Search result(s) - típo



To tie, fasten, secure, bind together; to gather, collect. Nagabínkit silá sang íla mga bátà. They are gathering their children together. Nagbínkit (nagbilínkit) silá sang íla mga pinamakál. They collected and bound together the things they had bought. (see típon, búgkos).



(B) To gather up, collect, bring-, get-, put-, lump-, draw-, scrape-, rake-, together. Dakína ang mga linagárí. Gather the sawdust. Dakíni akó sang mga átis nga nadágdag sa káhoy. Collect for me the atis-fruit fallen from the tree. Dinákin na sang mga bátà ang mga panápton nga nabulád sa ínit. The children have gathered up the clothes spread in the sun. (see típon, tingúb).



A pile of grain, heap of rice, collection of cereals, rice or other cereals gathered in a heap; to collect grain in a heap, etc. Sín-o ang nagdamiság sang humáy? Who put (heaped) the rice together? Damisagá ang humáy, agúd índì maglápta. Gather the rice in a heap so that it may not be dispersed. Ang tambóbo amó ang ginadamisagán sang humáy. The rice-shed is the place in which rice is stored (in a heap). (see túmpok, túmpi, típon).



To come upon, attack, invade, approach, gather around, beset. Ang mga subáy nagdápò sa ákon. Ants invaded-, attacked-, me. Kon may patáy nga sápat ang mga idô kag úlud magadápò. When there is a dead animal, dogs and insects will gather and attack it. Dinapóan sang mga subáy ang tánga nga patáy. The dead cockroach was beset by ants. (see amág, palapít, típon, dápon).



To gather, assemble, attend, assist, put in an appearance. (see dúguk, gubúk, támbong, típon, tingúb).



(Sp.) Function, ceremony; feast, entertainment, social party, banquet, dinner, repast. (see tábad, bádù, beláda, belasyón, tinipóntípon, katipúnan, etc.).

gúbuk, gubúk


To attend, go to, gather, come together, assemble, assist, be at, congregate, collect, be present at. (see dúguk, támbong, típon).



To seize-, grasp-, take-, grab-, much of, be eager to get, scramble or make for, make a run at, struggle to obtain, rush upon. Ginhábwà lang níla ang kárne sa ilihawán, ang humáy sa alányan, etc. They rushed upon the meat at the butcher's, upon the rice in the harvest-field, etc. Indì kamó maghábwà sang tinápay-or-índì nínyo paghabwaón ang tinápay. Don't make such a scramble for the bread. Diín siá nakahábwà sing pílak kay manggaránon siá karón? Where did he pick up the money, for he is rich now? (see káka, kúhà, ágaw, típon, karipón).



(B) To gather, collect, amass, bring-, get-, put-, draw-, scrape-, lump-, together; to accumulate. Ginharípo níya ang tanán nga mga patád nga sinulúd sa íya pálhuk. He collected (gathered) all the stakes and put them in his pocket. Haripóha ang mga tulún-an. Gather the books together. Iharípo akó sang ákon humáy sa umá. Please gather together my rice in the field. (see hirípo, karipón, típon).



To be together, meet, gather; to like, like each other, agree well; to travel together. (see típon, sahô, hisáhò, hírup, upúd, hitóhog).



To assemble, gather, collect, foregather, come together. Ang mga pamatán-on kon gáb-i gánì nga masánag ang búlan nagahímbon sa kinurúsan sang dálan. The young people on moonlight nights come together at the cross-roads. Himboná silá sa baláy. Gather them together in the house. Himboní akó sing duhá ka púlò ka manganganí, kay ipaáni ko sa íla ang ákon alányon. Gather for me twenty rice-harvesters, for I will get them to reap my rice crop. (see típon, dúguk, hinúbonhúbon, ímpon, talampúyuk).



To take in, gather, collect, appropriate to oneself. Indì mo paghipúhon ang tanán, kóndì pahilábta man ang ibán. Don't gather in all for yourself, but let others also have a share. (see karipón, harípo, hirípo, típon, ángkon).



To gather, collect, take in, appropriate, etc. (see harípo, hípu, karipón, típon).



To come together, meet, conspire, agree, make common cause, pull together. (see túpul, típon, húmon, húmut, hitóhog).



Dim. and Freq. of húbon. (see hinubónhúbon, holónhólon, tinipóntípon).



Assemblage, aggregation, cluster, heap, bunch, collection; to gather, collect, be or become many. (see katilíngban, katipúnan, púnsok, púngpung, búnghay, hút-ong, dámò, típon, tingúb).



(Sp. junta) Meeting, board; to hold a meeting. Naghúnta silá. They held a meeting. Ang húnta probinsyál. The Provincial Board. Húnta sang komérsyo. Board of Trade. (see típon, tinipóntípon, hubónhúbon, kasapulán, puodnánon, hubón, sang, palatikángan).

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