Search result(s) - ulán



Covered with feathers or fine, soft hairs, downy; feathery.



March, the month of March. (see márso).



A kind of small fish, also called dánglay (when very small) and dalupanî (when full-grown).



An earthenware plate, plate-, dish-, lid for covering pots and pans-, made of pottery.



To dig up, excavate, unearth, mine. Iníng lugár ginadulangán sing buláwan. Gold is being mined in this place. Duláng ka sang-, dulangá ang-, manggad nga nagakatulúg sa idálum sang dútà. Dig up the wealth hidden (Literally: that is sleeping) below the soil.

Mine. Dulangán sang bulawán, dulangán-buláwan. A Gold-mine. Dulangán-karbón-a coal-mine. (see mína, minahán).



(H) Ore, minerals to be mined, the output of a mine; industrial output (in general). (see duláng, palatúbson).



A log, a large piece of fire-wood.

dúngul, dungulán


See dúngkul, dungkulán-a log, etc.



(B) To shout, scream, yell. Gulangí siá. Shout to him. (see gául, gúal, gáuy, turayáw, sínggit, pagaás, pugaás).



(H) Old, ripe, ready to be plucked or harvested; to be or become old or ripe, ripen, mature. Gúlang na ang humáy mo; aníha (ánya) na lang. Your rice is ripe; harvest or reap it. Naggúlang na iníng mga ságing, búsà túb-on mo kag ibalígyà. These bananas are ripe now; therefore cut them and sell them. Indì mo ánay pagpopóon iníng mga páhò, kóndì pagulánga gid. Don't pick these mangoes yet, but let them ripen well. Pagulángi akó sing tátlo ka bílog nga talóng, kay binhión ko. Let three egg-plants mature for me, as I wish to use them for seed. (see lútò, tigúlang).



To finish, take away or off (a loom or the like). Abána ang ákon háblon sa madalî nga saráng mahímò. Get my cloth off the loom as soon as possible. Ginában sang subâ ang ámon dútà. The river has washed away our land. Abánon mo na ang íya nga balayoón, kay nagtú-gon siá nga, kon maában na, ipadalá sa íya sa waláy lídan. Finish the cloth for making dresses, for she ordered it to be sent to her at once, when it was ready. Abáni akó sing duhá ka patádyong. Get me off the loom two native skirts, i. e. cloth sufficient for two such skirts called patádyong. Dílì makaában ang subâ siníng umá, kay may pángpang nga dínglì. The river cannot carry (wash) away this farm-land, for its bank is of hard sandstone. Naában na ang tátlo ka búlan sa napúlò nga inogbulúthù níya sa koléhyo. Three months have gone by already of the ten he has to study at college. Ginában níya ang dakû níya nga mánggad sa mga kalingáwlingáwan kag waláy pulús nga mga kahinguyángan. He spent his great wealth on diversions and useless extravagance. (see hingápus, hingapús, kúhà, búhin, áb-ab, etc.).



To take within range or sweep (of fire, etc.). Sang pagkasúnug sang baláy ni Fuláno naábang man ang ámon baláy. When N.N.'s house burned down, our house also was involved. Kon may súnug nga malapít sa plása, may katalágman nga abángon man sang kaláyo ang simbáhan. If a fire breaks out near the public square, there is danger that the church may also come within its destructive range. (see ánas, úmid).



(Sp. aviso) Notice, information; to give notice, to send word, to notify, to inform. Abíso! Notice! Attention! Abisóhi siá sang kamatáyon ni Fuláno. Inform him that N.N. is dead. Paabisóhan mo siá sang pagabút dirí sang íya amáy or ipaabíso mo sa íya nga nagabút dirí ang íya amáy. Send him word (through somebody else) of the arrival here of his father or that his father has arrived here. (see balítà, pahibaló, pasáyod, paálam, paáman, paándam, pamáan, etc.).



(B) Affability, friendliness; sociability; to be or become affable; friendly, sociable. Nagáblaw siá karón. He has become affable or sociable now. Naablawán akó sa íya. He seems to me to be very friendly. Ipakilála ko sa ímo si Fuláno, kay sa waláy duhádúha paga-*ablawán ka gid sa íya. I will introduce N.N. to you, for without doubt you will find him very sociable, agreeable, affable. (see búgno, mabinugnóhon, kaáblaw, kaabláwan, mainabláwon, etc.).



Anger, exasperation; to be or get angry, exasperated, excited. May abóngho or nagaabóngho si Fuláno. N. N. is angry.



(Sp. abrir, gana) Stimulant, appetizer, hors d'oeuvre, anything taken before a meal to whet the appetite.



(Sp. abuela) Grandmother. (see úlang, úyang, úway, bayí).



(Sp. abuelo) Grandfather. (see úlang, úyong, lakí).



To put one's arms on or round another's shoulder. Nagalakát silá nga nagaagbayánay. They are walking with their arms round each other's shoulders. Agbayí siá. Place your arm on his shoulder. Indì ka magágbay sa íya. Don't put your arm on his or her shoulder. Paagbayón mo ang masakít. Let the sick person put his arm on your shoulder. Sa dakû nga kakáhas nagágbay siá sa kay Fulána, apang dáyon siá níya sinúmbag kag siníkway. With great boldness he put his arm on Miss N.N.'s shoulder, but immediately he received a slap from her and was repulsed with contempt.

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