A wave, billow, surge, swell, surf, breaker, comber, beach-comber, ripple; to be ruffled, be a little rough (of the sea); to rise and roll (of waves). Karón dalágkù ang mga balúd. Now there are heavy waves (white horses) on the sea. Nagabalúd ang dágat. The sea is rather rough,-is choppy. Nabádlan silá sa dágat. They had rough weather on the sea. (see bádlan, hanúl).
(B) Opinion, guess, surmise, thought; to think, guess, opine, surmise. Ginabánà ko nga magaulán karón sa hápon. I guess it will rain this afternoon. Sa ákon bánà índì siá makatabók sa subâ, kay may bahâ. In my opinion he cannot cross the river, because it is in flood. (see bántà).
On account of, by reason of, due to, because. Bangúd sinâ --. Therefore --. Bangúd sang íya katámad sa pagpangabúdlay napúto siá. On account of his being too lazy to work he became a bankrupt. Walâ akó makakarí sang simána nga tinalíkdan, bangúd nga nahilántan akó. I was unable to come here last week, because I had a cold or influenza. Bangúd sang madámol nga ulán índì kamí makapaúlì karón. Due to the heavy rain we cannot go home now. (see tungúd, kay).
A peal of bells, festive ringing of bells. May basál karón sa las dóse. There will be a full peal of bells at twelve o'clock. (see ripíke).
To feel, sense, perceive, become aware of, notice, have a sensation, suffer, be indisposed or ill. Tungúd sang lakás nga pagdúmug mo karón pagabatiagón mo gid sa buás ang kasakít sang láwas mo. On account of your wrestling so much you will surely ache all over tomorrow. May ginabátiag siá. He is indisposed, feels a little ill. Sa hinálì nakabátiag akó sing dakû nga kasakít sa ákon kílid. Suddenly I felt great pain in the side. Ipabátiag mo ang látigo sa matámad nga karabáw. Give the lazy buffalo a taste of your whip. Kon matúod ang ímo ginasilíng magabátiag si nánay sing dakû nga kalípay. If what you say is true, mother will feel very glad. (see bátyag, bátì).
Stubborn, perverse, dogged, sullen, sulky, obstinate, mulish, disobedient, wilful, self-willed, unyielding, strong-headed, pig-headed; to be or become stubborn, etc. Sán-o pa ikáw magbatinggílan? When did you become so stubborn? Sádto maáyo siá nga bátà, ápang karón nagbatinggílan. He was a good boy before, but now he has become wilful. (see dîmanínggol, balít-ad, paganót).
Payment, settlement, disbursement, expenditure, outlay; to pay, settle, spend, disburse. Magbáyad ka sang ímong útang. Pay (you must pay) your debt. Sa walâ sing báyad or sa waláy báyad. Without payment; gratis, free. Kón índì ka magbáyad sa íya karón, índì ka makaútang sa íya liwán. If you don't pay him now, you cannot get a loan from him again. Bayári na siá sang duhá ka mángmang nga ginhulám mo. Pay him now the two pesos you borrowed. Ibáyad mo sa íya ang napúlò ka mángmang nga útang mo sa íya. Pay him the ten pesos you owe him. Ang mga komersyánte malúyag sang mga súkì nga may batásan sa pagbáyad sing támbing. Dealers like customers that habitually pay cash. Nakabáyad ka sang relóh nga nabáton mo gíkan sa Manílà?-Hóo, dúgay na nga binayáran ko yádto. Have you paid for the watch you received from Manila?-Yes, I paid for it long ago. Walâ pa akó sing ikabáyad sa ímo. I have not yet got the means with which to pay you. Sa madalî ukón sa madúgay magabáyad gid siá sing mahál sang íya nga sináypan. Sooner or later he will pay dearly for his mistakes. Pabayára (-áda) siá. Make (let) him pay.
Livelihood, maintenance, sustenance; work, job, employment. Walâ siá karón sing bidáhon. He is at present out of work, has no job or remunerative employment. (see bída, pangítà, palamúgnan, alagarán, palangitán-an).
Price, cost, worth, charge; to be worth, cost, be the price of. Pilá ang bilí siní? How much is this? Nagabilí sing duhá ka písos. It costs two pesos. Pilá ang pagpabilí mo siní? How much do you charge for this? Pabilihí siá sing tátlo ka salapî sináng kálò. Charge him (Have him charged) one peso and fifty centavos for that hat. Pinabilihán akó níla sing támâ. They overcharged me. Bilihán mo kon pilá ang gústo mo nga ibáyad sinâ. Name the price you would be willing to pay for that. Ang humáy nga sádto nagabilí sing mamísos ang pásong nagabilí karón sing ápat ka písos. The rice that formerly cost one peso a bushel now costs four pesos. Nagabalígyà kamí sa kubús kag pát-ud nga bilí, ápang támbing ang báyad. We sell at a cheap and fixed price, but on a cash basis. (see kabilihánan).
News, information, hearsay, report, rumour, advice, word. Walâ silá sing binatîbátì kon sa diín siá karón. They have no word as to his present whereabouts. (see batî).
(Sp. visita) A visitor, guest: to visit, pay a visit, call upon, go to see, examine, inspect. Madámù ang mga bisíta sa baláy karón. There are many visitors in the house at present. Bisitáhi si tíyò mo. Visit your uncle. Nabisitáhan níya ang masakít nga bátà. He paid a visit to the sick boy. Bisitáhi (bistáhi) ang humáy kon madámù ang mga máya. Go and inspect the rice-field to see whether there are many maya-birds there. Pabisitáhi (pabistáhi) siá sa médiko. Let a doctor examine him. (see dúaw, bísta).
(Sp. vuelta) Return, coming back; to return, come back, retrace one's steps. Sán-o man ikáw magabuélta? When are you coming back? Nakabuélta siá? Has he returned? Sa pagbuélta mo dálhan mo akó sing tinápay. On your return bring me along some bread. Huy, sapiór, bueltahón mo akó karón. Hi. chauffeur, come back and fetch me soon. Húo, pahulamón ko ikáw siníng maléta, ápang ipabuélta mo sa ákon sa madalî. Yes, I'll lend you this hand-bag, but mind and have it returned to me soon. Ari na ang maléta nga ginbuélta (ginpabuélta) níya. Here now is the handbag he brought (sent) back. Naglakát siá sa Ilóngílong kaína sang ága kag nagbuélta siá siníng hápon. He walked to Iloilo this morning and came back this afternoon or evening. (see bálik, paúlì, panumbalík, ógpot).
(B) Presently, shortly, at once, in a moment, in-, within-, a short time. Karón buháybuháy hapítan ko ikáw. I shall presently call upon you. I shall visit you soon. Karón buháybuháy maabút ang koríyo. The mail will be in shortly, within a short time. (see dugáydugáy).
Ill-starred, unlucky; luckless, unfortunate, miserable, out of luck; to be or become unfortunate, etc. Nagbuisít ang íya pangabúhì. His life became miserable. Indì ka magbána sa kay Fuláno, kay básì mabuisitán ikáw. Don't marry N.N., for you may be miserable with him. Nabuisitán silá sa karón nga túig sa íla nga pangúma, kay diótay gid lámang ang íla pinatubás. They were unlucky this year with their farming for their harvest was very small indeed. (see waláy, swérte, maláut, sing, pálad-or-síng, kapaláran, etc.).
Old, ancient, antiquated, used, worn, out of date or fashion, behind the times, primitive, archaic. Dáan na iníng baláy. This is an old house. Ginhámbal ko iní sa ímo nga dáan. I told you this before or long ago. Mga dáan na kitá sa kalibútan. We are a long time in the world, are getting old. Ang Dáan nga Katípan. The Old Law or Testament. Sa walâ pa nga dáan --. Beforehand, before it happened or came about --. Walâ silá magpahibaló sinâ sa ákon nga dáan, kóndì karón lang. They did not tell me that before, but only now. Sang dáan nga mga tinúig dáan man ang mga batásan. In ancient time there were also ancient customs. Ang dáan ko nga panápton. My old or worn out clothes. (see dumáan, mál-am, tigúlang, sádto, ánay, kinarágto, sinádto, minál-am).
Greedy, gluttonous; a glutton, gourmand; to be or become greedy, etc.; pagdinalók-to gorge, over-eat oneself, gourmandize, stuff oneself with food, eat greedily, voraciously, ravenously. Dalók nga bátà. A greedy child. Mahínay siá sa pagkáon sádto ánay, ápang karón nagdalók. He used to eat slowly, but now he has become greedy. Nagadinalók siá sa pagkáon. He eats ravenously. (see kágud).
Slovenly, dirty, untidy, slatternly, sluttish, bedraggled, draggletail; to become slovenly, etc. Sádto sang dalága pa siá mahípid siá kaáyo, ápang karón, kay kasáda na, nagdamák. Formerly, when she was single, she used to be very tidily dressed, but now that she is married, she has become a slattern. (see sáprat).
(H) To be-, become-, many, augment in numbers, increase, multiply. Nagdámò ang mga táo, háyop, etc. The people, cattle, became numerous. Kon buót ka nga magdámò ang ímo mga ábyan, tabángan mo sing malolóy-on ang mga nalísdan. If you wish to have many friends, compassionately assist those that are in trouble. Damóa ang mga mamumugón, bató, kawáyan, etc. Increase the number or get a large number of workmen, stones, bamboos, etc. Nadamóan or nadám-an akó sing mga páhò sa karón nga túig. This year I had many mangoes.