Search result(s) - kabúhì



Life, living, living conditions; to live. (see kabúhì, búhì, buhî).



To make sure, assure, insure; assurance, insurance. Pasigúro sang kabúhì. Life-insurance. Nagpasigúro siá sang íya baláy. He insured his house. Ipasigúro ang ímo tiénda. Insure your shop. Pasiguróha ang pánday kon sán-o siá magasúgud sa pagpatíndog (magpatíndog) sang baláy. Get the carpenter to say definitely when he will commence (start, begin) building the house. Saráng akó makapasigúro sa ímo nga--. I can assure you that--. (see segúro, pamatúod, pasálig).



For how much, for what reason, on what account, wherefore, why. Ngáa man kag sing-anó nga ibutáng sa katalágman ang ákon kabúhì? Why and for what reason should my life be put in danger? (see tungúd, sa, anó, bangúd, sa, anó, ngáa, ándot).



Life; breath; stomach. (see kabúhì, ginháwa, solóksolók, hinurángus, tirúsdak, gináhab).



Stomach, bread-basket, life, etc. (see tinísdak, hinurángus, ginháwa, kabúhì, solóksolók, gináhab, tinimótimohán, pangabuhián).



Debt, liability, debit, score, account; to have a debt, be in debt, owe, borrow, obtain a loan, run up a bill, incur a-, contract a-, get into-, run into-, debt. May útang siá sa ákon nga duhá ka púlò ka písos. He owes me (has a debt to me of) twenty pesos. Ginutángan níya si Fuláno sing isá ka gatús. He borrowed one hundred (pesos) from N.N. Pautánga lang siá sing diótay nga kwárta. Just lend him a little money. Nautángan mo ang ímo mga ginikánan sang ímo kabúhì. You owe your life to your parents. Dílì ka magpangútang kag índì ka man magpaútang. Neither a borrower nor a lender be. Note the accent in the following: Bisán kon mautanggán akó--. Even if I have to get-, run-, into debt--. (see hulám-to borrow).



Debt, liability, debit, score, account; to have a debt, be in debt, owe, borrow, obtain a loan, run up a bill, incur a-, contract a-, get into-, run into-, debt. May útang siá sa ákon nga duhá ka púlò ka písos. He owes me (has a debt to me of) twenty pesos. Ginutángan níya si Fuláno sing isá ka gatús. He borrowed one hundred (pesos) from N.N. Pautánga lang siá sing diótay nga kwárta. Just lend him a little money. Nautángan mo ang ímo mga ginikánan sang ímo kabúhì. You owe your life to your parents. Dílì ka magpangútang kag índì ka man magpaútang. Neither a borrower nor a lender be. Note the accent in the following: Bisán kon mautanggán akó--. Even if I have to get-, run-, into debt--. (see hulám-to borrow).



Slow, gentle, soft, mild, not quick, not impetuous, not impulsive; chronic, not acute (of disease); to be or become slow, gentle, mild. Ang mga balatían nga alugáynay. Chronic diseases. Nahúlug siá sa bintánà, ápang walâ siá masamári, kay nagalugáynay ang pagtupâ níya sa dútà nga mahómok. He fell out of the window, but was not hurt, for his fall was soft on the loose earth. Alugáynay gid lámang ang íya nga pagpangítà sing kabuhián. He earns his livelihood with difficulty. His earnings are coming in but slowly. (see ananáy, inanáy, hínay, nagáynay).



To tie, bind, lash, fasten with a rope or string. Ibángot ang karabáw sa halígi sing serádo. Tie the buffalo close to the post. Bángti (bangóti) ang halígi sang kabáyo. Tie the horse to the post. Ibángot akó sang karabáw sa halígi. Please tie the buffalo to the post for me. Ang karabáw nga nabángot sa búgsok nakabúhì. The buffalo that was tied to the stake got loose. (see higót).



To imprison, put in prison, jail, gaol, incarcerate, confine, lock up. Bilanggoá ang makáwat. Put the thief in prison. Binilánggò níla ang buyóng. They incarcerated the robber. Ipabilánggò mo ang tigtampálas sa mga polís. Get the police to lock up the criminal. Ang mga binilánggò. Prisoners. Ibilánggò ang nadakúp sa madalî, agúd índì makabúhì. Put the captive in jail at once, lest he should escape. Iníng baláy ginbilanggoán níla sang mga nabíhag. They confined the captives in this house. (see húnong).



Alive, live, living, quick, existent, not dead; to live, be alive; to live, stay, reside, have one's abode or residence, remain. Buhî nga táo. A live man. A vigorous, energetic, alert, active man. A "live wire". Ang mga buhî kag ang mga minatáy. The quick (living) and the dead. Buhî pa si Fuláno?-Hóo, buhî pa siá. Is N.N. still living?-Yes, he is living still. Kútub sang pagsulúd níya sa pagkamónha nagkabuhî pa siá sing napúlò ka túig. From the time of her entrance into the order she lived ten years. Ang pagkabuhî (pagkinabuhî) níla sa íla umá matáwhay kaáyo kag malinóng. They-are living,-live,-have lived, a very happy and quiet life at their farm. (see búhî, patáy-dead; puyô, lúntad, amoyóng, estár).



To bring back to life, raise to life, resuscitate, revivify, revive, restore to life; to be or get-free,-loose, to escape from confinement; to free, release, liberate, let go; to support, sustain, maintain. Buhíon mo ang bátà ko, kay kon índì, ambót sa ímo. Bring my baby back to life, for if not, I don't know what will happen to you. Ginbúhì liwát sang Aton Ginóo si Lásaro. Lazarus was raised to life again by Our Lord. Nakabúhì ang báboy sa tángkal. The pig got out of the sty. Buhíi (búy-i) ang mga báka sa buhián. Let the cattle roam about free-, loose-, in the pasture. Ginbuhían sang bátà ang píspis sa háwla. The boy let the bird out of the cage. Nabuhían na ang mga gintotón-an, ang mga binilánggò, etc. The students have been-dismissed,-given leave to depart (from the school), the prisoners have been set free, etc. Buhíi (búy-i) ang binángon. Release your hold on-, drop-, the bolo. Binúy-an (binuhían) níya ang tulún-an. He dropped the book. Siá amó ang nagabúhì sa íya mga ginikánan. He is the one that supports his parents. (see bánhaw, luás, gwâ, sagúd, agubáy).



Diminution, reduction, deduction, subtraction, lessening; to lessen, diminish, reduce, deduct, subtract, take off. Nagaamát-amát sang búhin ang humáy. The rice is slowly getting less. Nakabúhin siá sang arína. He took off some flour. Ginbuhínan níya ang swéldo sang íya mutsátso, kay matámad, konó. He lowered, docked, the wage of his servant, for he is lazy, he says. Buhíni ang bilí siní, kay támà kamahál. Lower, cut, the price of this, for it is too dear. Ibúhin mo akó sing isá ka pásong nga humáy sa íya párte nga limá ka pásong, kay may útang siá sa ákon. Please, deduct one bushel of rice from his share of five bushels, for he is in debt to me. Iníng tambóbo nga may humáy walâ pa sing búhin. This rice-granary has not yet been touched (no rice has been taken from it). Nabayáran ko siá sa waláy búhin. I paid him in full (without haggling on my part or remission on his). (see pakulús, paisót, padítay, patikî, kúpus, íban).



Tax, duty, tribute, toll, license; impost; to pay a tax, etc. Nakabuhís ikáw sang sédula, contribusyón teritoryál, etc.? Have you paid your cedula-tax, land-tax, etc.? Húo, bág-o pa lang akó magbuhís sinâ. Yes, I paid it only a short while ago. Ginbuhisán níla ang idô. They paid their dog-license. Iníng kwárta ibuhís ko sa ákon gantángan. I'll use this money to pay the tax on my ganta-measure. Ginbuhís ko na ang ápat ka mángmang sa ákon sédula, kay nagparekárgo silá sa ákon (or naparekargohán akó níla) tungúd sang ákon pagkamoróso. I have paid the four pesos for my cedula, for they charged me double on account of my being behindhand,-in arrear,-my not providing myself with a cedula in due time.



Happy, blessed, blest, beatified, blissful, felicitous, fortunate, lucky, favoured; to be or become happy, etc. Sa ulíhi nga mga ádlaw magabuláhan ka gid, kon magkabuhî ka sing matárung. You will finally become very happy indeed, if you lead a good life. (see baláan, paláran).



To catch, snare, trap, capture, take, seize, get hold of, hook, nab, arrest, lay hands on. Dákpa ang makáwat. Catch the thief. Dákpi akó sing píspis. Snare a bird for me. Idakúp akó ánay sang ákon báboy nga nakabúhì sa tángkal. Kindly capture for me the pig that has got out of the sty. Ipadakúp ang kabáyo nga nagsulúd sa ákon talámnan. Get someone to seize the horse that has entered my field. Nadakúp na ang buyóng. The robber was arrested. Padákpa na lang siá sa ímo. Just let yourself be caught by him. (see húnong, kapút, kápyot-to catch hold of; ábut-to catch up with).

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