Search result(s) - maláin



To go away, leave, go off, depart from. Iway ka dirí. Go away from here. Nagíway na ang kalisúd. The trouble has passed-or-The difficulty is over. Ipaíway mo ang maláin nga mga bátà. Drive off the misbehaving (bad) boys. Ginpaíway níla ang mga apán. They drove away the locusts. O Diós ko, ipaíway mo sa ámon ang maláut nga mga hunâhúnà. Oh my God, drive away from us evil thoughts. (see halín).



(B) Bad, wicked, evil, no good, ugly, nasty, foul, not nice; to be or become bad, ugly, etc. Kaayóáyo siníng bátà sang úna, ápang karón, kay nagdakû (naghánggud), nagkadû (nagláw-ay)! How beautiful this child was formerly! But now, it has grown up plain! Indì ka magbúhat sin_à, kay kadû (maláw-ay, maláin). Don't do that, for it is wicked or bad. Indì ka magsúgpon sa mga sugilánon nga kadû (maláw-ay). Don't take part in foul talk. Waláy sapayán nga ginadáyaw siá sang ibán, akó sing ákon ginakaduán (ginalaínan, ginalaw-ayán) sa íya. Notwithstanding that others praise him, I for my part consider him a bad (ugly) man. Indì mo pagkaduón (paglaw-ayón) ang pagsulát. Don't write badly, i.e. illegibly, indistinctly, obscenely. (see láin, láw-ay, hígkò, maláin, maláw-ay, mahígkò, kadô).



To be short of-, to want-, to lack-, rain, to dry up or wither. Maláin ang patubás sa karón nga túig, kay nagkagáng ang mga talámnan. The harvest was bad this year, for the fields lacked rain. (see láyà, malá, layóng, kusúg).



(Sp. queja, quejarse) Accusation, complaint, charge, imputation, inculpation, denunciation, citation, arraignment, impeachment, indictment; to accuse, bring before a court or judge, institute a lawsuit; to complain, express dissatisfaction. Ikíha siá sa hukóm. Accuse him before the judge. Kiháhi ang hukmánan sang maláin nga ginbúhat ni Fuláno. Lodge a complaint with the court against N.N.'s evil deed.



(B) Bad, ugly, nasty, disagreeable, annoying, jarring. (see límnan, láin, maláin, maláut).



Excessive, exorbitant, extravagant, to excess, superabundant, profuse, too much, overmuch, more than enough, beyond the proper limit, unreasonable, immoderate; to be or do to excess, etc. Lakás man inâ. That's really too much. Indì ka magkáon sing lakás, kay maláin inâ sa láwas mo. Don't eat too much, for it is bad for your health. Naglakás na ang bilí sang humáy. The price of rice has grown exorbitant. Nalakasán akó sang íya nga ginhámbal, ininúm, kináon, etc. He talked, drank, ate, etc. too much for my taste. Sa lakás nga pangabúdlay nagbalatián siá. Due to excessive work he fell ill. (see támà, masiádo, dúro, lám-ag).



Insipidity, mawkishness, tastelessness; to be, make or become insipid, mawkish, unappetizing, tasteless, abominable, disgusting. Walâ gid sing lás-ay iníng pagkáon. This food has nothing of insipidity about it. This food tastes fine or nice. Naglás-ay iníng bíno, kay nasimbúgan sing hinébra. This wine has lost its flavour, for it has been mixed with gin. Nalas-ayán akó sa íya. He is abominable to me. I am disgusted with him. Las-ayá lang ang íla pagkáon, kay támà kadalók sa íla. Make their food tasteless, because they are too greedy. Linas-ayán (pinalas-ayán) akó níla dídto sing pagkáon. They gave me there tasteless or insipid food. Urúton (Saídon) mo iní sang káon karón, kay sa buás magalás-ay. Eat this up now, for to-morrow it will be stale, vapid, mawkish, unappetizing, flat. (see báng-aw, pán-os, lán-o, maláin, etc.).

láut, lá-ut


(H) Badness, wretchedness, viciousness, malice, wickedness; to be, become or make wicked, bad, malicious, depraved, miserable, wretched, to deteriorate, degenerate, worsen, change for the worse. Nagláut ang íya batásan sa Manílà. He contracted bad habits in Manila. Ginláut sang maláin nga kaupdánan ang kagawián ni Fuláno. Bad company perverted N.N.'s character. (see láin, kalalát-an).

líkaw, likáw


To avoid, shun, keep away from, eschew, steer-, keep-, clear of, fight shy of, evade, elude, have nothing to do with, let alone. Maglikáw ka sa mga maláut. Likawán mo ang mga maláut. Shun the wicked. Keep away (aloof) from bad people. Likawí ang kaupdánan nga maláin sing batásan. Avoid companions of bad habits. Ilikáw (ilíkaw) sa íya iníng masakít nga táo, agúd índì níya makítà. Hide this sick man from him, lest he should see him. Makalikáw (makalíkaw) ka sang amó nga katalágman, kon--. You can escape that danger, if--. Linikawán níya akó. He avoided (meeting, coming together with) me. (see aklihís, kuyáw).



(B) Ugly of figure, harsh of sound, bad of smell, disagreeable to touch, etc., bad, mean, nasty; abominable. (see laímnan, maláin).



To screen, stand between, bar, block, close the view of, hide behind, conceal, cover, cloak, veil; a screen, etc. Ang kawáyan nagalipód sang baláy-or-ang baláy ginalípdan sang kawáyan. The house is hidden behind the bamboo. The bamboo screens the house. Ang tíktik nalípdan sang madábung nga mga káhuy. The spy was concealed behind the dense foliage of trees. Ang amó nga minurô ginalibútan kag ginalípdan sing búg-os sang mga kawáyan. That village is completely surrounded and closed to view by bamboos. Palípdi ang nabagátnan sang ímo baláy sing mga akásya, kay ábong gid sa hángin. Hide the southside of your house behind acacias, for it is too much exposed to the wind. Ang íla nga binúhat índì na malípdan. Their deed cannot be concealed any longer. Ginlípdan níya ang maláin nga katuyoán sing matám-is nga hámbal. He covered his wicked design under a cloak of sugary or honeyed talk. (see lipón, lípon, tábon, tabón, gabún, hingabón, tágò, panágò).



(H) Bad, wrong, evil, wicked, ill, sinful, criminal, unprincipled, vicious, depraved, malignant, malevolent, malicious, base, mean. (see láut, maláin).



(Sp. malo) Bad, wicked, evil. (see maláin, maláut).



(Sp. menos) No good, poor, mean, defective, bad, not well done or said, inferior, mediocre, below expectations, not up to the mark or standard; to grow less, deteriorate, be bad. Nagmínus ang pinatubás ko nga humáy sa karón nga túig. This year I had a poor crop of rice. (see kulabús, kabús, maláin, kúlang).



To attribute to, inculpate, impute, lay the guilt, etc. upon someone else, accuse, denounce, make responsible; blame. Indì ka magpabángdan sa ákon sang ímo sayúp. Don't blame me for your mistake. Ginpabángdan níla sa manugbúlung ang kamatáyon sang íla anák, kay, konó, gindapátan níya sing maláin nga bulúng. They attributed the death of their child to the doctor, for, they said, he applied a harmful prescription. (see bangúd, pabangúd).



To make brave, encourage, embolden, animate, inspirit, cheer, hearten, rally, put upon one's mettle, inspire valour, excite to bravery or exertions of strength. Paisúga siá. Urge (Cheer) him on. Encourage him. Ginpaísug sang íla mga punoán ang mga mangangawáy sa pagtámpad sing matútum sa íla mga kaáway. The soldiers were stimulated by their officers to meet the enemy unflinchingly. Ipaísug sa íla ang mga dulumdúmon nga binúhat sang íla katigulángan. Inspire them with bravery by telling them of the memorable deeds of their ancestors. Ang maláin nga pagbílang sa íya sang íya agálon kag ang tanán nga binatás níya nagpaísug sa íya sa olíhi sa pagpalágyo sing tágò. The bad treatment he received from his master and all he had suffered nerved him at last to run away in secret. (pa, ísug).



A prefix denoting plurality. It indicates:-

1.) an often repeated action, or an action done by way of trade or profession, e.g. Ang pamalígyà kag pamakál (pan, balígyà; pan, bakál)-Buying and selling.

2.) the way, manner, form, shape, of what the root implies, e.g. Matáas siá sing pamáa (pan, páa)-He is long-legged. Maláin ang íya pamábà (pan, bábà)-He uses bad language. His mouth is vile.

3.) the looking for, or gathering of, what the root implies, e.g. pangáhoy (pan, káhoy)-to gather wood; pangítà (pan, kítà)-to seek.

Note. In the above examples pan-has changed into pam-and pang-, the n of pan-being influenced by the initial letter of the root.

Before r no change is made, e.g. panrára.

Before d, n, s, t, the n of pan-remains unchanged, but the first letter of the root is dropped, e.g. panalók (pan, dalók); panúsnus (pan, núsnus); panabát (pan, sabát); panúluk (pan, túluk).

Before b, f, m, p, the n of pan-is changed to m, and the first letter of the root is dropped, e.g. pamáklay, (pan, báklay); pamuérsa (pan, fuérsa); pamúkmuk (pan, múkmuk); pamígos (pan, pígos).

Before k and the vowels pang-is written, and the k is dropped, e.g. pangúlbà (pan, kúlbà); pangáway (pan, áway); panginúm (pan, inúm); pangólhot (pan, ólhot); pangúrut (pan, úrut).

Before g, h, l, w, y either pan-or pang is written, e.g. pangábut or panggábut (gábut); panhálad or panghálad (halad); panlángbas or panglángbas (lángbas); panwárik or pangwárik (wárik); panyáwyaw or pangyáwyaw (yáwyaw).

For the composite forms nagpan-, magapan-, magpan-the shortened forms nan-, nang-, nang-, nam-, man-, mang-, mang-, mam-, are mostly used, the choice depending on the tense and the first letter of the root, e.g. Nagpanglakát na silá-or-nanglakát na silá. They have gone.



To beware, be careful, be wary, take care, be cautious, be on one's guard, consider well, think twice over, mind. Managádsad ka sing maáyo, agúd nga dílì ka makatíplang sa maláin. Be careful, lest you should stumble into (not to be surprised into doing) something bad. (sagádsad).



Freq. of kabáy. To wish, desire, ask for, hanker after, covet, long for, crave. Ginapangabáy ko nga--. I wish that--. Ginapangabáy ko sa ímo ang isá ka mahamungayáon nga bág-ong túig. I wish you a happy new year. Nagpangabáy (nangabáy) siá nga--. He desired that--. Indì ka magpangabáy (mangabáy) sa íya sing maláin. Don't wish him any evil. Don't curse (imprecate) him.



Caus. of súyon-to be easy, etc. Also: to take things easy, let things take their course without opposition, wink at, tolerate, allow to pass or go on. Indì mo pagpasuyónan inâ. Don't allow that to pass or go on (without notice or opposition). Ginapasuyónan gid lang sang ginikánan ang maláin nga batásan sang íla nga anák. The parents wink at (connive, do not interfere with) the bad habits of their son.

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