Search result(s) - ákon



To tear, rend, rive, rip, slit, make a hole in clothes, etc. Naláyhab ang ákon báyò, kay nasang-atán sang dúgi. My jacket was torn, because it was caught in the thorns. Ginláyhab níya ang ákon báyò, kay ginhawíran níya sang nagadalágan akó. He ripped up my jacket, for he took hold of it whilst I was running. (see gísì, rítrit, rábrab, rátrat, gíhay).

líab, lí-ab


A shirt-collar, the hole or opening for the neck in a garment; to make a shirt-collar. Nagalíab siá sang ákon báyò or ginaliában níya ang ákon báyò. She is making a collar for my jacket. Ilíab iníng gúnting. Use this pair of scissors to cut out the collar. Liábi ang íya nga báyò sing halúg. Make a loose collar for her dress. (see kolyár).



To throw a missile, as a stick, a piece of wood, etc. Libagá ang báboy. Throw something at the pig. Ginlibág níya akó sang íya bastón. He threw his stick at me. Libagí akó sang ákon bastón nga nalipatán ko dídto. Throw the stick I forgot there over to me. (see pakóg).



Pustule, etc. See líbtug. Nagalibutúg or may mga libutúg ang ákon bútkon, dúghan, etc. My arm, chest, etc. is full of small pustules or prickly heat.



Band, bandage, garter, ribbon; to bandage, garter, bind up; put ribbons or strings on. Ligási ang nagbátà. Bandage the mother. Linigásan níya ang ákon médyas. She put ribbons on my stockings. Ilígas sa íya pilás iníng hénero kag písì. Bind up his wound with this cloth and string. (see líga, wágkos, etc.).



To transfer or remove to another site, set up somewhere else, especially applied to small native houses, first taking off and transporting the roof and then the rest. Ligáwon nínyo ang ákon baláy. Transfer my house to another site. Ligáwi nínyo ang ákon útud sang íya baláy nga árà dirâ sa bánwa kag dálhon nínyo sa umá. Transfer my brother's town house to the farm. (see óhong-to remove a house, posts and roof, in one load, to another place).



To chop, lop, cut off a piece of meat, etc. Lihápa ang kárne. Cut the meat. Lihápi akó sing isá ka paláng nga kárne. Cut off a piece of meat for me. Ginlíhap sang manugbúlung ang kalónggo sang ákon kamót. The physician cut off the wart on my hand. (see útud, gulút, láplap, kíhad, etc.).



To ask a favour, request, pray, beg. Si Fuláno naglíhog sa ákon nga kuháon ko ang íya nga maléta dídto sa baláy níya. N.N. requested me to fetch his hand-bag there from his house. Lihóga siá nga íya kamí lihóan sing manók. Ask him to get some chickens for us. Liníhog ko siá nga magkúhà sang ákon koríyo-or-sang ákon mga sulát sa koríyo. I asked him to fetch my mail-or-my letters from the post-office. Ipalihóg mo akó sa--. Palihóga akó sa ímo sa--. Please do me the favour of--.



To make a quick step away from, towards or upon something, pounce upon, give a jump, side-step quickly. Naglíktin siá (sa ákon)-or-ginliktinán níya (akó). He made a quick step away from (me) or towards (me). (see líksi, lúmpat, lúkso).



Concealment, hiding, secrecy; to hide, conceal, keep quiet about, screen, secrete, veil, disguise. Indì malikúm iníng búhat mo. This deed of yours cannot be concealed. Liníkman (linikumán) níya akó sinâ nga búhat. He hid or concealed that deed from me. Indì ka maglikúm sa íya sang kamatuóran siníng nagkahanabû (nahanabû). Do not conceal from him the truth of this event. Ilikúm lang sa íya ang ákon pagabút dirí. Simply keep him in the dark about my arrival here. Walâ sing likúm ang íya nga katuyoán. There is no secrecy about his intention or plan. (see lílong, tágò).



(B) To turn down a hem or border, fold, double, tuck up, take a tuck in. Liliní akó sang ákon báyò. Fold up my jacket for me. Liliná ang mantél. Fold the table-cloth. Ililín akó ánay siníng papél. Please fold this paper for me. (see pilô).



To worsen, make a disease worse, change for the worse (often implying a superstitious belief that one visiting a sick person after he has been to a house where someone has lately died will exert an injurious influence upon the sickness). Ginlímas níya ang katúl sang bátà, kay naghápit sa napátyan kag nagpaúlì nga walâ ánay pagtuóba. He made the child's skin-disease worse by going to a house where someone had died and returning home without being first disinfected by smoke. Naglímas siá sang ákon tígpas. He made my measles worse. Linímas níya ang hánggà (butí) sang ákon útud. On account of him my brother's smallpox got worse. (see láin, búg-at).



(B) To disappear suddenly or unexpectedly, vanish, fade away, dissolve. Naglimúnaw ang ákon igsulúlat sa látok. My pen suddenly disappeared from the table. Bantayí iníng mga páhò, agúd índì maglimúnaw. Watch these mangoes, lest they should vanish or disappear i.e. lest they should be stolen. (see dúlà, túnaw, alimúnaw).



To tread, trample upon, applied especially to the separating of rice-grains from the ears by trampling on them. Linása ang humáy. Tread the rice. Linásan akó nímo sing tátlo ka pásong nga humáy. Tread three bushels of rice for me. Maálam ka balá maglínas? Do you know how to tread rice? Ginlínas gid lang níya ang ákon katarúngan. He trampled on my rights. He spurned my arguments. (see lápak, tápak).



To look towards, set one's eyes upon. Ilingíg mo sa ákon ang ímong mga matá nga malolóy-on-or-língga akó sang ímong mga matá nga malolóy-on. Turn your merciful eyes upon me. Língga akó. Look at me or towards me. Walâ gid paglíngga siníng bugalón nga manggaránon ang makaloló-oy nga nagapakilímos. This rich fellow did not even deign to bestow a glance on the miserable beggar, did not so much as glance at him. (see lingî, tamúd, balikíd).



(H) To sit, sit down, be seated, seat oneself, take a seat. Língkod ka. Be seated. Take a seat. Lingkodí (-orí) ang síya, dílì ang bángkò. Sit down on the chair, not on the bench. Ang mga nagalilíngkod nagtilíndog sa paghátag sing katahurán sa pangúlo-bánwa. Those that were seated rose to their feet to pay their respects to the Municipal President. Walâ siá magpalíngkod sa ákon. He did not offer me a seat. He did not permit me to sit down. (see púngkò).

líong, lí-ong


The armhole, the circular cut in a garment where the sleeve is attached; to make the armhole. Sangkará ang líong sang ákon báyò. Widen the armhole of my jacket. Ginpasángkad (Gintambihán) níya ang ákon gutúk nga pakô náyon sa ílok kag pinadakû níya ang líong. She widened (let out) my tight sleeve near the armpit and enlarged the armhole.



(H) Shortness, curtness, brevity, abbreviation, abridgement; short, brief, curt, curtailed; to shorten, abridge, abbreviate, curtail, cut short. Lip-otón mo ang kawáyan. Shorten the bamboo. Lip-otí akó sang ákon delárgo. Shorten my pants. Make short trousers for me. Ilíp-ot akó siníng káhoy. Kindly shorten this piece of wood for me. Nalip-otán akó sinâ. That was too short for me. Nagági kamí sa líp-ot (laktúran). We took the short-cut. Nagaamátamát na sang líp-ot ang ádlaw. The days are slowly shortening (getting shorter). Lakás kaláwig iníng sinulát mo nga láygay; lip-otá. The written sermon of yours is too long; cut it short, make it shorter. (see kabús-too short; bugô).



To shun, avoid, turn away from, neglect, take no notice of, deviate, digress; omit, be disobedient. Buút siá maglípas sa ákon, kay mahádluk nga sókton ko siá sang ákon kwárta nga ginpahulám ko sa íya. He wants to avoid me, because he fears that I might demand payment of the amount he has borrowed from me. Sang pagkakítà níya sa ákon sa dálan naglípas siá. When he saw me on the road, he turned away from me. Ginlipásan níya siá gíkan sa kahuyâ. He avoided meeting him out of shame. Naglípas siá sa párì, kay naglápas siá sa pagsímba. He avoided meeting the priest, because he had neglected going to church,-had missed Mass. (see likáw, lígad, lubás, aklihís, lápas).



To gladden, cheer, rejoice, delight, give joy or pleasure to, console, solace, comfort, animate, raise the spirits. Nagalípay sa ákon sing dakû iníng sulát ni nánay. Mother's letter gives me great pleasure. Ginkalipáyan ko gid ang pagabút mo dirí sa ámon. I am glad that you have come here to us. Dílì mo igkalípay ang mga kalisúd sang ímo isigkatáo. Don't gloat over-or-take pleasure in, the troubles of your fellow-men. Walâ nákon pagkalipáyi ang pagtámbong dídto sa nahíwat nga sáut. I did not enjoy taking part in the dance that was arranged there. Lipáya ang útud mo. Cheer up your brother. Nagakalípay akó. I am glad. (see sádya, lúyag, wíli, bangá, lingáw, etc.).

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