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Participation, share, part; to participate, have a part or share in. Húo, magaámbit gid akó sinâ nga bínhì. Yes, I shall certainly get a share of that seed-grain. Paambitá akó sinâ nga bínhì. Let me have a share of that seed-grain. Húo, kon malúyag ka, ipaámbit ko sa ímo ang isá ka pásong sináng bínhì. Yes, if you wish, I'll let you have a bushel of that seed-grain. Ang tanán nga mga táo malúyag magámbit (maghiámbit, magpanghiámbit) sang lángit. All men wish to get a place in heaven-or-to participate in the joys of heaven. Naambitán ko man ang maáyo níla nga kapaláran. I also participated in their good luck. Paambití sa íya iníng mga páhò. Let him have a share of these mangoes, (see áyap, ámò, báhin, lábut).



(H) The same, that. Ang-amó ang-. He-, who-Amó iní. This is the same i.e. this is it. Amó gid iní. This is the very same. This is it exactly. Ang matinumánon nga táo amó ang pagabalúsan. The obedient man is the one who will be rewarded. The obedient man will be rewarded. Iníng idô amó ang naglagás sa íya. This is the dog that pursued him. This dog pursued him. Kon amó inâ-. If that is so, if that is or be the case-. Walâ man akó magapáti sinâ, ápang amó gid ang íya nga ginsilíng. I do not believe it, but that is what he really said, (see imáw).



Fragrance, etc. See amión.

-an, A suffix which goes to form nouns, adjectives, and verbs, and conveys the fundamental meaning of "the place where". Note: This meaning is very clear in place-names, e.g. Batoán-the place where there are stones, from bató-stone; Balásan-the place where there is sand, from balás-sand; Tigbáwan-the place where there is tígbaw-reed, from tígbaw-reed, etc.

NOUNS: I) Likóan-a turning, a lane, from likô-to turn aside; Tuburán-a spring, source, from tubúd-to trickle; Lapakán-a treadle, from lápak-to tread, etc.

2) The suffix-an in conjunction with the prefix ka-goes to form abstract and collective nouns, e.g. Kasugtánan-agreement, from sugút-to agree; Kakahóyan-forest, trees, from káhoy-tree, wood; Kabatáan-children, from bátà-child, baby; Kataóhan-men, mankind, from táo-man; Kabulúyhan-habit, custom, from buyó-to accustom, etc.

ADJECTIVES: Isganán-brave, powerful, from ísug-to be or become brave; Manggáran-rich, wealthy, from mánggad-wealth, property; Gamhánan-mighty, powerful, from gahúm-might, power; Pahóan-one who possesses many mango-trees, from páhò-a mango-tree, etc.

VERBS:-an goes to form what is called "the passive in-an", and denotes:

1) the place where an action (expressed by the root) is performed, e.g. Ang alipokpokán siníng bakólod pagapatindogán ko sang bág-o ko nga baláy. I will build my new house on the top of this hill. (patíndog-to erect, build). Amó iní ang lugár nga linúbngan níla sa kay Fuláno. This is the place where they buried (the body of) N.N. (lubúng-to bury).

2) the person for whose benefit, or to whose detriment, an action (expressed by the root) is performed, e.g. Ginbuhátan níya akó sing asálan. He made a roasting spit for me. (búhat-to make). Indì mo siá paghimóan sing maláin. Don't harm him. (hímò-to do, with maláin-to do harm).

3) an impression, affection, sensation, mental state, or the like, e.g. Natahumán akó sinâ. That impressed me with its beauty. That appeared to me quite nice, (tahúm-to be or become nice, beautiful). Nalas-ayán akó sa íya. I am disgusted with him. He is abominable to me. (lás-ay-to be or become insipid). Nagin-otán akó. I feel it sultry. (gínot-to be or become sultry). Ginaitumán akó siníng báyò. This dress (jacket)-looks black to me,-is too black for me. (itúm-to be or become black), etc.

N.B. It should be borne in mind that the context alone can determine the exact meaning of-an. "Naadlawán akó"-to quote only one example-means: "Full daylight was (came) upon me". But in connection with what may precede or follow this phrase can be translated in various ways, e.g. "I stayed till (late in the) morning". "I continued to do something without interruption till the sun stood high in the heavens". "I arrived in bright daylight (and came-too late,-too soon,-in time)". "I passed part of the day, or a full day", etc. Hence the translations given in this dictionary are not exclusive of other versions.



(B) Buying on credit,-on account,-on tick; to obtain on credit, to buy on account. Angkatí akó sing duhá ka metros nga kóko. Get me on credit two meters of white cloth. Angkatá lang inâ. Just buy it on credit. Ipaángkat sa ákon iníng bunáng. Let me have this yarn on credit. Angkatí man akó siníng sapátos, kay hulatón ko man ikáw sa pagbáyad túbtub sa lapás ang piésta. Take also these boots from me on credit, for I am willing to wait for your payment till after the feast. Paangkatá lang akó sinâ. Simply give me that on credit. (see the foregoing "ángkat"; the connection between the two is obvious. They are really the same term, whose first meaning is "to get loose seams, etc." and whose secondary meaning is "to get loose merchandise, etc." i.e. "to get or obtain on credit").



To acquire, take or get possession of, appropriate. Magapaninguhâ gid akó sa pagángkon sinâ nga dútà. I will make great efforts to get possession of that land. Angkoná lang inâ. Just make it your own. Ipaángkon ko sa ímo iníng báka, kon magbáyad ka sa ákon sang matárung níya nga bilí. I'll let you have this cow, if you pay me a fair price for it. Ginángkon níya ang salâ. He took the blame upon himself.



What; what?; Also used as a verb. Bisán anó or bisán kon anó. Whatever, whatsoever. Anó man ang íya sinâ nga kahulúgan? What is the meaning of that? Anó iní? What is this? Ginaanó mo ang idô? What are you doing to the dog? Anhon mo? What will-, can you-, do? Paanó kamó dirâ? How are you there? How are you getting on there? Maanó kamó? What do you want? Nagaanó kamó dirí? What are you doing here? (see anáno).



(Sp. ansia, ansiar) Eagerness, anxiety, desire for; to be eager, anxious, to desire, hanker after or crave; want; to dissemble or hide one's eagerness, to refuse or decline only apparently. May ánsyas siá sa pagtoón, paglakát, paghalín, etc. He is anxious to study, to walk, to go away, etc. Nagaánsyas siá sa pakigáway. He is eager for a fight. Ansyasí ang pagbátok mo sa íya. Show that you are eager to oppose him. Iánsyas mo sa íya iníng bastón. Use this stick to show him that you are quite ready to fight him. Nagánsyas siá, ugái nakaúyon man sinâ. He apparently refused, but in reality he liked it. Indì ka magánsyas, kay nakasáyod man akó, nga malúyag ka magtámbong dídto. Don't hide your eagerness, for I know well enough that you wish to be present there. (see hánggab, lúyag, pangabáy, himúlat, bisyó-bísyo, birô-bírò, indî-índì).



Dim. of ánsyas. Ginaansyás-ánsyas níya ang pagbáton siníng dúlot ápang sa pagkamatúod nagawíli siá gid sinâ. He declines for mere appearance' sake to accept this present, but in truth he wants it very much. (see birgî-bírgì, bisyó-bísyo, etc.).



Prettiness, beauty; comeliness; to be or become pretty, nice, comely, beautiful. Kay nakuháan sing hígkò nagányag na gid ang hulút. Because the dirt had been removed the room became quite beautiful. Naanyagán akó sinâ. I consider that nice. (see tahúm, gayón, ayó-áyo, dálig, ámbong).



Fit, suitable, proper, adapted. Anyóan siá sa pagpangúma gid lámang, kay walâ siá sing lúyag sa pagtoón. He is only fit for working on a farm, for he has no liking for study. Anyóan gid siá sa pagkahokóm. He is qualified to be a judge. Anyóan gid siá sinâ nga báyò. She looks nice in that dress. (see ányò, angayán).



(Sp. azucar) Sugar; to make sugar including all the operations in the final stage of the process of sugar-milling, transferring the pulút (the sugar-cane-juice that has become thick and sticky through evaporation) from the cauldron to a flat-bottomed trough and stirring it there with special shovels, till ready for drying and packing. Asukára na lang ang pulút. Turn the pulút into sugar. Asukári akó sing isá ka káwà nga pulút sa madalì, kay may kinahánglan akó sinâ. Turn me a cauldronful of pulút into sugar at once, for I need it. Iasúkar akó ánay siníng pulút. Please turn this pulút into sugar for me. (see arníbal, kalámay).



(Sp. asúnto) Affair, business; case in court, lawsuit; also adverb: with regard to, concerning. Asúnto sinâ-With regard to that-. As to that-. (see butáng, nahanungúd, nahatungúd).



To be able to stand the taste of something sour, bitter, pungent or acrid. Indì akó makaát-at sang kaádat siníng búnga sang kabúgaw. I cannot stand the sourness of this pomelo. Atatá gid ang kaádat siníng bulúng. Force yourself to stand the bitterness of this medicine. Indì ka makaát-at sinâ. You cannot stand that taste on account of its sharpness. (see ít-it, íro, batás).



Clearness, distinctness; to become or make clear, distinct. Athagí akó sinâ. Make that clear to me. Nagáthag na ang íya sulát, hámbal, pamítlang, etc. His writing, speech, pronunciation, etc. has become clear. Athagá ang ímo paghámbal. Speak clearly, distinctly. Iáthag mo gid sa íya and dakû ko nga kinahánglan. Explain to him clearly my great need. (see sánag, ásoy, sáysay, tígdas, pasáyod).



To see the point, to understand, to grasp. Indì siá kaáto sinâ. He cannot see the point. He does not understand it. Makaáto ikáw sa pagpangítà sang áto sang bunáng? Can you find the key of the yarn? (see hibaló, sáyod, balintúnod, etc.).



Participation, share, portion; to participate, share in, have a share in, partake, get a share or part of. Kon buót ka magáyap sinâ--. If you like to get a share of that--. Paayápa akó siní. Let me have part of this. Ayápi akó siní. Get me-, provide me with-, a portion of this. Kon malúyag ka ipaáyap ko sa ímo iníng duhá ka baríta nga tinápay sang napúlò nga binakál ko. If you like I'll let you have these two bars of bread of the ten I bought. (see ámbit, ámò).



Placed in the beginning of a sentence or alone as an exclamation "ba" with a rather long drawn-out "a", denotes a negation, non-conformity, aversion, contempt or dislike. Bah! Pshaw! Pooh! Whew! Ba, índì akó magpáti sinâ. Pshaw, I don't believe that. Ba, dáw sa butíg inâ. Pooh, that sounds like a lie.

bábà, bâbâ


Mouth. Mapísan siá sing bábà. She is a great chatterbox! Pamábà, pamâbâ-to talk much, tell stories, let out secrets. Indì ka magpamábà. Don't talk too much. Don't let out secrets. Sin-o ang namábà sinâ? Who told that, who blurted it out?



To cut off a piece at a time of the suák, that is, the coconut flower in order to get tubâ. Baghotí ang suák. Cut off a piece of the suák. Ibághot akó sang suák. Kindly tap the suák for me. May lubí ikáw nga saráng mabaghotán? Have you any coconut-palms that can be tapped for tubâ? Hóo, ápang índì akó magpabághot sinâ, kay buót ko himúslan ang kópras. Yes, but I will not allow them to be tapped, for I wish to utilize the copra. Ipabághot mo sa ákon or pabaghotán mo sa ákon iníng napúlò ka púnò nga lubí mo. Let me tap for tubâ these ten of your coconut-palms.



To treat or punish someone, as if he were an ox. Kon magbúhat ka sinâ, bakábakáhon ka ni tátay. If you do that you will be soundly thrashed by Father. (see tarítári, búnal, etc.).

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