Search result(s) - níya



Stick, bat, piece of wood, etc.; to throw, shy, fling or hurl any lengthy missile, as a stick, log of wood or the like. Ipakóg ang palakóg. Hurl the missile. Pakogá ang báboy sing biníal. Throw a piece of split bamboo at the pig. Gimpakóg níya ang páhò sa káhoy. He shied (hurled) a piece of wood at the mango on the tree. (The augmentative or frequentative form "pamakóg" is more often used than the simple pakóg).

Merely formal, not hearty, not sincere; to do coldly or perfunctorily. Pinadálhan níya kamí sing isá ka pangágda ngga pakuláhaw gid. He sent us a very cold (merely formal) invitation. Pagkádlaw nga pakuláhaw. A cold, forced, not a hearty or natural smile. (see alakápa, pasamústra, matúgnaw, hiláw, dílì, hutúhut).



To stop, halt, bar, debar, block, thwart, preclude, put an end to. Sa hinálì napál-ong ang íya paghámbal. His talk suddenly came to an end. Pal-ongá ang íya paglákat. Bar his progress. Halt him. Bring him to a-halt,-stand,-stop. Ginpál-ong níya ang pagpatíndog ni Fuláno sing baláy dirí. He stopped N.N. from building a house here. (see puút, papuút).



To raise above, raise to a greater height than, make to overtop, make higher than something else; to be haughty, insolent, overbearing. Ginpalabáw níya ang atóp sang kosína sa mayór. He made the roof of the kitchen higher than the main roof. Indì ka magpalabáw sa ibán. Don't esteem yourself above others. Don't look down on others,



Pride, haughtiness, overbearing, insolence; to be proud, haughty, insolent, lofty, arrogant, to take on airs, give oneself airs, be high and mighty, behave oneself in a haughty manner, be supercilious. Indì ka magpalabílábi. Don't be proud. Don't think too much of yourself. Nagpalabílábi siá sa ákon. Ginpalabílabíhan níya akó. He was supercilious to me. He was patronizing me,-condescending to me. He treated me as an inferior. Ang íya pagpadayáw kag pagpalabílábi nakadáldal sa íya sa olíhi sa madámù nga kalakasán nga makahuhúyà. Her vanity and pride led her finally to many shameful excesses. (see labí).

palábi, palabí


To prefer, esteem more, to hold in greater favour, favour, fancy, choose rather, think more of, rather-have,-do, put before, value more highly. Palabíha ang paghigúgma sa Diós sang sa ímo ginikánan. Love God more than your parents. Ginpalábi níya ang páhò sa dúlse. He preferred the mango to the sweetmeat. (pa, labí).



Caus. of lagás-to run after, pursue, etc. Ginpalagás níya ang báboy sa idô. He ordered the pig to be hunted off by the dog. Palágsa (palagasá) ang idô sang báboy. Make the dog chase the pig. Send the dog in pursuit of the pig. Palágsi (Palagasí) si Fuláno sing kabáyo, básì maábut pa siá sa dálan. Send someone on horseback after N.N., perhaps he may still be overtaken on the road.



To run away, run off, escape, flee, retreat, take to flight, make off, turn tail, take to one's heels, beat a retreat, abscond, bolt, decamp, skedaddle, show a light pair of heels. Nagpalágyo siá. He ran away. He fled. Nakapalágyo siá sa bilanggóan. He succeeded in escaping from prison. Ginpalagyohán níya ang íya mapíntas nga agálon. He ran away from his cruel master. Indì kamó magpalágyo súbung sang mga matálaw, kóndì mangatúbang kamó sing matútum sa mga kaáway. Don't retreat (run away) like cowards, but bravely face the enemy. (see lágyo, tál-as).



(H) What is to be fed, a person as a consumer of food; one who is dependent on another for his support. Madámù siá sing mga palakán-on sa íya baláy. He has many mouths at home to feed. Palakán-on níya siá. He is supported by him. He is a dependent of his. (see káon, pakáon).



(H) To let or order to go, etc. Palákta siá sa umá. Order him to go to the field. Ginpalakát níya ang íya sologoón sa Manílà. He ordered his servant to go to Manila. Paláktan mo lang sa íla ang ímo talámnan. Let them walk over your field, (pa, lakát). Also: in wickerweaving: The leaving out of several cross-layers near the top or end, in order to secure an even rim. May palakát sa pagrára, agúd maglíg-on kag magsaláma ang higád (binít). "Leaving-out" is practised in the making of wicker-work, in order that the rim may be firm and even.



To flap or beat the wings, to clap the hands, applaud. Dúro nga pagpalákpak-or-pagpinalákpak sang pagdiskúrso níya. There was much clapping of hands during his discourse. Palakpakí siá. Clap him. Applaud him. (pákpak). (see tokáp).



To meditate, contemplate, turn over in the mind, think over well, consider, ponder, muse upon; have regard or consideration for. Nagapalándong siá sang ginagíhan sang Aton Ginóo. He is meditating on the life of Our Lord. Palandongá sing maáyo ang ginsilíng níya. Think well over what he said.



(H) To approach, approximate, draw nigh or near, come close to, come-, go-, towards, go or come near. Pumalapít ka sa íya. Approach him. Draw near him. Indì ka magpalapít sa ákon. Don't come near me. Papalapitá si Hosé sa ákon. Make José come near me. Palapití si Hosé. Go near José. Pinalapitán akó níya. He came near me. He approached me. Ipapalapít mo sa ákon ang síya. Place the chair near me. Put the chair nearer me. (pa, lapít; papalapít is the Caus. of palapít).

palásik, palasík


To put away secretly or fraudulently, to hide-, conceal-, transfer to someone else-, part of one's lands or assets in order to avoid payment of taxes, sequestration, or the like. Sang pagembárgo sang íya nga pagkabutáng ginpalasík níya ang ibán nga mga pinunâ sang íya dútà. When his property was sequestrated he managed to have some parcels of his land transferred to someone else. Kon masápwan ikáw nga nagpalasík ikáw sang amó nga palangúmhan pagasilótan ka sing dakû. If it is found out that you have transferred that farm to someone else, you will be severely punished.



To smear over, to plaster, to put on or spread (an ointment, glue, or the like). Palhití ang pagkítan sing kóla. Put glue on the paper. Pinalhitán mo ang búyò sing lakás nga ápog. You have smeared the búyò-leaf with too much lime. Ginpálhit níya ang lúnang sa guyá sang bátà. He besmeared the child's face with mud. Ipálhit mo ang mantekílya sa tinápay. Spread the butter on the bread. Butter the bread. Spread the bread with butter. (see háplas, hídhid, bádlis).



To let or make kneel down, or genuflect, make one go down on his knees or bend the knee. Palúdha ang bátà. Make the child kneel down. Ginpaluhúd níya kamí. He made us kneel down. Sín-o balá ang pagapalúdhon níya sa íya pagpakasál? Whom will he ask to be his witness when he marries? (see luhúd).



To let or make-jump,-leap,-spring,-bound. Palumpatá lang siá. Just let (make) him jump. Ginpalúmpat níya ang kabáyo sang kodál. He made the horse take the fence. He put (jumped, leapt) the horse over the fence. (see lúmpat).



To slip out, glide or slide off, free oneself from a grip, etc.; to escape, disentangle oneself. Nakapalús ang ísdà sa ákon kamót. The fish slipped out of my hand. Napalusán ang íya kamót sang isulúlat. The pen slipped from his hand. Palusí ang maís sang íya pánit. Husk the corn. Daw sa índì na siá makapalús sa mapíot níya nga kahimtángan. He will scarcely be able to get out of (escape from) his difficult (tight) position. (see pádlus).



(B) To make known, advise, inform, let know, acquaint with, impart to, apprize, give notice, bring-, send-, leave-, word. Pamán-i siá. Inform him. Ipamáan mo sa íya nga--. Give him notice that--. Pinamán-an níya kamí sang nahanabô dídto. He has sent us word of what has happened there. He informed us of the happenings there. (see máan, pahibaló, pasáyod).



To make dear, overcharge, sell at a high (extravagant) price, ask (exorbitantly) much, raise-, put up-, boost-, the price. Pamahalá ang tubâ. Raise the price of tubâ. Ginpamahál níya ang mga kólon sing taglimá ka dakû. He put five centavos more on-, he put up (boosted) the price of-, each earthen rice-pot (by five centavos).

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