Search result(s) - bákà



To change the place of, remove or move to another place, shift. Halína ang ímo baláy sa umá. Remove your house to the farm. Ginhálin níya ang lamésa. He shifted the table. Pagahalínon ko ang ákon karabáw. I am going to take my buffalo to another place. Ihálin akó sang ákon báka sa umá. Kindly put my cow in another part of the field.



To drive, urge on, impel, stimulate. Handahá ang karabáw sang bulunál. Urge on the buffalo with the whip. Ihánda sa mga kánding ang ímo bastón. Use your stick to set the goats in motion. Ginhánda níya ang mga báka. He drove the cattle onward. (see hála).



To mention, refer to, name, allude to, bring forward, give out, relate. Indì ka maghinámbit sang amó nga mga butáng. Don't mention such things. Nahinambitán níya akó sang íya báka nga binalígyà. He mentioned to me that his cow was sold. (see sámbit).



(Sp. hierro, herrar) Mark, brand; to mark or brand with an iron. May híro ang kabáyo. The horse is branded. Magahíro akó sang ákon karakáw. I will brand my buffalo. Magapahíro akó sang ákon báka. I will have my cow branded. Sa taghiriró madámù nga mga háyup ang pagahiróhan. During the branding season many domestic animals will be marked. (see márka, doón, óso, úso).



To unhitch, release (animals, etc.) Hukási ang báka. Unhitch the ox. Nahukásan na ang karabáw. The buffalo is unhitched. Sang hinúksan na níya ang kabáyo sa kílis dáyon níya hinukás ang síya nga nagakábit sa díngding, gindápat níya sa likód sang kabáyo kag sumakáy siá pakádto sa íya palangúmhan. When he had taken the horse out of the rig he at once snatched the saddle that was hanging on the wall, put it on the horse's back, mounted and rode off towards his farm. (see hukás).



(B) To low, moo; lowing (of cattle). Ang báka nagahumá, ang karabáw nagaingâ. The cow moos, the buffalo bleats. Ginahumahán sang báka ang íya nga tínday. The cow is lowing for her calf. (see umá, mámá, ).



Dim. and Freq. of húnit. Huníthúnit (mahuníthúnit) iníng kárne sang báka. This beef is rather tough. (see húnlit).



Animals owned or taken care of. Madámù ang íya báka, báboy, kánding kag manók nga hupút. He owns (takes care of) many cows, pigs, goats and chickens.



To kill, slaughter, slay (an animal); to roast (corn); slaughter, the killing of beasts. Iháwa ang báka. Slaughter the cow. Sín-o ang nagíhaw sang báboy? Who killed the pig? Iháwi ang kasál sing isá ka toréte. Slaughter for the marriage feast a medium-sized calf. May íhaw silá karón nga ádlaw. They are slaughtering to-day. Iháwi akó sing maís. Roast some corn for me. (see patáy, bóog).



To kill, slaughter, slay (an animal); to roast (corn); slaughter, the killing of beasts. Iháwa ang báka. Slaughter the cow. Sín-o ang nagíhaw sang báboy? Who killed the pig? Iháwi ang kasál sing isá ka toréte. Slaughter for the marriage feast a medium-sized calf. May íhaw silá karón nga ádlaw. They are slaughtering to-day. Iháwi akó sing maís. Roast some corn for me. (see patáy, bóog).



Cattle, cows, kine. (báka).



(Sp. cambio) Change, exchange, barter; to exchange, barter, swop, swap, change. Ikámbio ko iníng báka sa ímo karabáw. I will exchange this ox for your buffalo. Kambiohí iníng papél nga sínko písos sing sensílyo. Give me change for this five-peso bill. Nagkambiohánay silá sang íla mga baláy. They swopped houses. Ikámbio mo akó ánay siníng kwárta. Please give me change for this money. (see báylo).



To punish severely, chastise. Ginkaratíl níya ang íya bátà, kay nagsinutíl. She punished her child severely, because it was very naughty. (see baká-báka, tarítári, kátad).



To gather, collect, bring together, join or associate with, mingle, mix, put together. Indì mo pagkariponón ang mga kabatáan nga magamáy kag dalágkù. Don't put the small children together with the big ones. Ginkaripón níla ang mga báka kag karabáw. They put the cows with the buffalloes. Kariponá silá nga tanán. Put them all together. (see símpon, dápon, upúd, abáy).



To slice, cut off a piece. Kirisá ang kárne. Slice or cut the meat. Kirisí akó sing duhá ka kirís sa páa sang báka. Cut for me two slices off the leg of beef. (see gulút).



(B) To tremble, shiver, quake, quail, shake with fear, cold, etc. Ang báka nagakúdug sa katúgnaw. The cow is shivering with cold. Pakudúga siá sang ímo sáble. Make him tremble with fear of your sword. (see kúrug).



Meat cut in thin strips and dried; jerked beef; to cut in thin strips. Kusahósa ang kárne. Cut the meat in thin strips (and dry it). Kusahósi akó sing báka. Cut up for me some beef into thin strips. Ikusáhos akó ánay siníng búgsò nga kárne. Kindly cut this piece of meat in thin strips for me. (see kasáhos, but "kusáhos" is more commonly used). (see tápa-to slice meat; dried sliced meat; ugá or binulád-dried fish).



Hard, stiff, dry; shrunk, cold, chilled; to be or become hard, chilled, etc. Iníng maís mabúdlay podporón, kay kusúg. It is difficult (or tiresome) to crush this corn, for it is very hard. Pasilónga ang báka, agúd índì magkusúg sa ulán. Put the cow under shelter, lest it should get chilled in the rain.



A stroke, slash, cut, flip, flick with something pliable, as a whip, a flexible rod, etc.; to strike, flick, flip, beat, slash, lash, cut; to shake loose, knock down, drive off. Labyogí siá sing makaduhá sang bulunál. Give him two strokes with the whip. Ilábyog sa báka iníng kagíngking. Flick the ox with this bamboo branch. Pinalábyog siá níla sa íya nga palangakoán. They drove him out of office. They procured his removal from office. (see lábiog, lábtik, búnal, hánot, hámpak, lipát).



Lean, skinny, thin, spare, emaciated. Lamanít nga báka. A skinny cow. Naglamanít siá sa lakás nga pangabúdlay. He has become lean through overwork. (see pánit, kalamanít, maníwang, hágpis).

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