Search result(s) - hángin



Wind, air, draught, breeze, squall, puff, gust (of wind); atmosphere, climate; to be windy, etc. May hángin or nagahángin. The wind is blowing. It is windy. Ginhangínan kamí sing mabáskug sang pagbáklay námon sang búkid. We encountered a strong wind, when we crossed the mountain. Pahangíni ang humáy. Winnow the rice. Magpaliwálíwa ka sa laín nga hángin. Spend your holiday in a different climate,-in different surroundings. (see unús, dulús, bágyo, buháwi, mádlus, dupóydúpoy).



(B) Shawl, covering for the shoulders and back; to use or wear a shawl. Tan-awá yanáng babáye nga nagaabláy. Look at that woman wearing a shawl. Pagaablayón ko gid iníng bunáng. I will certainly work this yarn up into a shawl. Iabláy lang iníng hábul, kay mátugnaw. Just use this blanket as a shawl, for it is cold. Ablayí ang bátà, agúd indì mapás-* mo sa matúgnaw nga hángin. Put a shawl around the child, lest it should catch a cold in the chilly air. Paablayí silá. Provide them with shawls. Put some shawls at their disposal, (see abrígo, kúnop).



On the windward side, not under the lee, open or exposed to the wind; to be or become exposed to the wind, etc. Ang ákon hulút ábong sa amíhan. My room is open to the north wind. Ginaabóngan sang habágat ang ámon kalán-an. Our refectory or dining-room is exposed to the south wind. Sádto ánay nalípdan sang kawáyan ang ákon kwárto, ápang karón, kay natapás na ang kawáyan, nagábong sa hángin. Formerly my room was sheltered behind bamboos, but now that the bamboos are cut down, it has become exposed to the wind, (see ámbi-open to the rain; abansáda).



The rising of clouds of dust, the splashing or spraying of water and the like; to rise (of dust), to splash, spray (of water, etc.). Ang yáb-ok nagaalintabó sa hángin. The dust is rising in clouds on account of the wind. Ginapaalintabó ang yáb-ok sang hángin. The wind raises the dust in clouds. Paalintabohá ang túbig sa línaw. Make the water splash in the quiet pool. Ang túbig magaalintabó kon balángan mo sing bató nga dakû. Water will splash, if you throw a big stone into it. Natabónan ang ámon mga panápton sang yáb-ok, kay naalintabohán kamí bangúd sang mamádlus nga hángin. Our clothes got covered with dust, because it rose in clouds around us due to the strong wind. Abi, ipaalintabó akó sang túbig, kay malúyag akó magtán-aw. Well, cause the water to splash, for I should like to see it.



Open or exposed to the rain; to enter, come through, said of rain being driven in by the wind through an open door or window or the like. Nagaámbi ang ulán. The rain is coming in. Ang ámon kalán-an ginaambihán sang ulán. The rain is coming into our dining room. Ang ákon kwárto ámbi sa ulán. My room is exposed to the rain. Kon mamádlus ang hángin maambihán ka dirí sang ulán. If the wind is strong the rain will drive in here where you are. (see ábong-open to the wind).



Favour, sympathy, support, help, partnership; supporter, sympathizer, helper; to take sides with, to help or support. Walâ siá sing ámpin. He has no-one to support him, or he has no-one to back him up. Kon walâ ka sing ámpin índì ka makadaúg. If you have no help you cannot win. Iníng pányo ilámpin ko sa bátà nga bílang iámpin sa hángin. I'll wrap the child up in this cloth as a protection against the wind. Ampiní siá. Support him. Back him up. Itípyok ko ang tanán ko nga mga ginsakúpan nga ipaámpin ko sa ímo. I will hand over all my followers to your support. Sín-o ang nagámpin sa íya? Who gave him a backing? (see ápin).



(Sp. atmósfera) Atmosphere, air. (see hángin).



(Sp. avanzada) Exposed to the wind, etc. Índì mo pagabrihán ang bintánà, kay bansáda sa hángin. Don't open the window, for the wind will blow in. (see ábong, abansáda).



Strong, fierce, violent, tempestuous; to blow fiercely, etc. (of wind). Baróngbaróng or nagabaróngbaróng ang hángin. The wind blows fiercely. (see mádlus).



To blow or puff up or out, to inflate. Ang hángin nagabórong sang hábul, láyag, etc. The wind inflates the blanket, fills the sail, etc. Ang hábul, láyag, etc. ginabórong (ginaboróngan) sang hángin. The blanket, sail, etc. is being puffed out by the wind. (see baróngbaróng).



Cold, chill, chilliness, coolness; frigidity, freshness; to be or become cool, fresh, frigid, chilly, keen, bleak, raw, nipping, piercing, bitter, biting, cutting, chill. Ang túbig nagbúgnaw sa bangâ. The water has cooled in the water-jar. Ginpabúgnaw níla sa hángin ang túbig nga inínit. They cooled the hot water in the fresh air. Ipabúgnaw mo akó siníng kapé, kay índì akó kaúyon sang kapé nga lakás kaínit. Kindly cool this coffee for me, for I do not like coffee that is too hot. Nabugnawán akó siníng hángin. This wind is quite refreshing. I feel (comfortably) fresh in this wind. Nagabúgnaw na ang íya gúgma. His love is growing cold. (see túgnaw, lamíg, ramíg, yamíg).



Gentle, tender, soft, warm (of wind or the like). Hángin nga dagínit. A gentle breeze. Also: A sharp, harsh, grating sound; to crack, creak. (see ragínit).



To blow or beat upon with full force, drive against without obstruction, said of wind. Ang hángin nagadánggas sang baláy. The wind strikes the house with full force. Ang ámon kamálig sa umá ginadanggasán sang hángin. Our field-hut is being buffeted by the wind. (see ábong).



To waft, bear-, carry-, along (of wind). Ang hángin nagadápia sang kahumút sang mga búlak sa ámon baláy. The wind wafts the fragrance of the flowers to our house. (dápya id.).



To attract, draw, induce, win, win over, propitiate, conciliate, gain over, attach to, entice, allure, charm, fascinate, captivate, cause a liking for, coax, wheedle, cajole, Nadimát na siá sang káon sang tinápay. He has now a liking for eating bread. He has taken to eating bread. Ginpadimát níya ang idô ni Fuláno sa pagkarí dirí. He enticed N.N.'s dog to come here. Iníng bungálon ipadimát ko sa karabáw nga bág-o pa lang nákon mabakál. I am going to win the attachment of the buffalo I bought lately with this green fodder. Padimatá gid ang kuríng, agúd índì na magbálik sa íya nga ginhalinán. Make it worth while for the cat to stay with you, lest it should return whence it came-or-lest it should go back to where it came from. Makapadimát gid sa íya dirá ang maáyo nga hángin. The good air there will please (conciliate) him. Nadimát siá sang báile, sang sakáy sa áwto, etc. He likes to dance, to travel by automobile, etc. (see amág, ílà, íma, lúyag, úyon, wíli, yánggaw).



Gust, blast, squall, gale, strong-, stiff-, breeze; blowing strongly, etc. (of wind); to blow strongly. Nagadulús ang hángin. It is blowing a gale. Gindulusán kamí sang hángin sa sakayán. We had a stiff breeze while we were on the boat. (see mádlus, unús).



A slight breeze, light wind; to blow softly (of wind). Nagadupúydúpuy ang hángin. The wind is blowing softly. Gindupúydupuyán kamí sáng hángin sa báybay. On the shore we were fanned by a gentle breeze.



(Sp.) Favour, kindness; to oblige, favour, do a favour. Nagfavór siá sa ákon. He did me a favour. Favór ang hángin. The wind is favourable.



A breaking by-doubling up,-bending,-folding; to break by bending, etc. Gingápì sang hángin ang humáy. The rice was bent and broken by the wind. Gapía ang amákan. Break the bamboo mat by doubling it up. Gapíi akó siníng baníslak. Break this piece of split bamboo for me. Kon may bágyo madámù nga mga támbò nga lawásan ang magápì. If there is a storm many tall bamboo shoots will be bent and broken. (see bálì, gípik).



The howling, noisy blowing of wind; to blow, howl, whistle, shriek, scream, screech (of wind). May hagúnus sang hángin nga ginapamatián ko. I hear the howling of the wind. Nagahagúnus ang hángin. The wind is blowing strongly. (see unús, mádlus).

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