Search result(s) - níya



To spatter, bespatter; the noise or splash of mud, slush, water, etc. Magalapútyak ang lúnang, kon ímo lapákan. The slush will splash, if you tread (step) in it. Nabatián ko ang lapútyak sang lúnang sang paglubás níya sa ámon baláy. I heard the splashing of the mud, when he went past our house. (see lapútak).



Picture, portrait, likeness, representation, statue, effigy, image, icon; model, type, example; photograph, photo; to make a picture, etc. of, portray, liken to, represent. Laráwan iní ni Fuláno. This is a picture, portrait of N.N. Laráwan siá sang mga pamatán-on. He is a model youth. He is an example to other young people. Ginlaráwan níya si Fuláno. He made a picture or painting of N.N. He portrayed, represented, personated, acted the part of, played the role of, N.N. (on the stage or the like). (see panglaráwan, palanganináwan, huluáran, solóndan).



(H) To frown, look cross, look angry, look darkly at, scowl, lower. Indì ka maglárong. Don't look so cross. Naglárong siá sa ákon-or-ginlaróngan níya akó. He scowled at me. (see ariwaróng, kolisáw).



To do or perform badly, bungle, make a mess of; to treat with scorn, despise; at random, haphazard. Indì ka maglásak sang ímo sulát-or-índì mo paglasákon ang ímo sulát. Don't write badly, don't write a clumsy letter. Ginalásak gid lang níya ang íya mga buluhatón. He is very careless or negligent in the performance of his duties, in his work. (see rásak, patarásak).



To be propelled, fly or jump off, scatter with some force, as flying chips or the like. Nalasíkan akó sing inágsap sang pagbíal níya sing káhoy. I was hit by a flying splinter when he was splitting wood. (see lágsik, ásik, ásang, ágsik).



To tear or pull off with some force (a vine, thatched roof, etc.). Laslasá ang balágon, ang kógon sa atóp, etc. Tear off the climbing plants, the cogon-grass from the roof, etc. Metaphorically: Nalaslasán (linaslasán) akó níya sing maláut nga mga púlong. He abused me and used bad language. (see lalás, káskas).



To hit, strike. Nalásog siá sang bóla, kay walâ níya pagsál-a. He was hit by the ball, because he did not catch it. (see ígò).

látigo, látigó


(Sp. látigo) Whip, rod, lash, scourge; to flog, scourge, whip, lash, beat with a rod. Latigohí siá. Give him a whipping. Flog him. Kon magsinutíl ikáw liwán ipalátigo ko ikáw kay tátay mo. If you are naughty again, I'll see to it that your father gives you a whipping. Linatigohán níya ang karabáw sing símsim. He beat the buffalo with branches of bamboo. (see hánot, búnal, hámpak, lábtik, lápdos, láw-it, lipát, hán-us, lámpus, lámba).



(B) To guess, conjecture, divine, surmise, assume, suppose, believe. Latoá or lát-a kon anó ang binakál ko. Guess what I have bought. Makalatô ka kon anó ang áton tinóla sa panyága? Can you guess what our side-dish will be for dinner? Ginlatô níya ang paratkónon (paktákon) nga ginpalatô ko sa íya. He solved the riddle I had proposed to him for solution. (see pakót, lágpat, mái-om, sát-um).



To enter deep, penetrate, permeate, sink into, soak in, be absorbed. Naglátum na ang íya balatían, kay walâ níya pagbúlnga sa gilayón. His sickness has now taken firm hold, for he did not apply remedies at once. Nagalátum sa ákon tagiposóon ang íya matám-is nga láygay. His sweet counsels are penetrating or touching my heart. Nalatúman (nalátman) akó siníng mga kalisúd. These troubles have touched me to the quick, have entered deep into my soul. Ang dálit sang mán-og naglátum na sa íya kaugatán. The snake poison has now permeated his veins. (see tudúk, turúk, salúpsup, kágit, etc.).



(B) To eat greedily or voraciously, gulp down, to wolf, swallow large pieces of food without chewing them properly. Laudá (laurá, lád-a) lang tanán. Just gulp it all down. Nalaudán (nalaurán, nalád-an) níya iníng kólon nga kán-on. He ate voraciously from this rice-kettle.

láum, lá-um


Hope, expectation, trust, confidence; to hope, expect, trust, confide in, be confident. Magláum ka gid nga--. Have confidence that--. Nagláum silá nga makalámbut dídto sa sulúd sang isá ka táknà, ápang duhá gid ka táknà ang íla paglakát. They thought they could arrive there within an hour, but they had to walk two full hours. Ginalaúman (Ginalám-an) ko nga--. I hope, expect that--. Ginlaúman níya ang íya pagdaúg sa dúmug, ápang nabúntul siá. He hoped to win in wrestling, but he was thrown. Ang Pagtóo, Pagláum kag Paghigúgma. Faith, Hope and Charity. Walâ na siá sing lám-on (laúmon). He has nothing to expect any longer. He is without hope, in a quandary, great perplexity, despair. (see sálig, hulát, paabút).



To announce, publish, make known or public. Lawága ang mga ngálan sang mga nakadalaúg sa paindísíndis. Announce the names of the victors in the competition. Ginlawágan níya kamí sang mga umalamót sa bulúlngan. He made known to us the contributors towards the hospital. Iláwag mo akó siníng pagbulút-an sa nakawáan sang bánwa. Please publish this law or ordinance in the town-square. (see abíso, pabalítà, paháyag, táwag).



To approach personally, have the courage of speaking personally to high authorities, etc., about any important matter. Ginlawás níya ang paghámbal sa mga punoán, sa mga ginikánan sang íya nga ginakaluyagán, etc. He had the courage of speaking personally to the authorities, to the parents of his intended, etc.

láway, or láw-ay


Ugliness, repulsiveness, nastiness, meanness, hideousness, obscenity; to be or become ugly, repulsive, hideous, forbidding, etc. Nagláw-ay ang íya nga pangguyáhon. The expression on his face become ugly. Ginláw-ay níya ang pagpuní sang baláy. He decorated his house in a tasteless manner. Law-ayá ang íya nga maskará, agúd magkahádluk ang makakítà sa íya. Make his mask horrible in order that those that see him may be scared.



To loosen or lengthen a tether, rope, string, etc., pay out or give rope to. Lawlawí ang karabáw, kay támà kakúg-ung ang higót níya. Loosen the buffalo, for he is tied too closely. Give the buffalo a longer tether, because his rope is too short. Lawlawí akó sing kalát. Pay me out more rope. Nagláwlaw ang písì. The string has become loose. (see labóy, lábà, lábug).



Sail, canvas, sheets; to set sail, hoist sails, provide with sails. Layági ang paráw. Hoist the sails on the outrigger. Iláyag iníng hénero. Use this cloth as a sail. Magláyag na kitá. Let us set sails. Linayágan níya ang lórtsa. He fitted out the lorcha with sails. Pinalayágan níya ang sakayán. He had sails provided for the boat.



(B) Wide, roomy, baggy, loose, not tight or close; to be or get wide, etc. Naglayáng na ang sárwal níya, kay nagníwang. His trousers are baggy, for he has become thin. (see sángkad, hugák, halúg).



To tear, rend, rive, rip, slit, make a hole in clothes, etc. Naláyhab ang ákon báyò, kay nasang-atán sang dúgi. My jacket was torn, because it was caught in the thorns. Ginláyhab níya ang ákon báyò, kay ginhawíran níya sang nagadalágan akó. He ripped up my jacket, for he took hold of it whilst I was running. (see gísì, rítrit, rábrab, rátrat, gíhay).



The collar, grasp or take by the collar. Liabá siá. Collar him. Ginliáb níya akó. He grasped me by the collar. (see líab).

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