Search result(s) - ágsap



To chip-, trim-, dress-, hew-, wood by cutting or splitting off small pieces. Agsapí ang káhoy. Dress the wood by chipping. Inágsap nga káhoy. A chip-, splinter-, of wood. Ang mga inágsap sang kawáyan ginapaámak sa kaláyo. Bamboo-trimmings are useful for lightning or kindling a fire. Iágsap akó ánay siníng káhoy. Please trim this piece of wood for me. Nagtínlò na ang inagsapán nga halígi. The post that was trimmed has become smooth. Paagsapá ang pánday siníng halígi. Let the carpenter trim this post. (see sápsap).



A chip, splinter, small piece. (see ágsap).



A chip, splinter, small piece. (see ágsap).



Ah, Oh, Well, Why. A, amó gid inâ. Ah, that is it, certainly. A, ikáw galî ang nagabút. Oh, it is you, that have come. A, bayái (pabayái) lang ang mga bátà dirâ. Well, leave the children there alone. A, pagkaláut sang ákon kapaláran! Oh, how unfortunate I am! A, indì ka magsapák sinâ. Why, don't take any notice of it. (see ah).



To fly off, scatter, spray, splash, bespatter. Sang pagbí-al ko sang káhoy ang mga inágsap nagágsik sa malayô. When I split the wood, the chips flew to a distance. Naagsikán akó sang lúnang. I got bespattered with mud. Indì ka magpalapít dirâ, kay básì maagsikán ka sing binílbig nga bató. Don't go near there, for you may be hit by a flying piece of stone. Paagsiká ang bató. Let the stone-chips fly. (see ásang, ásik, ápok, lásik).



To fly or jump off as a chip of wood, stone, etc. Naapókan akó sang napíngas nga bató. I was struck by a flying piece of stone. Diótay lang akó apókan sang bató. The flying stone nearly hit me. Nagápok ang inágsap nga káhoy sa malayô. The chip of wood flew far. Inápok ang napíngas nga bató. The chip of stone was sent flying off. Inapókan siá sang isá ka báhin sang rekamará nga naglupók. He was hit by a piece of the mortar that burst. (see ásik, ágsik, ásang, ályas).



Coarse, rough, not fine, not well made or done. Barághal nga pagrára, paghabúl, pagsapíyo, pagtahî, etc. Rough or coarse wickerwork, weaving, planing, sewing, etc. Also used as a verb. Ginbarághal mo ang pagbúhat siníng lamésa. You made a rough job of this table. (see barúbal, bástos, bá-ul, patarásak, burághal, etc.).



To draw or pull out; to pretend to extract an alleged splinter, stone, etc. from a person's body in superstitious practices. Ang babáylan, konó, nagbótbot sing bató, inágsap, biníklan, etc. sa batíis ni Fuláno. The wizard, it is said, took out a stone, chip, splinter, etc. from the calf of N.N.'s leg. Ginbotbotán or binotbotán sang babáylan ang masakít nga bátà sing tátlo ka bató. The wizard removed three stones from the sick boy's body.



To cast-, throw-, heap-, put-, on the fire. Idáp-ung na lang sa kaláyo iníng gabúk nga káhoy. Throw this rotten wood on the fire. Dap-ungí ang kaláyo siníng mga inágsap. Feed the fire with these chips. Cast these chips on the fire.



Wicked, villainous, rascally, mean, shameless; a scoundrel, villain, rascal, a man without honour or virtue, a base wretch; to be or become villainous, etc. Naglampingásan na ang madámù nga mga táo, kay walâ silá pagtóo kag walâ pagsapák sang mga sógò sang Díos. Many men have become very wicked, because they have no faith and pay no heed to God's commandments. (see banyágà, tampalásan, waláy, huyâ, etc.).



To be propelled, fly or jump off, scatter with some force, as flying chips or the like. Nalasíkan akó sing inágsap sang pagbíal níya sing káhoy. I was hit by a flying splinter when he was splitting wood. (see lágsik, ásik, ásang, ágsik).



Admonition, exhortation, sermon, counsel, advice; to admonish, advise, exhort, enjoin, preach, counsel. Laygayí siá. Exhort or admonish him. Iláygay sa íla ang mga sógò sang Diós. Explain to them and exhort them to observe the commandments of God. Instruct them in the divine precepts. Nakabatî ikáw sang láygay sang Párì? Did you hear the priest's sermon? Indì siá magpaláygay. He will not listen to advice. Ginláygay ko inâ sa íya sing masúnsun, ápang walá siá magsapák sang ákon nga láygay. I often advised him to that effect, but he would not listen to my advice. (see túdlò, panúgyan, badlong, sáysay, etc.).



To fly, jump off to a distance (like pieces of stone or chips of wood, etc.). Naglisík ang inágsap sang káhoy sa malayô. The chips of wood flew off to a distance. Nalisikán (nalískan) akó sang inágsap sang bató. I was struck by a flying piece of stone. Malayô ang íya nalískan. He quickly moved away, swiftly stepped aside, scampered off to a safe distance. (see ásik, lásik, ágsik, ásang, ályas).



To splash, cause to splash or fly off. Paasíka ang túbig. Make the water splash, spatter. Paasíki siá sing inágsap, bató, etc. Send the splinters, stone-chips, etc. flying in his direction. (pa, ásik).



See pabánok id. (see hípus, pabungúlbúngul, waláy, pagsapák).



To go against the grain of, to do something in spite of opposition or danger. Ginsalómo níya ang súpat sang káhoy sa pagsapíyo. He planed the wood against the grain. Salomóha lang ang mga bála, kay kon maáyo ang kapaláran mo maluás man ikáw gihápon. Simply defy the bullets-or-go in the direction from which the bullets come, for, if you are lucky (if the fates are kind, if such is your destiny, if the fates have so decreed), you will escape anyhow. (sarómo id.).

sapák, sápak


To mind, pay attention to, take notice of, regard, treat with respect. Walâ níya pagsapaká (pagsapáka) ang maáyo nga lináygay sang íya mga ginikánan. He paid no attention to-, took no notice of-, disregarded-, the good counsel of his parents.



To take care of, nurture, nourish, rear, bring up, attend to all one's wants. Sapopóha siá sing maáyo. Take good care of him. Sang nawád-an siá sang íya ilóy, ang íya nga tíyà amó ang nagsapópo sa íya. When she was bereft of her mother, her aunt took care of her (brought her up). (see sagúd, sagúp).



To arrive, come to, come home. Walâ pa magsapút ang mga bátà. The children have not come home yet. Nagsalapút na silá. They have come now. Pasaputá (pasápta) siá. Order him to go home. Give him shelter. Lodge him in your house. (see sámput, abút).



(B) To be or become densely overgrown with shrubs, long grasses, etc. Nagsiók ang líbut sang dáan nga simbáhan, kay walâ sing nagsapák sa sulúd sang pilá na ka túig. The ground around the old church has become thickly overgrown with shrubs, etc., because no one has taken care of it for a number of years. Also noun. Density (of vegetation); a thicket, jungle, trees, shrubs, long grass, vines, etc. thickly set. (see síot).