî ikáw sang túnug sang linggánay? Do you hear the sound of the bell? Makakítà na akó sa íya dirâ. Now I see him over there. (see naka-).
2) to form adjectives meaning "able to, capable of, giving rise to or causing" what the root implies. "Maka-" is either simply prefixed to the root, e.g. "makaákò-powerful, mighty (ákò) or, as is more frequently the case, the first syllable of the root is reduplicated and then "maka-" prefixed, e.g. "makalilípay-causing joy or pleasure, joyful, pleasing (lípay); makalilísang-inspiring terror, causing great fear, terrible, shocking (lísang); makangingíl-ad-exciting nausea, loathsome (ngíl-ad), etc.
3) to form multiples corresponding to the English -times, e.g. makalíbo-a thousand times; makaduhákapúlò-twenty times; makaisá-once, etc.
Surfeiting, nauseating, sickening, loathsome, exciting aversion or nausea. Ginmúlay siá níya sing makatíbal. He abused him soundly in very strong language. Ginkán-an níya ang báboy sing makatíbal nga pangáon. He ate of the pork-or-partook of the pork till he felt a loathing for it. (tíbal; see makasolómo, makataláka).
To strike, beat, smite, slap, smack, spank, thwack, whack, cudgel, thrash. Ginmakmakán akó níya sang biní-al. He beat me with a piece of split bamboo. Makmakí siá sang sinílas. Spank him with the slippers. Imákmak sa íya ang bilogón, bulunál, lalámpus, etc. Beat him with the rod, the whip, the stick, etc. (see búnal, hánot, hámpak, bálbal, lámpus, lámba, pókpok, pakáng, núsnus).
(Sp. maldita, -o) Accursed, cursed, damned; to curse, damn, imprecate, wish evil upon. Ginsilíng (Gintawág) níya akó nga maldíta. He called me accursed. (see gátud, tinagudilían, panóloy, panghimaláut, maldisyón).
Dim. and Freq. of malí. Also: to insinuate, hint at, use indirect language, enlighten another's mind by allusions, speak in parables, often practised by one who wishes to obtain a favour from another or to come to an agreement, to throw out a "polite hint" in a round-about way. Ginmalímalíhan níya kamí nga ang íya nónoy buút mangasáwa sa ámon índay. He politely insinuated that his son wants to marry our daughter. Malímalíha ang paghámbal mo sa íla. Talk to them with polite insinuations or allusions. Nagamalímáli silá nga buút magsímpon sa ámon sang íla anák. They are insinuating their desire or wish of having their boy stay with us. Masúnsun ang hámbal sang Aton Ginúo malímáli. Our Lord often spoke in parables.
(B) A contr. of mamun-á-from munâ-to tarry, loiter, remain a long time, protract one's stay; to be at ease, be calm or tranquil. Indì ka mámnà dídto. Don't stay there a long time, don't loiter there. Indì gid mámnà ang íya hunâhúnà túbtub nga masayóran níya kon nakadángat na sa Manílà ang íya anák nga bág-o pa lang magsakáy. She cannot rest at ease till she knows whether her son, who a short while ago embarked for Manila, has safely arrived there. (see munâ, dúgay, lúsgò).
An exclamation of remonstrance, or disappointment, etc. Manyági, kay nagahípus ang bátà, ginapahibî mo! Good heavens, as the baby is quiet, don't make it cry! Manyági, kay nagapahimúyong ang alimángo sa búhò, ginkúot mo; tî, kóndì ginkagát níya ikáw. There now, you disturbed with your finger the crab at rest in its hole; of course it bit you and it serves you right. (see yádi, yádan).
Spotted, soiled, disfigured, blotched, blotchy, stained, bloodstained; full of pustules or eruptions (of skin-diseases). Maragáng ang báyò níya sing dugô. His jacket is blood-stained. Maragáng (nagamaragáng) siá sang katúl. His body is covered with eruptions of the skin-disease called katúl. (see ragáng, pamaragáng).
(B) To be wide awake, be fully aware of, to grasp, comprehend, understand, take in. Warâ akó kamarámad kang ginkoón na. (Walâ akó makahangúp (makamarásmas) sang ginsilíng níya). I don't (did not, didn't) understand what he says (said). Karámad kaw kará? (Makasáyod, makahibaló ka sinâ?). Can you understand it? Do you know that? (see malámad, marásmas, hibalú, sáyod, balintúnod, áto, hántup, hangúp).
To be wide (fully) awake, be awake to, to grasp, comprehend, understand, take in, take. Walâ siá makamarásmas sang ákon nga gin silíng. He could not understand what I said. Namarasmasán níya ang tanán nga ginpaháyag ni Fuláno. He comprehended all that N.N. expounded. Namarasmasán akó sang dídto na akó sa baláy. I recovered my senses when I got to the house. (see marámad, mádmad, hangúp, hántup, balintúnod, áto, sáyod, másngà).
(B) Hidden, secret, difficult to find, out of the way, concealed, not open to view or inspection. Marírong nga lugár ang tinagóan níya sang ákon líbro. He has hidden my book in a secret place or hidden nook. (see maríit).
To do something by degrees, step by step, gradually, piecemeal, in slow but sure stages, do slowly, deliberately. Nagamátmat sa pagdakû iníng tanúm. This plant is growing tall by slow degrees. Ginmátmat níya ang kúhà (ang pagkúhà) sang íya nga galamitón sa baláy ni Fuláno. He took away his furniture from N.N.'s house one by one or piece by piece. Matmatá sang arádo ang ímo umá. Plough your field leisurely or in easy stages. Ang kaámyon sang mga búlak nagamátmat guób (sa pagguób) sang mga talámnan. The fragrance of the flowers is slowly spreading over the fields. (see amát, amátamát).
Freely, gratuitously, voluntarily, spontaneously, without obligation, of one's own accord, of one's free choice; to do something-of one's own accord,-of one's own free will or choice without being obliged or without orders, to act generously, unselfishly, voluntarily, to choose to do, volunteer. Nagmatómató siá magbayó. He pounded rice without being obliged to do so. Ginmatómatohán (-mát-wan) níya ang pagpatíndog sang amó nga buluthúan. He built that school of his own free will. Tumalágsa kag malakâ ang mga táo nga magapangabúdlay kag magahálad sing matómató sa ikaáyo sang bánwa. Few and exceptional are the men that work and sacrifice anything gratuitously for public welfare. Indì gid akó magmatómató sinâ, kay walâ gid man akó sing kalabtánan sinâ. I shall not do it of my own accord, for I have not the least connection with (interest in) it.
To say, make a statement, state, declare, manifest, communicate, mention, utter, give out, make known, remark, drop a word. Si Pédro nagmóno nga mapatíndog sing bág-o nga baláy. Peter said that he was going to build a new house. Imóno sa íya ang kilidanón sang digamohán. Tell him about the necessary kitchen repairs. Ginmóno níya nga--. He gave out the statement that--. (see silíng, mítlang, bungát).
To exert oneself, do something with force or violence. Nagmúg-ot siá sa paghákwat siníng bató. He put forth all his strength in lifting this stone. It was all he could do to lift this stone. Nagamúg-ot siá sa kaákig. He is violently angry. Ginmug-otán níya ang aparadór sa paggíhit. He made a great effort to shift the cupboard. Indì mo pagmug-otán ang ímo anák sang ákig. Don't be furiously angry with your son. (see paningúhà, panikasúg, himúd-os).
To inspect closely, scrutinize, observe well, scan, peer at, look well at, fix-, rivet-, one's eyes-,-one's gaze-, upon (on), look at carefully. Mulalóngi sing maáyo ang ginabása mo. Look carefully at what you are reading. Ginmulalóngan níya ang laráwan. He viewed the picture closely. (see himútad, tán-aw, bilíd, túluk).
To criticize maliciously, run down, carp, cavil, disparage, decry, belittle, traduce, underrate, speak ill of, find fault with, slight, depreciate, speak depreciatingly of the doings of others. Nagmúlay siá sa ákon-or-ginmúlay níya akó. He disparaged me. He spoke ill of me. Indì mo pagmuláyon ang íya mga binuhátan. Don't criticize his doings in a malicious way. (see híkay, támay).