(H) A particle implying a possibility, hope, wish or desire for the future and regret for the past: Would, should, maybe, perhaps, peradventure, likely; it would be, it were, would to God that, let us hope; it would have been, might have been, etc. Maáyo kúntà kon-. It were well if--. Maumpawán pa man siá kúntà. He may recover yet; let us hope that he will recover. Maáyo kúntà kon amó inâ, ápang--. Dápat kúntà nga amó inâ, ápang--Would to God it were so, but--. Ay, matahúm gid kúntà kon ímo nabúhat inâ sádto ánay, ápang ánhon mo karón, kay walâ mo pagbuháta? Oh, it would have been so nice if you had done that in the past, but what can you do now, as you have not done it then? Malúyag akó kúntà magtámbong dídto. I would like to be present there. (see kuntánì, úntà, untánì, ráad, dáad).
(Sp. amígo) A male friend; to be (male) friends. Maáyo ang íla pagamigoháy. They are good friends. Nagpakigamígo siá kúntà sa ákon, ápang-He would have liked to become my friend, but-. Amigóhon ko siá. I'll make him my friend. Mahírup ko siá nga amígo. He is an intimate friend of mine. (see amíg).
See kúntà.
To set on-, incite-, urge-, a dog, etc. See ís-is. Ipaís-is sa íya ang idô. Let him set on the dog. Indì nínyo pais-isón ang idô, kay nagapalangágat. Don't set on the dog, because he bites. Pais-isí siá sang idô. Set the dog on him. Walâ siá kúntà sing túyò sa pagbátò kay Fuláno, ápang ginpaís-is (pinaís-is) siá sang íya upúd. He had no intention (inclination) to oppose N.N., but his companion urged him (to do so).
(Sp. sopa) Soup; slices of bread for soup. Mabakál akó kúntà sing sópas. I should like to buy slices of bread (biscuits, etc.) for soup.
To roast fish, corn, coconut, meat, etc. (and dispose of it by sale to customers at wayside inns, refreshment booths, etc.). Napérde kúntà ang íla lubí nga linúk-ad ukón kóprak kon walâ níla pagtapahí. Their coconut meat that had been scooped out of the shells or their copra would have been a complete loss, if they had not roasted it (and sold it retail). (see sálay).
(B) To accomplish, execute, perform; to proceed on an intended trip or journey, to actually undertake (an intended trip, etc.). Nakatarús akó kahápon magágto (sa pagágto) sa Ilóngílong. (Nakadayón akó kahápon magkádto (sa pagkádto) sa Ilóngílong). I carried out my intention of going to Iloilo yesterday. Mapánaw akó ráad kahápon sa minurô nga X., pay warâ akó makatarús, hay nagurán. (Malakát akó kúntà kahápon sa báryo nga X., ápang walâ akó makadayón, kay nagulán). I should have liked to go to the village X. yesterday, but did not go, because it rained. (see dayón, kadayón).
To remind, bring to one's notice, draw (call, direct) attention to, keep on the alert, put a person up to, point out to, inform, notify. Tinggahá (Padumdumá) silá tungúd sinâ nga tabô. (Tinggahá sánda tungúd kariá nga (kariáng) natabô). Bring that event to their notice. Put them up to what has happened. Gintíngga na silá nga dáan nga--. They were reminded some time ago of the fact that--. Ngáa balá nga walâ mo silá pagtinggahá? Kon tiníngga mo kúntà silá dílì gid maláin ang gwâ ta. Why did you not inform them? If you had informed them the outcome would not have been so bad for us. (see padúmdum, paálam, pamáan, pahibaló, paándam).
(B) Worm-eaten, maggoty, rotten. Torakón nga mángga. (Tamasókon (Masakitón) nga páhò). A maggoty mango. Báklon ko ráad diáng mga mángga mo, pay búl-on gid ánay ang mga kímay, hanóg kag torakón. (Báklon ko kúntà iníng mga páhò mo, ápang kuháon gid ánay ang mga magágmay, lanóg kag tamasókon). I should like to buy these mangoes of yours, but all those that are very small, bruised or worm-eaten (rotten) must be removed first. (see tinamások, hanóg, lanóg-bruised; lanóng, tanóng-rotten-ripe).
Invitation, persuasion, inducing, urging; to urge, induce, persuade, incite, instigate, prevail upon, attract, allure, entice, draw. Yakatá ang bátà sa pagkádlaw. Make the baby laugh. Induce the baby (by playing with it, or the like) to laugh. Iyakát akó siníng bátà sa pagkasádya (sa pagkádlaw). Please do something to-entertain,-amuse, the baby (to make it laugh). Ginyakát akó níya sa pagtámbong sa báile. He induced me to go to the dance. Walâ kúntà silá sing lúyag sa pagsugál, ápang si Fuláno sa íla ang nagyakát. Really they had no desire to gamble, but N.N. induced them to play at cards. Silíng níla mahípus siá; índì man galî, kay ginyakát nínyo. They said he was a quiet (silent, taciturn) man; but he is not, as (you saw yourself when) you drew him out (paid much attention to him). Walâ gid siá sing gána sa pagtán-aw sang síni, kon índì pagyakatón. She has no desire to go to a moving-picture theatre; she has to be prompted. Hinúgay kamó sang gáhud dirâ! Ari si Kwan ay, nagapangyakát (sang gáhud)! Stop that noise there! But, good (great) heavens, that fellow, what's his name, is always so rowdy, boisterous, inciting others to make a noise. Amó gid inâ ang kinaugálì siní nga bátà nga walâ pagkádlaw? Yakatá, kay tan-awón ta. Is that the baby without a smile? Just play with it and let us see. (see hágad, ágda, tulúd, ís-is, galít, sótsot, súdyot).
etc. From kunút-to crease, wrinkle, fold, plait.
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