Search result(s) - níya



To migrate, move, go to live in another place, transfer one's abode, go to reside somewhere else (mostly with the intention of coming back to one's former place of residence after some time). Naglíton na silá sa umá. They have gone to live at the farm. Ginlíton níla ang íla pagpuyô sa Manílà. They went to live in Manila. Sán-o kamó magalíton sa umá? When will you transfer your residence to the farm? Ginlíton níya ang íya panimaláy sa Mindanáw. He went with his family to live in Mindanao. He emigrated with his family to Mindanao. Litóni ang umá. Líton ka sa umá. Go to live at the farm. (see kádto, amoyóng, puyô, lúntad, sáylo).



Again, repeatedly, a second time; to do again, repeat, to retract. Liwanón ko ang ákon sulát. I will rewrite what I have written. Ginliwán níya ang íya batásan. He changed his habits. Indì ka magliwán mangáwat (sa pagpangáwat). Do not steal again. Liwaní siá sing isá ka kúpa nga bíno. Give him another glass of wine. Ginliwán níya ang íya hámbal. He repeated his statement. He changed his statement. He retracted his statement. (see liwát).



(H) Again, repeatedly, a second time; to do again, repeat; to change, retract. Liwatón ko ang ginhámbal ko kaína. I am going to repeat what I have said some time ago. Ginliwát níya ang pagbúhat sang amó nga butáng nga maláut. He repeated that wicked action. Nasilótan siá, kay ginliwatán níya si tátay sa pagbátok. He was punished, because he again contradicted Father. Ginliwát níya ang íya nga hámbal. He retracted his statement. He repeated or changed his statement (according to the context). Nagliwát siá sa íya ilóy. He took after his mother i.e. he is like-or-resembles his mother. (see liwán, súlit).

ló-oy, lóoy


Mercy, compassion, consideration, sympathy, lenity, clemency, commiseration, lenience; to have mercy, be merciful, to pity, have-, show-, take-, pity on, commiserate, compassionate-, condole-, with, be sympathetic to. Nagkalóoy (nalóoy) siá sa ákon. He had mercy on me, took pity on me. Maló-oy ka sa íya. Be merciful to-, sympathize with-, him. Ginkalo-óyan níya siá. He condoled with him.



(Sp. logro) Gain, profit, success; usury; a higher bid, an augmentation, raising or doubling of a stake; to bet or wager a higher stake. Gintayaán níya silá sing lógro. Nagtayâ siá sa íla sing lógro. He offered them a higher stake. He raised the stake (in order to regain his losses or to make some profit, if luck should be on his side). Hándà siá sa paglógro sing limá ka mángmang. He is ready to bet five pesos more. He is willing to raise the stake by five pesos.



(H) Kindness, tenderness, affection; to be kind, tender, affectionate. Nagalolô siá sa bátà-or-ginaloloán níya ang bátà. She is kind to the child or treats the child very tenderly. (see lólot).



To roll up, wind up, tuck up. Lolosá ang pakô sang bátà, kay síbtan siá sang manugbúlung. Tuck up (roll up) the child's sleeve, for the doctor is going to vaccinate it. Ginlolós níya ang kortína sang higdáan. He rolled up the bed-curtain. Indì mo paglolosón ang mantél sang lamésa, kóndì lábhan mo ánay kag ibulád sa ínit. Don't roll up the table-cover (table-cloth), but wash it first and spread it in the sun to dry. Ilolós akó ánay sang amákan. Please roll up the bamboo mat. Naghúmlad (nalógho) ang linolós níya nga delárgo. His tucked up trousers have come loose. Andam ka agúd índì magúntay (malubád) ang linolós mo nga pakô. Be on your guard or your turned-up sleeve may become loose. Untayí akó sang álba nga nalolós sa ákon likód. Let down the alb that is all rucked up on my back. (see lolón, balólon, baláking, kolókos).



Gentleness, kindheartedness, mildness; to be or become gentle, mild, tender. Naglólot siá sa ílo nga bátà-or-ginlolótan níya ang ílo nga bátà. She treated the orphan child with great kindness. Ang nalolótan níya nga anák. Her beloved son or daughter. (see lolô).



To shake a dice-box or the like. Longgongón mo ang káha sang pósporo. Shake the match-box. Ginalónggong níya ang sulúdlan kag nagalungkágay ang sulúd sinâ. He is shaking the receptacle and its contents are rattling. Ginlónggong níya ang alkansía kag naglágting ang pílak. He shook the money-box and the coins jingled.

lúak, lú-ak


To dislocate, break or separate joints. Luáka ang pákpak sang manók. Break off the chicken's wing. Nalúak ang íya bútkon. His arm was dislocated. Ginlúak gid lang níya sang íya kamót ang páa sang manók. He simply tore off the chicken's leg with his hand. Nahúlug siá sa lubí kag nalúak ang íya abága. He fell from a coconut palm and dislocated his shoulder. (see súlpò, líw-as).

luát, lu-át


To cease, stop, leave off, desist. Indì akó maluát sa pagkádto dídto túbtub nga ákon siá makítà. I will not stop from going there till I see him. Walâ níya pagluatí ang pagbalíkbálik dídto túbtub nga nagkasugtánay silá kag nabakál níya ang báka. He did not (would not) desist from returning there again and again till they came to an agreement and he succeeded in buying the cow. (see liát, libútay).



(B) To pass, go by, lapse, elapse, expire. Nakalubás na kútub sádto ang pilá ka túig. Several years have passed since then. Sín-o ang naglubás? Who was it that passed by? Nalúbsan níya akó. He passed me by. Indì mo paglúbsan ang ámon baláy, kóndì maghápit ka gid kon magkádto ka dídto sa ámon dapít. Do not pass by our house, but call on us without fail, if you come to our place. Palúbsa siá. Let him pass. (see ági, lígad).



Cheating, cunning, treason, insidiousness, meanness; to be mean, to cheat, betray, act insidiously, to worm-, fish-, pump-, ferret-, out secrets or elicit an admission, etc. and betray the confiding victim. Indì mo siá paglubhaón. Don't cheat-, trick-, betray-, him. Ginlúbhà níya siá. She (He) jilted him (her). Ginbuhátan níya siá sing madámù nga mga lúbhà. He often-played him false,-was mean to him,-cheated him,-betrayed his confidence. (see dáyà, límbong, búdhì, luíb, kátkat).



To step into something thoughtlessly or carelessly, walk in mud, slush, mire, etc., to stumble. Nagalúdag siá sa kalóg. He is walking in the ditch. Naludágan níya ang lúnang. He stepped into (walked in) the mire. Indì nínyo pagludágan ang kalóg. Don't walk in the (muddy) ditch. (see tásak, tádag, túdag, ládag, lútak).



To rub, scour, scrub (with some force or pressure). Lughurí ang salúg. Scrub the floor. Linughurán (-udán) níya ang lamésa sing lapát túbtub nga maghíning. He rubbed the table with a cloth till it shone brightly. (see lúgod, lúdgud).



To bore, make a hole by a boring action with some pointed instrument; to fish-, ferret-, out with a stick or the like, as money from a box, etc. Lugíti ang tápì. Bore a hole in the board. Linugítan níya ang baúl kag ginkáwat níya ang nasulúd nga pílak. He made a hole in the trunk and stole the money that was in there. Ilúgit sa kawáyan iníng dulát. Use this awl to bore a hole in the bamboo. Ginlúgit (linúgit) níya ang kwárta sa alkansíya. He fished out (with a stick smeared with birdlime, or the like) the coins from the slotted money box. (see lóglog).



To force, violate, ravish, stuprate, defile, debauch, abuse; stupration, rape, violation, force. Ang mga babáye mahádluk sa mga buyóng, kay básì lugúson níla. The women are afraid of the brigands, for they might be ravished by them. Ginlúgus níya siá. He raped or ravished her. Sa lúgus--. By force--. With violence--.



Tear, tear-drop; to fill with tears, water, be wet with tears, shed tears. Nagalúhà ang ákon matá, kay napúling. My eye is watering, because a mote got into it. Naglúhà ang matâ níya. Her eyes filled with tears. Ginluháan níya sing mapaít ang kamatáyon sang íya anák. She shed bitter tears over the death of her child.



A hole, opening; to open. Ginluhót níya ang balá-on. He made a hole in the basket. Naluhót ang bakág. The carrier's basket has got a hole or holes in it. Iluhót iníng bagát sa díngding nga amákan. Push a hole through the partition-mat with this slender bamboo. (see lubút, tohók).



To kneel down, kneel, genuflect, bend the knee; be a witness to a marriage. Magluhúd (lumuhúd) kamó. Kneel down. Ginlúdhan níya ang íya ilóy kag ginpangayóan sing patáwad. He knelt down before his mother and asked her pardon. Palúdha siá. Make him kneel down. Make him a witness to the marriage. Ang pílak amó gid lang ang íya nga ginalúdhan. He only worships money. He bends his knees only before wealth. (see túhud-the knee).

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