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To hold fast to, cling to, hang on to, grasp (as children the skirt of their mother or the like). Ang bátà nagadápiot sa patádyong sang íya ilóy-or-ginadapiotán sang bátà ang patádyong sang íya ilóy. The child is holding fast to its mother's skirt. (see kápyot, kapút, úyat).



To invite, call to, request one's presence or company; to lead by the hand, guide, help along a road or the like. Dapíta siá. Invite him. Dapíti ang kalasálon sang isá ka bánda nga músika. Engage a band for the marriage-feast. Idápit akó ánay sa íya. Please invite him for me or in my name. Sa tanán nga mga dinápit diótay lámang ang mga nagtalámbong. Of all those that were invited only a few attended. Dinapítan níla ang íla pándut sing madámù nga mga Párì. They invited many priests to assist at their feast. Gindápit níya ang bátà. He led the baby or child by the hand. Dapíta iníng tigúlang nga táo sa íya paglakát sa dálan. Help this old man along the road. Guide-, lead-, support-him on his way along the road. (see ágda, kángay, hágad).



To lie-, lean-, sit-, on another as children on the hip or on the lap of their mothers. Ang bátà nagadáplay sa dúghan sang íya ilóy. The baby is lying on the breast of its mother. Ginadaplayán sang bátà ang íya ilóy. The child sits astride on its mother's hip. Daplayí siá. Rest at his side.



(B) Smell, odour, scent, emanation, exhalation, fume, redolence; to give out or emit an odour, to smell, be redolent, etc. Iníng bíno may dapóg nga gas. This wine smells of petroleum. Iníng bíno tínto nagadapóg sing tandúay. This red table-wine has a smell of tandúay. Ang dapóg siníng mga bátà dáw kánding. These children smell like goats. Nakadapóg akó sang pagsánlag sang kapé. I smelled the roasting of coffee. Nadápgan ko ang áhos nga ímo kináon. I smelt the garlic you had eaten. (see báhò, panimáhò, sínghot, panínghot).



(B) To join, unite, associate with, to lay-, put-, lump,-hang-, clap-, together. Idápon mo ang ákon báka sa ímo nga karabáw sa pagpahálab. Take my cow along with your buffalo to the pasture. Dápni (dapóni) ang íya bugás sang ímo, kay íya tig-angón sa panyága. Put your rice with his, for he is going to boil it for dinner. Dinapónan kitá níla sa áton kalípay. They joined us in our merriment. Indì mo pagpadapónan ang ímo bátà sing kaupdánan nga maláut. Don't permit your child to associate with bad companions. (see ímpon, símpon, tingúb, dápò).



(B) See dalâ;-to fester, etc. Nagadarâ ang talínga sang bátà, kay natohógan sang arítos. The child's ear is festering on account of the ear-ring hung from it.



Naughty, restless, ill-mannered, mischievous, troublesome, misbehaving, always ready for mischief and never quiet; to be naughty, etc. Nagadarándarán gid iníng mga bátà. These children are very mischievous, naughty, noisy, troublesome or the like. Indì akó nínyo pagdarándaranán. Don't disturb me with your noise or mischief. Darándarán nga bátà. A lively, restless, troublesome child. (see harásharás, dingkalogán, diwal-ógan, karandagán).



(B) To scream, shout, yell, howl (as children). Ang bátà nagadátay. The baby is screaming. Indì mo pagpadatáyon ang bátà. Don't make the baby scream. (The form datáydátay is more in use).



To obtain, receive. Nagpaúlì na ang bátà, kay nakadatíng sing tinápay. The boy went home after receiving some bread. (see báton).



To walk or stroll about, promenade, saunter; to take out for a walk, give an airing to. Nagadayán siá sa plása. He is taking a stroll in (on) the public square. Ginadayán sang ilóy ang íya bátà, kay nagahibî. The mother is taking the baby out for a walk, for an airing, because it is crying. (see lágaw).



To form-, follow-, keep-, in line, stand-in a row,-in file,-in rank, walk in Indian file. Nagadáyday ang mga táo sa prosesyón. The people in the procession are keeping in line. Daydayá ang mga bátà. Draw up the children in line. Daydayí ang binít sang dálan sang mga eskwéla. Make the school-children stand in a row at the side of the road. Padaydayá ang mga bátà. Make the children form in line. (see ídas, andána, kóro).



Continuous, permanent, lasting, perpetual, eternal, at all times, evermore, constantly, always, everlastingly; to continue, go on with, last, stay for some time, lodge, sojourn, visit or call upon for an extended period, spend some time. Dáyon ang kabúhì sang kalág, umalági ang íya sang láwas. The life of the soul is eternal, that of the body transitory. Sa dáyon nga ínit nagláyà ang madámù nga mga tanúm. On account of the long drought many plants withered. Dayóna ang ímo pagbása, paglakát, hámbal, etc. Go on with your reading, your march, your speech, etc. Magdáyon ka dirí sa ámon. Stay here with us for a time. Diín ang ginadayónan mo? Where are you staying? Kon magsakáy ka pa Manílà saráng mo madayónan dídto ang ákon tíò. When you go to Manila, you can stay at my uncle's there. Dáyon gid lang ang paghibî siníng bátà. This baby is always crying.



(Sp. de largo) Long trousers, pantaloons, pants, breeches, small-clothes; to wear trousers, etc. Nagadelárgo na iníng bátà. This boy is wearing long trousers already. Kon magbáklay ka sa bakólod índì ka magdelárgo, kóndì magpuróy ka lang. If you go over the hill, don't wear long trousers, but knee-breeches, knickerbockers, shorts. (see sárwal, pantelón, puróy).



To bathe, wash, lave, give a bath to, wash by pouring water over the body. Digósa ang bátà, báboy, etc. Give the baby, the pig, etc. a bath. Digósi iníng pasungán sang idô. Wash the dog in this trough. Idígos akó ánay sang ákon báboy. Please wash the pig for me. (see lígos, rígos, lígò).



To push, jostle, shove, etc. See dás-og id. Nagadis-ogánay ang mga bátà sa bánkò. The boys are jostling each other on the bench. (Dis-ogí, idís-og-das-ogí, idás-og).



(Sp. espantar) To scare, frighten, daunt, terrify, intimidate; to chastise, beat. Gindispánta níya ang íya bátà, kay támà kasutíl. She gave her boy a thrashing, because he was very naughty.



To nudge, touch slightly, stroke, play with as in flirting or the like. Indì kamó magdógsing. Don't nudge each other. Ang mga bátà nagadógsing. The children are nudging each other in play. (see káblit, kolokáblit, kúhit).



To show signs of life, move or push against the sides of the womb, applied to embryoes. Nagadokóldókol ang bátà sa tiyán sang íya ilóy. The child is moving in the womb of its mother.



Turned-up (of eyes); to have turned-up eyes. Nagadorós ang íya mga matá or dorós siá sing matá. His eyes are turned up, have an upward squint. Nagadorós ang matá sang bátà nga ginaabút sang masoswélo. A child in a convulsive fit turns up its eyes.



(B) To develop beautifully, grow handsome, become lovelier,-better. Nagaduás na ang bátà, kay nagdakû. The child is growing beautiful and tall. (see dálig, tahúm, mahî, hingánhingán, ayóáyo).

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