Broken, interrupted, with interruptions, faltering; to break, be broken, falter. Sa utúdutúd (nagakautúdutúd) nga tíngug (pangatingúg)-with a broken or faltering voice. Pagpahimúynga (Pagpahimuyúnga) na lang ang ímo bátà kon amó inâ nga utúdutúd man lang ang íya pangeskwéla. You had better keep your boy at home, if he goes to school only by fits and starts. Kon amó inâ nga utúdutúd ang íya pangóbra índì ka sa íya magsóhol sing inádlaw, kóndì sa tágsa ka galamitón nga íya mahumán. If he so often stops in his work, don't pay him daily wages, but pay him by the piece. (see utúngutúng).
To be a long time, last a long time, remain or stay long. Ngaá nga nagútus ka dídto? Why did you stay there long? Indì mo ánay pagdugúson ang mga páhò, kóndì pautúsan mo gid, kay báklon ko sa ímo sing mahál. Don't pluck the mangoes yet, but let them remain on the tree for a long time still (till they are thoroughly ripe) and I shall pay you a good price for them.
To be a long time, last a long time, remain or stay long. Ngaá nga nagútus ka dídto? Why did you stay there long? Indì mo ánay pagdugúson ang mga páhò, kóndì pautúsan mo gid, kay báklon ko sa ímo sing mahál. Don't pluck the mangoes yet, but let them remain on the tree for a long time still (till they are thoroughly ripe) and I shall pay you a good price for them.
Plentiful; to be plentiful, abound, be many. Kon magúya ang ámon kadiós (Kon uyáhon ang ámon kadiós, kon uyáhan kamí sang (sing) kadiós), hatágan ko gid si Fuláno sing isá ka tabungós. If there are (If we have) plenty of cadios-peas I shall certainly give N.N. a basketful. (see óya).
Plentiful; to be plentiful, abound, be many. Kon magúya ang ámon kadiós (Kon uyáhon ang ámon kadiós, kon uyáhan kamí sang (sing) kadiós), hatágan ko gid si Fuláno sing isá ka tabungós. If there are (If we have) plenty of cadios-peas I shall certainly give N.N. a basketful. (see óya).
For walâ sing-there is none, etc. Waáy akó kwárta. I have no money. Waáy síngsing dirí. There is no ring here. Waáy táo sa baláy. Nobody is at home. There is no one in the house. Wa'áy sáma (sánglit, súbung, ikaduhá, ángay, etc.). There is no equal (peer, compeer, second, comparable to, etc.). It is unexampled, peerless, unprecedented, unparalleled, extraordinary, incomparable, matchless, or the like.
To scatter, strew, spread, throw about, sow; to waste, squander (money, etc.); to destroy, demolish, undo, unmake, break down, break in pieces. Iwágwag (iwás-ag, isábwag) ang mga búlak sa salúg. Scatter the flowers on the floor. Ginwagwagán (ginsabwagán, ginwás-agán) níla ang alágyan sang prosesyón sing madámù nga búlak. They scattered many flowers on the road over which the procession passed. Ginwágwag gid lang níya ang íya pílak. He wasted (squandered) his money. Ginwágwag níla ang pántaw, kay buút níla ilísan sing bág-o. They broke down the kitchen-balcony, because they want to replace it by a new one. Nawágwag ang putús sang ulúnan kag nagguluwâ ang dúldul. The pillow-case broke (burst) open and the kapok-cotton came out. (see wás-ag, sábwag, sáb-og, wágak, údhà, buhahâ, gubâ, busáag).
No, not, none, no one, not any, nothing; there is not, does not exist, there has not been (existed); to be not, have not, be a nonentity, to lack, be deprived of, be not there, to disappear, be gone. Nagkádto ka dídto?-Walâ (akó magkádto). Did you go (Have you been) there?-No, I did not go (I have no been there). Walâ siá pagsugál. He does not gamble. He never gambles. Walâ siá magsugál kahápon. He has not been gambling yesterday. Walâ siá magasugál. He is not gambling (just at present. May kwárta ikáw?-Walâ. Have you (any) money?-No, I have not (none). Walâ kamí sing humáy. We have no rice. Walâ siá dirí. He is not here. Walâ akó gánì sinâ makasáyod. I really did not know it (that). Walâ níya pagtumána (pagatumána) ang sógò. Walâ siá magtúman (magatúman) sang sógò. He did not fulfil (is not fulfilling) the order or precept. He was (is) disobedient. Walâ siá magatoón sa karón nga túig. He is not studying (schooling) this year. Náno na lang ang ímo sinâ sa íla pagdakúp, kon walâ ka sing hinangíban? How can you catch (arrest) them unarmed (without arms, unless you have arms)? Sa walâ sing kon anó--. Without any apparent reason--. Suddenly--. Without much ado (fuss)--. Walâ sing anó man. Don't mention it. It is very little (nothing). Sa walâ gid madúgay umabút siá. It did not last long before he arrived. Sa walâ sing balíbad (lídan). Without excuse (fail). Ginakawalaán (Ginakawád-an, ginakawár-an) silá konkaisá sing pagkáon. At times they have nothing to eat (are lacking, are deprived of, food). (see waáy, waláy, wáy, warâ, warát, warâ, ti, dî, dílì, índì, bokón, kinawalâ).
Left, the left hand. Sa walá. To the left. On the left hand. At the left side. Walá siá sing panglabô, pangáon, etc. He cuts, eats, etc. with the left hand. Walá ang ayón mo ukón ang toó? Are you left-handed or right-handed?
(B) There is none, does not exist, etc. See walâ sing.
(B) There is none, does not exist, etc. See walâ sing.
To lose, drop (something inadvertently); to disappear, get lost, fall down (out). Usisáa sing maáyo ang pinutús mo, kay básì nawasí ang kahón nga tabákò. Examine your parcel well, for maybe the box of cigars has been lost. Amligí ang sensílyo, agúd dílì mawasí ang ibán. Take good care of the change (coins), so that none may be lost. (see wígit, dúlà, dágdag).
To strike backwards with a stick, a whip, etc.; to throw or push back, turn back. Ginwaslikán akó níya sang íya látigo. He struck back at me with his whip. Iwáslik sa idô ang bastón. Strike the dog behind you with your stick. Waslikí siá sing lúnang (lalaó). Throw some mud at him from behind. (see wáklì, walís, wáhig, lábtik).
Contr. of waáy, wa'áy equivalent to walâ sing. Wáy kapuslánan inâ. That is of no use. That is no good. Wáy sáyod inâ. That's nonsense.
(B) Worth something, useful, of use, profitable, advantageous, serviceable; to be worth something, be useful, etc. Panigputá nínyo ang mga búnga kang kamúnsil ta; yádì pa riá bisán ibakál ta lang ti gas (ang bilí (báyad) na). (Sigputá nínyo ang mga búnga sang áton kamúnsil; yáwat pa inâ bisán ibakál lang náton sing gas (ang íya bilí (báyad). Gather together all our kamúnsil-fruit (pods); they are-useful,-of use,-worth something, even if only sufficient to buy a little kerosene (with the proceeds from their sale). (see yáwat, pangunyádì).
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