To deviate from one's course, deflect, swerve from the straight route, be blown off one's course, applied to the wind interfering with the straight course of a vessel at sea, etc. Ang ámon sakayán ginpális sang hángin. Our boat was blown off its course (by the wind). Indì kamó maglárga karón, kay kóntra ang hángin kag básì palíson kamó. Don't sail now, for the wind is contrary and you may be blown out of (deflected from) your course.
To go to a banquet, assist at a feast. Indì siá buút magpamadô karón, kay masákò siá. He does not like (wish) to assist at the feast, because he is very busy. (see bádù).
Freq. of pílak-silver, money. To make money, get rich, collect wealth. Maíwat sa karón nga panahón ang pamílak. At present money is-difficult to obtain,-scarce,-tight.
(Probably derived from the Spa. mio-my, mine). To be egoistic, selfish; to be concerned only about oneself; to silently disregard or ignore petitions, questions, etc. made by others. Nagapamiyómíyo lang siá, ápang sa waláy duhádúha may madámù siá nga pílak. He just keeps his own counsel, but he certainly has much money. Sa tungâ sang pamiyómíyo kag paiyáíya sang kalabánan sa karón nga panahón may ibán pa man nga mga táo nga may patugsíling kag pasunáid sa íla isigkatáo. Amongst the egoism and selfishness of the majority now-a-days there still remain some who have consideration and regard for their neighbours. (see paiyáíya).
Freq. of dápat-to use, apply, etc. Anó nga bulúng ang ginpanápat sa íya sang manugbúlung? What remedies did the doctor apply to him? Also: to wear an amulet, or the like. Ang babáylan nagapanápat gihápon sa íya láwas kon magkádto siá sa búkid. The sorcerer always wears an amulet when he goes to the mountain. Anó karón ang íya ginadalá nga panápat? What kind of an amulet does he wear now? What sort of an outfit has he got now?
To economize, curtail-, check-, curb-, cut down-, one's expenditures, to refrain from spending as much as usual; to avoid, turn away from, keep aloof from. Nagapangiyáw siá karón sa paghinguyáng, kay maíwat kaáyo ang kwárta. He spends little at present, for money is very scarce. Ginapangiyawán lang námon karón ang pagtíg-ang, kay nakulángan kamí sing humáy, kag ang tigaláni malayô pa. We are cooking only a little rice at present, for we have run short and the harvest is still far off. Magpangiyáw (mangiyáw) ka sa pagpatúyang mo sing pílak, kay kon dílì mapúto ka sa dílì madúgay. Refrain from spending money so freely, for otherwise you will be bankrupt before long. Pangiyawí siá. Keep aloof from him. Nagapangiyáw siá, kay may útang siá sa ákon. He avoids me, because he is in debt to me. (see paúmud, likáw).
Agriculture, tillage, tilth, husbandry, cultivation, culture, farming; a piece of land, especially corn-or rice-land; to till, cultivate-, labour-, the soil, be a farmer. Walâ siá sing pangúma karón nga túig. He has no corn-land (rice-land) this year. Nagapangúma (Mangungúma) siá. He is a farmer. Yádtong mga bakólod saráng pa mapangúma. Those hills can be cultivated yet. (see umá).
To be or become diligent, energetic, active, assiduous, industrious. Karón, kay nagímol, nagpántok na siá. Now, that he has become poor, he has grown diligent. Napantokán akó sa íya. I consider him diligent.
Very busy, much occupied, giving much work; to be (keep) very busy, have much to do, etc. Pásang gid karón ang pagpamánggas sing maís. At this time the planting of corn is in full swing. Nagapásang gid ang áni sa súbung siní. Just now the rice harvest is-in full swing,-at its height. This is the busiest time of the rice harvest. (see sákò, himásang).
(Sp. patente) Patent; Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament. May paténte karón sa hápon. This afternoon there will be Exposition and Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament.
Harvest, crop, produce (of fields), industrial output; to harvest, gather the crop; to produce, manufacture. Maáyo ang patubás sa karón nga túig. This year the harvest is (was) good. Pilá ka pásong ang pinatubás mo sang túig nga tinalíkdan? How many bushels (of rice) did you harvest last year? Yanáng bakólod saráng mapatúbsan sing madámù nga lánot. That hill can (could) be made to produce much hemp. (see palatúbson).
To light, alight, settle upon, come to, arrive at, land, take up one's abode, come to rest (said particularly of fugitives, runaways, vagabonds, or the like). Túbtub karón walâ sing nakasáyod kon diín siá nagpatúpling (napatúpling). To this moment nobody knows where he is or where he has taken up his abode. (see túpling).
Caus. of úntat. To put an end to, cause to cease, suspend, stop, hinder, impede; let stop, order to stop, etc. Ipaúntat sa kay Hosé ang pagarádo ni Huán. Let José put a stop (an end) to John's ploughing. Pagapauntatón siá karón sang mga matatáas nga punoán sa íya nga palangakóan. He will (now) be suspended from office by the high authorities.
Hard, troublous, difficult (of times, life, etc.). Nagpíga ang íya pangabúhì. His life became hard. Píga karón ang íya pangabúhì. His life at present is full of troubles. (see pigádo).
Thought, idea, inkling, knowledge. Walâ akó sing pinadahúmdáhum kon sa diín siá karón. I have no idea where he is now. (see dahúmdáhum).
To be or become tight, straitened, difficult; to oppress, treat harshly. Nagpíot karón ang íya pangabúhì. His life is at present a trying one. He is in a tight fix. He is leading a hard life now. Napít-an kamí sang ámon pangabúhì sa karón nga túig. This year we are living in straitened circumstances. Ginapíot silá sang íla pangolohán. Their government treats them harshly (oppresses them). (see lapígot, pígus).