Moment, short while, time, instant, a little spare time. Walâ gid akó sing tinión sa pagbálus sang ímo sulát túbtub karón. Till now I have really had no time to answer your letter. (see tión).
To become senseless, unconscious, insensible, torpid, stiff and lifeless (through a sudden blow, shock, etc.). Nagtirî gid lang siá, kay linampusán ni Fuláno. He fell down stiff and lifeless on being hit by N.N. Karón patirión ta ikáw, kon índì ka maghípus. I'll knock the life out of you, unless you keep quiet. (see pálak, oróyóroy, tingâ, uráhab).
A question, interrogation, catechizing, inquiry, query, interpellation; to question, ask a question, catechize, interrogate, interpellate, inquire, demand. Toksoá siá sa nahanungúd sang íya pagpangabúdlay. Question him with regard to his work. Ask him about his work. Toksoón ko ikáw karón kon nakasaoló ka sang mga tóksò kag sabát. Presently I shall examine you to know whether you have learned by heart the questions and answers. (see pamángkot, pangutána, pakiána, pakisáyod).
To include all, be sufficient for all, leave out none, take in all without exception, cover a whole field, fill all positions, or the like. Natoptopán silá sang (sing) tinápay. They were all without exception given bread. Kúlang karón ang mga párì nga índì silá makatóptop sang tanán nga mga parókya. There are too few priests at present so that they cannot fill all the parishes. Ang malápad níya nga palangúmhan natoptopán sang tubó. His extensive farmland is completely covered with sugar cane. Madámù na ang mga dálan nga maáyo, ápang walâ pa man gihápon sinâ matoptopí ang tanán nga mga bánwa. There are now many good roads in existence, but still not sufficient yet to reach all the municipalities. (see tápud, tipatíp, kámpod, túptup).
(Sp. turno) Turn, successive opportunity; to get one's turn, be in line, have one's chance or opportunity. Akon (ákong, ákon ang) tórno karón. It's my turn now. (see bulús, bulúsbúlus, túka).
Sugar cane; to grow or plant sugar cane. Maáyo karón ang pagtúbò sang tubó. The sugar cane is growing well at present. Iníng dútà pagatubuhán (pagatúbhan) ko sa madasón nga túig. Next year I shall plant sugar cane in this field. Yanáng umá dílì maáyo nga matúbhan, kóndì támnan lang sang ibán nga mga talamnúnon. That land is no good for sugar cane planting, but shall be planted with other crops. (see katúbhan, katulúbhan).
The year; time. Also used as verb. Sa túig nga iní. Sa nián (karón) nga túig nga nagalakát. This (present, current) year. Sang túig nga tinalíkdan (naglígad). Last year. Sang tátlo ka túig. Three years ago. Walâ gid matuígi ang íya paglúntad dídto. His stay there did not last a full year. Sa mga túig sang katuigán. For ever and ever. (see tinúig, tuíg-túig, dág-on).
Thirst, drought, drouth; to cause thirst, make thirsty. Ginaúhaw akó. I thirst. I am thirsty. Inúm, kay kon dílì ka maginúm karón uháwon ka gid sa dálan. Drink, for if you don't drink now you will certainly get thirsty on the road. (see gútum-hunger).
Thirst, drought, drouth; to cause thirst, make thirsty. Ginaúhaw akó. I thirst. I am thirsty. Inúm, kay kon dílì ka maginúm karón uháwon ka gid sa dálan. Drink, for if you don't drink now you will certainly get thirsty on the road. (see gútum-hunger).
Cultivated ground, soil, field, farm, farmland; country, country-side, rural district, farmstead; to farm, till the soil, do farm-work, be a farmer. Nagaumá (nagapangúma) siá karón kag nagapuyô (nagaamuyóng) man siá sa íya umá. He is at present doing farm-work and stays at his farm. Yádtong bánglid ginumá námon sang túig nga tinalíkdan, ápang karón walâ na námon pagaúmha, kay lánggod ang dútà. Last year we cultivated that slope over there, but we are not working it any longer, because the soil is poor. Hóo, kon malúyag ikáw ipaumá ko sa ímo iníng bakólod. Yes, if you like, I'll let you till this rise. Diín ikáw nagapuyô?-Sa umá. Where do you live?-In the country. In the rural district. Ang ímo umá saráng mapalápad pa gid, kon kaíngnon mo lang ang tanán nga mga kalaíngnon. Your farmland can be increased yet to a large extent, if you only clear by fire all the jungles that can be brought under cultivation. (see pangúma, pangúmhan, umánhon, mangungúma, palangúmhan, dútà, lúpà, tubúng).
Cultivated ground, soil, field, farm, farmland; country, country-side, rural district, farmstead; to farm, till the soil, do farm-work, be a farmer. Nagaumá (nagapangúma) siá karón kag nagapuyô (nagaamuyóng) man siá sa íya umá. He is at present doing farm-work and stays at his farm. Yádtong bánglid ginumá námon sang túig nga tinalíkdan, ápang karón walâ na námon pagaúmha, kay lánggod ang dútà. Last year we cultivated that slope over there, but we are not working it any longer, because the soil is poor. Hóo, kon malúyag ikáw ipaumá ko sa ímo iníng bakólod. Yes, if you like, I'll let you till this rise. Diín ikáw nagapuyô?-Sa umá. Where do you live?-In the country. In the rural district. Ang ímo umá saráng mapalápad pa gid, kon kaíngnon mo lang ang tanán nga mga kalaíngnon. Your farmland can be increased yet to a large extent, if you only clear by fire all the jungles that can be brought under cultivation. (see pangúma, pangúmhan, umánhon, mangungúma, palangúmhan, dútà, lúpà, tubúng).
To follow suit, be able to perform or bear as well as another. Makaúngud ka sa pagpuláw sing isá ka simána tungúd sa nagamasakít? Can you bear the fatigue of watching the sick person during the night for a week? Kubús nga binúlan ang íya ginabáton karón, kay ang bág-o níya nga agálon índì makaúngud sa pagsóhol sa íya sing mahál súbung sang ginhímò sang úna níya nga agálon. At present he receives a low monthly wage, for his new master cannot afford to pay him as much as his former employer. (see batás, sunúd).
To follow suit, be able to perform or bear as well as another. Makaúngud ka sa pagpuláw sing isá ka simána tungúd sa nagamasakít? Can you bear the fatigue of watching the sick person during the night for a week? Kubús nga binúlan ang íya ginabáton karón, kay ang bág-o níya nga agálon índì makaúngud sa pagsóhol sa íya sing mahál súbung sang ginhímò sang úna níya nga agálon. At present he receives a low monthly wage, for his new master cannot afford to pay him as much as his former employer. (see batás, sunúd).
A repetition of an accident or ill fortune in the same family. Uyaw sa íla iní, kay may nalúnud sa íla sang isá ka túig kag karón napátyan na liwán. This is another shock for them, for last year one of their family was drowned and now they have lost another. (see mauyawón).
A repetition of an accident or ill fortune in the same family. Uyaw sa íla iní, kay may nalúnud sa íla sang isá ka túig kag karón napátyan na liwán. This is another shock for them, for last year one of their family was drowned and now they have lost another. (see mauyawón).
No, not, none, no one, not any, nothing; there is not, does not exist, there has not been (existed); to be not, have not, be a nonentity, to lack, be deprived of, be not there, to disappear, be gone. Nagkádto ka dídto?-Walâ (akó magkádto). Did you go (Have you been) there?-No, I did not go (I have no been there). Walâ siá pagsugál. He does not gamble. He never gambles. Walâ siá magsugál kahápon. He has not been gambling yesterday. Walâ siá magasugál. He is not gambling (just at present. May kwárta ikáw?-Walâ. Have you (any) money?-No, I have not (none). Walâ kamí sing humáy. We have no rice. Walâ siá dirí. He is not here. Walâ akó gánì sinâ makasáyod. I really did not know it (that). Walâ níya pagtumána (pagatumána) ang sógò. Walâ siá magtúman (magatúman) sang sógò. He did not fulfil (is not fulfilling) the order or precept. He was (is) disobedient. Walâ siá magatoón sa karón nga túig. He is not studying (schooling) this year. Náno na lang ang ímo sinâ sa íla pagdakúp, kon walâ ka sing hinangíban? How can you catch (arrest) them unarmed (without arms, unless you have arms)? Sa walâ sing kon anó--. Without any apparent reason--. Suddenly--. Without much ado (fuss)--. Walâ sing anó man. Don't mention it. It is very little (nothing). Sa walâ gid madúgay umabút siá. It did not last long before he arrived. Sa walâ sing balíbad (lídan). Without excuse (fail). Ginakawalaán (Ginakawád-an, ginakawár-an) silá konkaisá sing pagkáon. At times they have nothing to eat (are lacking, are deprived of, food). (see waáy, waláy, wáy, warâ, warát, warâ, ti, dî, dílì, índì, bokón, kinawalâ).
Dim. and Freq. of yuhúm. Ginayuhúmyuhúman kitá karón sang maalabáab nga sílak sang ádlaw. We are being smiled upon by the warm rays (beams) of the sun.