Search result(s) - ákon



To include, take with, put together with. Sang paghímos mo sang ímo maléta nalamitá mo man ang ákon báyò. When you were making ready your handbag, you put in also my jacket. (see lakíp, lámang).



To grasp, seize, take firm hold of. Lamlamá ang pagúyat sang ímo kaláptan. Take a firm grasp on what you hold. Lamlamí-or-palamlamí ang báso sang kamót mo. Grasp the glass firmly with your hand. Ilámlam ang kamót mo sa pínggan, agúd índì makapalús. Hold the plate firmly in your hand, lest it should slip. Ipalámlam ang págbo sa baláyan. Join the rafter firmly to the girder. Ginlámlam níya ang isá ka báhin sang ákon umá. He took, seized or usurped, part of my field. (see hámham, samál, sabán, etc.).



Soiled, stained, dirty; to be or become soiled (through perspiration, long use, dust, etc., particularly applied to clothes). Lamógò ang ákon báyò. My jacket is soiled. Naglamógò ang ákon sárwal. My trousers became dirtied. (see lagôlagô, hígkò, etc.).



To crush, hammer, overcome, vanquish, conquer, outdo, worst, beat. Indì ka makalándas sa ákon sa dalágan. You can't outdo me in running. Landasá siá sa dúmug. Overcome him in wrestling. Landasá siá sa pagdáro. Outstrip him in ploughing. Dílì malándas iní. This cannot be beaten, is not to be overcome. (see daúg).



Inundation, flood; to overflow, cover, inundate, flood. Nalangbasán ang ámon umá sang subâ. Our field was flooded by the river. Ang búlan sa Oktúbre amó ang inogpanglángbas (inogpanlángbas). The month of October is the season of floods. Ang túbig naglángbas sang idálum sang ákon baláy. The water covered the ground-floor of my house. (see lámbas).



To look for, go in quest of, search for, try to find or get. Langhasá ang ákon igsulúlat nga nadúlà. Look for my lost pen. Langhasí akó sing ságing. Get me some bananas. Ilánghas akó sang ákon pányo nga nawígit (nagkawígit) sa dálan. Kindly go in search of my handkerchief that has been dropped on the road. (see lághap, sághap, pangítà).



Dim. and Freq. of langís. Also: To fool, humour, flatter. Indì ka maglangíslángis sa ákon-or-índì mo akó paglangislangíson. Don't try to fool or flatter me.



To worry, be anxious about, have apprehensions, wait anxiously for, to expect, desire. Nagalángkag akó sinâ. I am worrying about it. Indì ka maglángkag. Don't worry. Ginalángkag ko ang íya pagbáyad sang íya nga útang, kay may kinahánglan akó sang kwárta kag lumígad na ang terminó. I am anxious about his paying his debt, because I need the money and the date fixed for payment is passed. Indì mo paglangkagón ang íya pagabút, kay may búhat pa siá dídto. Don't worry about his arrival (or his coming home), for he is still occupied over there (and will come a little later). Nagakalángkag ang ákon painóíno tungúd siníng balítà nga nabáton ko. My mind is troubled on account of this news I have received. Indì mo igkalángkag ang ímo anák dídto, kay maáyo man siá sing láwas. Have no fear for your boy there, for he is in good health. Dílì igkalángkag sang ímo buút ang amó nga hitabû. You should not worry about such an event. Ginalángkag níla ang pagabút sang pangúlo-bánwa. They are anxiously waiting for the arrival of the Municipal President. (see bakág, hídlaw).



Very ripe and full (of rice, corn, etc.); old, mature; to be very ripe, etc. Lángking na ang maís, humáy, etc. The corn, rice, etc. is quite ripe. Nalangkingán akó siníng tuíg sang ákon maís kag humáy. My corn and rice were this year very good, very ripe and full. Kulihút na ang pagpánggas sing maís, kay malapít na ang tingúlan kag dílì na maglángking. It is now too late to plant corn, for the rainy season is near and it will not become ripe and full. Metaphorically; Lángking nga táo. A clever, experienced, wise man. (see gúlang, tigúlang, láyo, sampáton, tínggas, etc.).



Dim. and Freq. of langô. Ginlangôlangóan níya akó or naglangôlángò siá sa ákon. He gave me his consent by a slight nod of his head. (see tangôtángò).



To growl, grumble, murmur. Ang idô nagalángod. The dog is growling. Indì ka maglángod sa ákon-or-índì mo akó paglangódan (-óran). Don't murmur or grumble against me-or-in my presence. (see kúmud, ngúrab).



(B) A bruise, weal, contusion; to bruise, cause a contusion or weal. Nalanús ang akón kamót, kay nakasúnggò sa bató. My hand got bruised because I knocked it against a stone. Indì mo paglanusón ang íya bútkon. Don't bruise his arm. Nalanusán akó sing pilá ka sipî nga ságing sa bakág. Several clusters of my bananas got bruised in the basket. (see hánog, hanóg, lanóg).



Blister; to blister, form-, raise-, blisters, cause blisters to rise. Nagláp-ok ang ákon kamót sang pagbayó, kay walâ pa akó mabuyó. I got blisters in my hand from pounding rice, for I am not yet accustomed to it. Naláp-ok ang ákon bábà sa ápog. The lime blistered my mouth. I got blisters in my mouth from the lime. Nalap-okán ang túdlò ko, ambót kon anó ang nagpaláp-ok. My finger is blistered, I don't know what is the cause of it. (see líbtug, libutúg).



To disobey an order, contravene, neglect, leave undone, ignore, take no notice of, blink, disregard, omit to do. Nakalápas siá sa pagsímba. Tátlo ka Domíngo ang íya ginlápas. He neglected to go to Church. Three Sundays he failed to go to Church. Indì mo paglapáson ang mga sógò sang ímo ginikánan-or-índì mo paglapásan ang ímo ginikánan sang íla mga sógò. Do not disobey the commands of your parents. Indì ka gid maglápas siníng ákon mga túgon. Don't by any means neglect (fail) to carry out this order of mine. (see lális).



(H) To frown, look cross, look angry, look darkly at, scowl, lower. Indì ka maglárong. Don't look so cross. Naglárong siá sa ákon-or-ginlaróngan níya akó. He scowled at me. (see ariwaróng, kolisáw).



To put out in the open air; to bleach. Latága ang binakál ko nga hénero. Bleach the cloth I bought. Latági akó sang ákon delárgo, agúd maglágtì. Bleach my trousers for me, that they may become very white. Linatágan níla ang atubángan sang íla baláy sang kotonía. They put the dimity to bleach in front of their house.



To enter deep, penetrate, permeate, sink into, soak in, be absorbed. Naglátum na ang íya balatían, kay walâ níya pagbúlnga sa gilayón. His sickness has now taken firm hold, for he did not apply remedies at once. Nagalátum sa ákon tagiposóon ang íya matám-is nga láygay. His sweet counsels are penetrating or touching my heart. Nalatúman (nalátman) akó siníng mga kalisúd. These troubles have touched me to the quick, have entered deep into my soul. Ang dálit sang mán-og naglátum na sa íya kaugatán. The snake poison has now permeated his veins. (see tudúk, turúk, salúpsup, kágit, etc.).

laút, la-út


(H) Nausea, aversion, loathing; to be nauseated, loathe, sicken, be disgusted, feel like vomiting. Nagalaút ang ákon ginháwa. I feel like vomiting. Nagalaút ang ákon ginháwa sinâ, ginalaután sang ákon ginháwa inâ. That makes me feel sick,-smells to me bad,-sickens me,-disgusts me. (see lóod).



A length of rope, usually about ten meters. Also verb. Ibalígyà mo sa ákon iníng isá ka lawíg nga kalát. Sell me this length of rope. Lawigí ang karabáw sing kalát, agúd makahálab sing maáyo. Give the buffalo a whole length of rope, so that he may graze in comfort.



Admonition, exhortation, sermon, counsel, advice; to admonish, advise, exhort, enjoin, preach, counsel. Laygayí siá. Exhort or admonish him. Iláygay sa íla ang mga sógò sang Diós. Explain to them and exhort them to observe the commandments of God. Instruct them in the divine precepts. Nakabatî ikáw sang láygay sang Párì? Did you hear the priest's sermon? Indì siá magpaláygay. He will not listen to advice. Ginláygay ko inâ sa íya sing masúnsun, ápang walá siá magsapák sang ákon nga láygay. I often advised him to that effect, but he would not listen to my advice. (see túdlò, panúgyan, badlong, sáysay, etc.).

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