Search result(s) - bilín



To commit to, entrust to, confide to the care of, leave in another's hands, commit to-a person's charge,-the hands of, deliver in trust, assign, consign to, deposit with, commend to; to counsel, advise, recommend. Itúgian mo sa íya inâ. Tugianán mo siá sinâ. Confide that to his care. Entrust him with that. Sang buút na siá magsakáy pa Manílà gintúgian níya ang íya bátà sa kay Pédro nga útud níya. When he was about to embark for Manila he left his child in the hands of Peter, his brother. Náno ang íya ginatúgian? What does he recommend? What is his advice? Tinugianán ko siá sa pagtúnghol sa ímo sang amó nga sulát. I entrusted him with that letter, confident that he would deliver it into your hands, (see panúgyan, bílin, tógon).



Order, command, injunction, direction, commission; to order, command, direct, enjoin, lay upon, entrust, confide to. Gintúlin níya sa ákon ang pagbántay sang baláy. He ordered me to guard the house. Pagatulínan ikáw dirâ sang gihápon nga mga hilikotón sang mga sologoón sa sulúd sang baláy. You will be directed to perform there the ordinary duties of a servant in the house. Tinúlin níya sa íya ang íya anák sang buút na siá mamatáy. When he was about to die he entrusted him with (committed to him) the care of his child. (see túgian, túgyan, bílin, tógon, sógò).



(B) The remains or remnants of scraps of food, what is left on the table after a meal. (see salín, bíhag, bilín).



(H) A sharp sudden pain, a stitch; to have or suffer a stitch. Nagabilíng ang kílid ko. I have a stitch in the side. Nabilingán ang ákon batíis or nabilingán akó sa ákon batíis. I have a cramp in the calf of my leg. (biríng id.).

(H) To be kept or reserved as seed-grain. (bínhì).



(H) A receptacle for the particles of rice called "bínlud".



Impediment, hindrance, inconvenience, obstacle.



(H) Any missile in the nature of a javelin, spear, lance or the like.



To eat or bite off a piece: to undermine and carry off, wash away (of water). Ab-abá lang ang tinápay kag ang mabilin nga inab-abán ihátag mo sa ímo mánghud. Just bite off a piece of bread, and give the remainder to your younger brother (sister). May katalágman nga ab-abón sang subâ ang pángpang. There is danger that the river will undermine and carry off its banks. Indì mo pag-ipaáb-ab[*] ang kárne sa idô. Do not let the dog snap at the meat. (see áp-ap, kábkab, kádkad, ríbrib).



My, mine; by or through me; sa ákon-me; to, on, upon, from, away from, towards, in, at, into me. Ang ákon kálò. My hat. Akon iní nga baláy. This house is mine, -belongs to me. Yanâ nga umá ákon gid. That field is my own, -belongs to me alone. Dílì ákon iní nga tulún-an. This book is not mine or does not belong to me. Akon ginhímò iní. This was done by me, I did it. Akon siá pagaluasón. Through me he will get free, I will free him. Walâ siá paghigúgma sa ákon. He has no love for me, does not love me at all. Kon sa ákon lang walâ akó sing kabilinggan. As far as I am concerned I have nothing against it. Nagapalapít siá sa ákon. He is coming towards me, is approaching me. Sa dak-ú nga katístis ginhímò níya iní sa ákon. He did this to me very maliciously. Kútub sang paghalín níya dirí sa ákon túbtub nián walâ ko siá makítà. Since he went away from me until now I have not seen him. Sa ákon bántà índì na siá magbálik sa ákon. In my opinion he will not return to me any more. Kon kís-a dumángat sa ákon ang masubô nga panghunâhúna--. Now and then sad reflections come upon me--. (see nákon, ko, ímo, nímo, mo, íya, níya, ámon, námon, áton, náton, ta, ínyo, nínyo, íla, níla).

N.B. The difference between the use of "ákon" and "nákon, ko" is as follows:

1) in the meaning of a possessive pronoun "ákon" is put before and "nákon, ko" are put after the word they respectively qualify, e.g. Ang ákon idô. Ang idô nákon (ko). My dog. Ang ákon amáy tigúlang na. Ang amay nákon (ko) tigúlang na. My father is now old.

2) in the meaning of a predicative adjective "ákon" is always used and never "nákon" or "ko". Akon iní nga pínggan or Iní nga pínggan ákon. This plate is mine, belongs to me. Dilì ákon iní nga páhò or Iní nga páhò dílì ákon. This mango is not mine, does not belong to me.

3) in the meaning of a personal pronoun with the preposition "s", "ákon" is used exclusively and never "nákon" or "ko" e.g. Ginhátag níya inâ sa ákon. He gave that to me. Nagsúmbag siá sa ákon. He hit (boxed) me.

4) in the meaning of "by me, through me" as a personal agent "ákon" always stands before the verb and can only be used, if the verb is not negatived. Akon ginbúhat iní. This was done by me. Sa waláy duhádúha ákon siá pagaduáwon. Of course, he will be visited by me i.e. I will pay him a visit. Dílì balá matúod nga ákon siá nabayáran? Isn't it true, that he was paid by me i.e. that I paid him? "Nákon" and "ko", if employed in such sentences, take their place invariably after the verb: Ginbúhat ko (nákon) iní. Sa ualáy duhádúha pagaduáwon ko (nákon) siá. Dílì balá matúod nga nabayáran ko (nákon) siá?

But if the verb is negatived "ákon" cannot be used; "nákon" or "ko" must then be employed and be placed between the negative adverb and the verb: Walâ ko (nákon) pagbuháta iní. This was not done by me. Dílì ko (nákon) malipatán iní. I cannot forget it. Indì ko (nákon) malíngkang iníng bató, kay mabúg-at gid. I cannot move this stone, for it is very heavy. Indì pa nákon (índì ko pa) mapúy-an ang bág-o ko nga baláy, kay walâ ko pa (ualâ pa nákon) pagbutangí sing mga galamitón nga kinahánglan. I cannot live in my new house yet, because I have not yet put in the necessary furniture. Walâ ko (nákon) siá pagagdahá kag índì man nákon (índì ko man) siá pagagdahón, kay maláin siá sing pamatásan. I neither invited him nor will I invite him, because he has vicious habits.

5) in sentences where the verb is preceded by a quasi-auxiliary or by adverbs of time or place like "saráng, buót, diín, dirí, dirâ, sán-o pa, etc." "nákon" or "ko" should be used before the verb, even if the latter is not negatived, e.g. Saráng ko mabúhat iní. I can do it. Buót ko ímnon iníng bino. I wish or like to drink this wine. Sán-o ko pa (sán-o pa nákon) mapatíndog ang bág-o nga baláy? When shall I be able to build the new house? Diín ko (nákon) makítà ang kwárta? Where can I find the money?

The foregoing examples and rules are applicable to all personal and possessive pronouns, "ímo, íya, ámon, áton, ínyo, íla" following "ákon" and "nímo, mo, níya, námon, náton, ta, nínyo, níla" following "nákon, ko".



A circular arrangement around a common axis as the steps of a winding staircase; arranged in such fashion; to arrange in a circle around a common centre. Alíbalíba ang paghaníg sang kólon. Arrange the leaves in a circle, when you line the bottom of the rice-kettle. Alíbalíbi sing mga dáhon sang burí ang tabungós, kon maggákut ka sang humáy nga bilinhíon. Close the tabungós-basket with burí-leaves arranged in a circle, when you tie up the rice to be preserved as seed-grain.



(H) To be pounded, set apart or allotted as food, said of rice in contra-distinction to bilinhíon-rice to be preserved as seed-grain. (see bayó, baráywon).



To come back, return, go back to the place one came from. Nagbálik siá sa Ilóng-ílong. He went back to Iloilo. Balíkon mo ang maléta nga nalipatán ko. Go back and fetch the handbag I forgot. Balíki si Hosé. Return to José. Ginbálik níya ang pílak nga íya ginhulám. He returned the money he had borrowed. Ibálik mo na ang líbro ko. Now at last give me back my book. Ipabálik lang inâ sa íya. Just send that back to him. Binalíkan níya ang ámon baláy, kay bangúd sang bahâ walâ siá makatabók sa subâ. He came back again to our house, for on account of the freshet he could not cross the river. Binalíkan pa gid sang idô ang diótay nga kárne nga íya nabilín. The dog went back again to the little meat he had left. (see úlì, buélta, panumbalík).



Seed, seed-grain; any small hard particle, as of sand, salt, sugar, etc. Also verb. Binhión ko gid iníng humáy. I am going to preserve this rice as seed-grain. (see líso, bilinhíon, iyás, uyás, binángto, binántuk, bináton).



To tie, fasten, secure, bind together; to gather, collect. Nagabínkit silá sang íla mga bátà. They are gathering their children together. Nagbínkit (nagbilínkit) silá sang íla mga pinamakál. They collected and bound together the things they had bought. (see típon, búgkos).



Small particles of hulled rice. Indì masal-otán sing bínlud ang ilá sugilánon. One cannot put in a tiny particle of rice, when they converse together i.e. they chatter so much and so quickly, that one has no chance to put in a word. (see bilinlúdan).



See bilíng id.



(H) Rice to be hulled and prepared for food. (see bilinhíon-grain to be reserved as seed).



(B) To use recklessly, handle without regard or consideration, treat roughly. Gindádol gid lang níya ang bág-o nga mga sapátos sa mga kabatohán. He wears his new boots quite recklessly in places where there are rocks. Indì ka magdádol sang diótay mo nga bátà sa mabúdlay nga dálan. Don't take your small child along over difficult roads. Indì mo pagdadólon kón diín ka makádto ang bátà nga may hilánat, kóndì ibílin mo siá sa baláy. Don't take with you wherever you go the child with the cold, but leave it at home. Gindádol níya sa lúnang ang matahúm níya nga sinélas. He dragged his beautiful slippers (regardlessly) through the mud. (see gánoy, gúyud).



A bundle or package tied together with a string, especially applied to rice corded or roped in the field, a sheaf. (One gákut is equal to one tabungós or, discounting the ears, to about one bushel of threshed rice); to tie, bind, fasten with a string or rope, to rope or cord, to sheaf. Gakúti ang humáy sa tabungós. Bind the rice in the tabungós-basket. Igákut akó sang bínhì nga humáy. Please sheaf the seed-rice. Gakúti akó sing humáy nga bilinhíon. Bind a bundle of seed-rice for me. Igákut iníng písì sa pinutús. Tie the parcel with this string. (see putús, baláhos, higót).

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