Search result(s) - ánay



House, home; building, dwelling, abode; nest, breeding place, shell of a snail, of a turtle, etc. Diín ang baláy mo? Where is your home? Anó nga baláy ang ginadayónan mo dirí? What house are you staying at here? Ang baláy sang ánay. The nest of termites, a white ants' nest. Ang baláy sang pawíkan. The shell of a tortoise, tortoise-shell.



To turn one's head and look back, to look behind; to revert to, be concerned about, have one's mind engrossed. Balíkda siá. Look back at him. Indì ka magbalikíd sa simbáhan. Don't look behind you in church. May ginabalíkdan akó sa baláy. I have something at home that engrosses my mind, that turns my thoughts towards home. Ibalikíd akó ánay sang ákon mga bátà. Kindly look after my children for me. Anó ang ginabalíkdan mo? What makes you thoughtful? What is on your mind? What are you concerned about? Anó ang ginabalikíd mo? What are you looking back for? Why are you turning your head and looking back?



To whet, grind, sharpen, hone, put an edge on; to incite, urge, set on. Balitá ang labáha (nabáha). Sharpen the razor. Ibalít akó ánay sang ákon nabáha. Please, sharpen my razor for me. Indì mo siá pagbalitón sa pagpakigáway. Don't incite him to fight. (see báid).



A slip-knot, running knot, noose, a bow; to tie in a loop or bow, so as to make it easy to open. Baloá ang paghigót. Tie with a slip-knot. Ibalô akó ánay siníng pinutús. Kindly tie up this parcel for me in a noose.



(H) A roll; to roll up. Balolóna ang baníg. Roll up the mat. Ibalólon akó ánay siníng amákan. Kindly roll up this bamboo-mat. Balolóni akó sing isá ka sigarílyo. Please roll me a cigarette. (see lolón, álas-to coil or wind a rope, etc.).



To rummage, ransack, turn over in search of, to look for something amongst a number of other things. Indì mo pagbalúk-hayón ang ákon mga ulús. Do not rummage amongst my clothes. Balúk-hayí gid ang íya nga maléta, kay básì ang ímong báyò yárà sa sulúd sinâ. Ransack his handbag, for maybe, your jacket is in there. Ibalúk-hay akó ánay siníng mga panápton, kay ginamáyom ko nga yárà man dirâ ang ákon pányo nga nadúlà. Kindly search these garments thoroughly, for I guess that my missing handkerchief will be found amongst them.



Answer, reply, rejoinder, response, retort, return, reward, recompense, remuneration, requital, guerdon; to answer, return, pay back, reward, recompense, requite. Balúsi ang íya sulát. Answer his letter. Balúsi (básli) ang íya kaló-oy sa ímo sa maáyo nga pagtábang sa íya mga kalisúd. Return his mercy to you by assisting him whole-heartedly in his difficulties. Ibálus mo sa íya iníng isá ka búlig nga ságing sa duhá ka sandíya nga íya ginpadalá sa ákon. Give him this bunch of bananas in return for the two melons he sent me. Anó ang saráng ko ikabálus sa ímo? What return can I make you? How or wherewith can I repay you? Kon akó índì makabálus sa ímo ang Diós amó ang magabálus sa ímo. If I cannot make you a fitting return, God will do so. Balúsan kamó sang Mahál nga Diós. May God reward you. Binalúsan (ginbáslan, bináslan) akó níya sing maláin. He made me a bad return. Ibálus mo akó ánay síning sulát ni Fuláno. Please answer this letter of N.N. for me. Ginbalúsan (Ginbálus) níya sing pilô ang pagtámpà sa íya ni Fuláno. He paid back twofold the slap he received from N.N. (see timalús).



to accustom, to train, practise, break in. Banggará (-adá) ang ákon toréte nga karabáw sa paggúyud sang karósa. Train my young buffalo to draw the sled. Ibánggad akó ánay siníng kabáyo sa pagbútong sang kalésa. Kindly train for me this horse to pull the rig. Nabánggad na siá siníng pangabúdlay. He is now accustomed to, or practised in, this kind of work. (see ánad, nánas, gálit).



To break or tear off a branch at its juncture with the main stem or tree. Ginbánggì sang mga bátà ang sangá nga iní. This branch was torn off by the children. Dílì nínyo pagbanggián sing sangá iníng káhoy, kay básì maglúmpaw. Don't break off whole branches from this tree; it might wither. Ibánggì akó ánay sináng sangá. Kindly break off that branch for me. (see sánggì id.).



To rub, knead, massage. Ibángrus akó ánay sang ákon likód. Kindly rub my back. (see bánggos).



A mat for a bed, carpet for a floor, etc.; to carpet, use, place, or put down a mat or carpet. Magbaníg ka kon magtúlug ikáw. If you go to sleep, lie on a mat. Banigí ang salúg. Put a mat on the floor. Ibaníg lang iníng hábulsa kátre. Just use this blanket as a mat for the bed. Pagabanigón ko gid iníng mga dáhon sang burí. I am going to make a mat of these buri-palm leaves. Ibaníg akó ánay siníng kátre. Kindly put a mat for me on this bed. Ang isá ka dakû nga báhin sang dálan nabanigán. A great part of the road was covered with mats.



Dim of bántà. Indì ka magbantâbántà kóndì usisáon mo ánay ang matúod. Don't venture a guess, but first find out the truth.



(Sp. baño) Ointment, salve, unguent, leaves, etc. used as a plaster for rubbing in or massaging; massage; to rub in, to massage. Nagbányos akó sang dáhon sang búyò sa kay Fuláno. I rubbed N.N. with búyò-leayes. Ibányos mo iníng mga dáhon sang patáni sa batíis sang masakít nga táo. Rub the calf of the sick man with these leaves of the patáni-peas. Banyosí ang ákon likód. Kindly rub or massage my back. Ibányos akó ánay sang likód sang masakít ko nga bátà. Please massage the back of my sick child. Anó ang ibányos mo? What are you going to use for massaging? Binanyosán nilá ang íya páa sing alkohól. They rubbed his leg with alcohol. Mapabányos akó. I am going to be massaged or to get somebody to rub or massage me. (see háplas, hapúlas, bántil, dapáydápay, bánggos, hílot).



(Sp. barrena) An auger, gimlet, drill, brace and bit; to bore-, drill-, holes with an auger, etc. Barináhi ang tápì. Bore a hole in the plank. Ibarína akó ánay siníng káhoy. Please drill a hole for me in this piece of wood. (see baríno).

básia, basiá


(Sp. vaciar) To empty, pour out. Ibásia ang túbig, ságbot, etc. Pour out the water, empty out the sweepings, etc. Ginbásia níya sa bintánà ang sulúd sang palanggána. He poured the contents of the wash-basin out of the window. Basiahí sing maínit nga túbig ang idô. Pour hot water over the dog. Ibásia akó ánay sang sulúd (unúd) siníng bakág. Kindly empty this basket for me. (see úlà, bóbò, hohô).

básiaw, basiáw


(B) Watery, thin; to thin out, become or make thin or watery, to water. Nagbásiaw ang tínta, gátas, etc. The ink, milk, etc. has become watery. Basiawá ang almidón. Thin the starch. Put more water in the starch. Ibásiaw mo akó ánay siníng linúgaw sa masakít nga bátà. Please make this rice-porridge very thin for the sick child. (see lániaw, lángiaw, lasáw).



To deliberate, think things over, consider. Ginabasó-báso ko kon anó ang himóon ko. I am considering what to do. Basó-basóha ánay ang ímo bubuháton. Deliberate first on your undertaking. (see hunâ-húnà, painóíno).



To pull upwards, to raise, lift, hoist, draw or pull aloft. Batáka ang bálde, ang bayóng, etc. Draw or pull up the pail, the bamboo water-container, etc. Batáki akó sing kawáyan. Pull up a bamboo for me. Ibátak akó ánay siníng sáko. Kindly lift this sack for me. Binatákan nía ang atóp sing sin. They hauled up to the roof some sheets of zinc. Batáki (pabatáki) ang bátà sang íya nga dungán, agúd magáyo. Raise (have raised) the child's tutelary ghost or genius, that it may get well. (This is a superstitious phrase).



Nursing, care; to nurse, rear, bring up, take good care of children, of invalids, of the sick, etc. Batitihá ang bátà sing maáyo. Take great care of the baby. Nurse the baby well. Ibatití akó ánay siníng bátà. Please look after this baby for me. Ginbatití-or-binatití níya sing mabinalák-on ang masakít nga bátà. She nursed the sick baby with great solicitude or concern, (see sapópo, sagúd, tátap, bántay).



Rough, not well made or done, botched, bungled, scamped; to do --, make --, perform --, something-, act-, unseemly, unsightly, in a coarse way, to make merely a rough outline. Baúla lang ánay ang laráwan kag ugáling limpiohón mo. First shape out the statue roughly and then trim it. Bául nga pamánday, panulát, etc. Rough carpentry, careless writing, etc. Bául nga inobrahán inâ. That is (was) rough work, not beautiful or fine work. (see barághal, barúbal, manól, bástos, akúlakúl, dagóldagól).

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