To take there, convey, carry, transfer to. Ihatúd mo inâ dídto. Take that there. Carry that over there. Hátdi (hatudí) siá siníng mga ságing. Hand these bananas to him. Ginhatúd mo na dídto sa kay Fuláno ang mga sapátos nga íya gintúgon?-Walâ pa akó makahatúd sinâ, kay masákò ang trabáho ko karón, ápang pagaihatúd ko gid inâ dídto sa buás sa ága. Have you taken the boots to N.N., as ordered by him?-No, I could not take them there as yet, for I am very busy at present, but I will certainly deliver them there to-morrow morning. (see dalá, hátol).
To come to, arrive at (by chance, accidentally). Naghiabút siá sa isá ka masubô nga kahimtángan. He came to a sorry plight. Walâ pa maghiabút ang sugilánon níla nahanungúd sináng mga butáng. Their conversation has not yet touched on those subjects. Si Pédro kag si António buút gid makigáway, ápang túbtub karón walâ silá gihápon maghiabutáy. Peter and Anthony are anxious for a fight, but up till now they have not met. Básì pa lang nga mahiabután mo ang ímo ginahándum. Let us hope that you may be able to reach the goal of your desires. (see abút, hiábut).
To hang oneself, commit suicide, (by hanging, shooting, etc.). Naghíkog (nanghíkog) si Hudás. Judas hanged himself. Sa karón nga mga túig nagadúgang ang hinikogáy. At present suicide is on the increase.
To complete, finish, terminate, bring to a close, get through, make an end of, have done with (of planting, tilling, etc.). Makahíl-ob balá kamó sang ínyo tánum karón sa hápon? Shall you be able to finish your rice-planting this afternoon? Ginhíl-ob níla kaína ang íla talámnan. A short while ago they finished planting their fields. Mangabúdlay kamó sing mapísan, agúd mahíl-ob ang ákon talámnan sa karón nga ádlaw. Work hard, so that planting may come to an end on my field to-day. Híl-ob na ang tánum. Rice-planting is now finished and done with. (see tápus, hingápus).
Honour, glory, bliss, happiness; to be in bliss, enjoy glory, felicity or happiness. Ang maáyo nga mga bátà amó ang himáyà sang mga ginikánan. Good children are the glory of their parents. Nagahimáyà silá karón kay nakadaúg sa kasábà. They are quite happy now, for they have won the lawsuit. Maghimáyà ka. Be happy (blessed).-or-Enjoy bliss or felicity. (see kalípay).
Perfect, complete, faultless, exact, precise; to perfect, bring to perfection, etc. Naghímpit ang íya pagginawî sa koléhyo. His manners have become perfect at college. Himpitón mo ang ímo pagsulát. Make your writing perfect-or-Try to write a very good hand. Ihimpit mo akó sang ákon sulát sa Sényor Obíspo. Please see that my letter to the Bishop is perfect. Nagapahímpit siá karón sang íya nga pagtoón. He is now adding the finishing stroke to his studies. Nahimpitán akó siní. This seems perfect to me. (see lántip, búg-os, sampáton).
To be scarce, difficult to encounter or obtain, scanty, scant, scarcely obtainable, hard to get; rare, scarce. Hínà-or-nagahínà karón ang kwárta. Money is scarce at present-or-There is a dearth of cash at present. Sang túig nga tinalíkdan naghínà ang ísdà. Fish were difficult to come by last year. Nahináan na kitá sing mga páhò siníng pilá ka túig nga naglilígad. During these last few years we had difficulty in getting mangoes, (they were so scarce). (see íwat).
To reach the goal, terminate, complete, finish, get ready, dispatch. Saráng ka makahingágaw dirí sa las dóse? Can you be here at twelve o'clock? Hingagáwon mo ang ákon talahíon sa buás. Finish (or dispatch) my sewing to-morrow. Ginhingágaw níya ang baláy sa walâ magulán. He reached home before it rained. Hingagáwa ang koríyo. Try to reach the mail (i.e. be there when the mail comes in). Makahingágaw ka balá siní túbtub karón sa hápon? Do you think you can finish it this evening? (see ágaw, tápus, hingápus).
Of some use, rather useful or important, satisfactory; to be of some use or importance, be rather well off. Walâ man hingán ang ákon pagkádto dídto, kay walâ ko siá maabúti. My going there was of no use, for I did not see him (find him at home). Walâ gid hingán ang pagdalî ko, kay naulanán man akó. My hurry was of no avail, for I was caught in the rain all the same. Sádto ánay ímol gid siá, ápang karón naghingán na ang íya pagkabutáng. He used to be very poor, but now he is rather well off, (has quite a little property). (see águd, pulús).
(H) To be or become or make nice, trim, neat, tidy. Naghípid siá karón; sádto damák siá. She has become tidy now; formerly she used to be slovenly. Nahipídan akó sa íya. She appears to me to be very neat. Pahipída (-íra) siá. Make her observe the rules of tidiness-or-Try to make her tidy-or-Order her to dress tidily, etc.
Dim. and Freq. of hugáb. Bunálon ka karón sang ímo amáy sa walâ sing hugábhúgab, kay ígò lang ikáw sang lágaw. No doubt you will get a good beating from your father to-day, as you are always loafing about. (see dugádúga).
(H) Borrowing; to borrow, get a loan, raise money. Nakahulám siá sang ákon kwárta. He borrowed money from me. Pahulamá akó sang ímo kwárta. Lend me some money. Hulamí akó sing pílak kay Fuláno. Get me an accommodation from N.N. Ipahulám sa ákon ang ímo karabáw karón sa hápon. Let me have (let me have a lend of) your buffalo for this afternoon. Sa karón índì nákon ikáw mapahulám sing kwárta, kay balasúbas akó gid. For the present I cannot advance you money, because I am completely out of cash. Indì ka maghulám kag índì ka magpahulám. Neither borrower nor lender be. Ang amó nga pílak saráng mapahulám sa íla. That money can be given them as a loan, (they can borrow that money). (see língit, útang, ángkat).
Thought, thinking, idea, reflection, cogitation, consideration, surmise, guess, opinion; to think, cogitate, reflect, ponder, consider, surmise, opine, guess. Hunàhunáa inâ sing maáyo. Think well over it-or-Consider that well. Naghunâhúnà akó nga--. I thought that--. Ginahunâhunáan na níla karón sing mabinalák-on kon anó ang maáyo nga isagáng sa maláut nga pamatásan sang mga bág-ong túbò. They are now considering with great solicitude what is the best way to check the bad habits of the rising generation. Sa ákon hunâhúnà--. In my opinion--. Walâ akó sing hunâhúnà nga--. I had no idea that--. Kon maghunâhúnà ka sing súbung nagasayúp ikáw. If you think that, you are mistaken. (see dúmdum, painóíno, sálig).
The ebb, ebb-tide, low-water, slack-water; to ebb. May hunás na, or: nagahunás ang dágat. The tide is out. The sea is at low ebb. Mapahunás kitá ánay sang dágat kag makádto sa baybáyon sa paglagáwlágaw. Let us wait for low tide and then go to the beach for a walk. Ginahunasán karón ang baybáyon. The beach is free of tide-water at present. (see táub-high tide).
Trouble, trial, hardship, hard lines; to be or become difficult, hard (of life, conditions, etc.); pahuól-to molest, trouble, vex, bother, pester, annoy, distress, cause misery or hardship. Indì mo akó pagpahúl-an. Don't annoy me. Don't make any difficulties for me. Nagapahuól siá sa ákon. Ginapahuolán (ginapahúl-an) níya akó. He is giving me trouble. He is putting difficulties in my way. Nahúl-an akó karón, kay napátyan akó sang ákon ilóy. I am in sore distress at present, because mother has died. (see hiól, lisúd).
Bad, wretched, poor, miserable, hard (of times, seasons, etc.). Huyúthúyut gid ang karón nga túig. This is a very bad year, (a year of famine, misery, disease, or the like). Naghuyúthúyut ang karón nga panahón, kay nagmínus ang patubás kag maíwat kaáyo ang pilak. Times are hard, because the harvest was poor and money is extremely scarce. (see sarót, buísit, malisúd, hoyót-hóyot).
To kill, slaughter, slay (an animal); to roast (corn); slaughter, the killing of beasts. Iháwa ang báka. Slaughter the cow. Sín-o ang nagíhaw sang báboy? Who killed the pig? Iháwi ang kasál sing isá ka toréte. Slaughter for the marriage feast a medium-sized calf. May íhaw silá karón nga ádlaw. They are slaughtering to-day. Iháwi akó sing maís. Roast some corn for me. (see patáy, bóog).
To kill, slaughter, slay (an animal); to roast (corn); slaughter, the killing of beasts. Iháwa ang báka. Slaughter the cow. Sín-o ang nagíhaw sang báboy? Who killed the pig? Iháwi ang kasál sing isá ka toréte. Slaughter for the marriage feast a medium-sized calf. May íhaw silá karón nga ádlaw. They are slaughtering to-day. Iháwi akó sing maís. Roast some corn for me. (see patáy, bóog).
Diminution, lessening, deterioration, loss of quality or quantity. Sing masúnsun gingámit mo inâ nga báyò, ápang túbtub karón walâ gid sing ín-in; dáw bág-o gihápon. You have used that dress quite often, but till now it is not the worse for wear, it is still like new. Walâ gid sing ín-in ang kadalísay siníng lánggaw, bisán nasimbúgan na sing túbig. This vinegar has not lost its strength, though it has been mixed with water. Ang humáy dirâ sa tabungós daw walâ sing ín-in, gái nabuhínan ko sing duhá ka gántang. The rice in the tabungós-basket seems to have been left intact, though as a matter of fact I have taken two gantas from it. Also, but seldom, used as a verb: Indì magín-in iníng salsálon, bató nga bantíling, etc. This iron, solid stone, etc., will not wear out, will not rust, crumble, lose strength or the like. (see búhin, íban).