Search result(s) - ákon



Interception, circumvention, stoppage; to pursue and catch by a strategem, intercept, circumvent, take a short-cut or the like. Lipotá ang makáwat. Intercept the thief. Linipót níya akó sa dálan. He intercepted me on the road. Ilipót akó ánay sang ákon kabáyo nga nagadalágan dirâ. Kindly run around and catch my horse that is running away there. Kon sóndon nínyo iníng laktúran, básì nga malipót pa nínyo ang buyóng. If you follow this short-cut, you may be able to intercept and catch the brigand. (see bángan, bánggà, dakúp, lagás, siód, litâ).



(Sp. lista) List, record, memorandum; to list, enlist, enrol, enter a name, make a memorandum. Listahá silá. Enlist their names. Ilísta akó ánay sang ákon ngálan. Please enlist my name. Ipalísta silá. Have them enrolled. Get them to enlist. Mapalísta na kamí. We are now going to have our names put down in the register. Iníng tulún-an amó ang linistahán sang tanán nga mga umalamót. This book contains the names of all contributors or subscribers. Diín ang lísta sang mga katápù? Where is the record of the members? (see pasulát, listáhan, pagkítan).



(Sp. liston) Ribbon, riband, band, sash; to use or apply a ribbon, etc. Listoní ang ákon pányò. Put a ribbon or band round my handkerchief. Ilistón akó ánay sang ákon pakô. Put a ribbon on my sleeve. Ilistón lang iníng kondíman sa ímo háwak. Just use this red cloth for a sash round your waist.



Cracked, split, flawed, rifted, fissured; to crack, split, flaw, rift, become fissured; to be worried, perplexed, upset. Naglitík ang bangâ. The water-cooler has cracked. Indì mo pagbutangán ang báso sing túbig nga inínit, kay básì magalitík. Don't put hot water in the glass, for it might crack. Litík nga gorgoríta. A cracked water-jar. Palítkon (Palitikón) ko karón ang úlo mo. I'll split your head. Palítki (Palitikí) siá sang íya ólo. Split his head. Nagalitík ang ákon úlo tungúd siní. I am very much worried about it. Amó inâ nga butáng ang nagapalitík karón sang íya úlo. That is the thing that upsets him,-worries him, at present. (see balanâ, bukâ, balángkà, píhak, bíal).



To misuse, defraud, steal or cheat craftily, embezzle, fail to use (money, etc.) according to the intention of the contributor or donor. Ginlítog (ginpalítog) níya ang ákon kwárta. He misused my money, spent it wrongfully. Indì mo paglitógon (pagpalitógon) ang pílak nga gintúgyan sa ímo sang ibán. Do not use for your own purposes the money entrusted to you by others. (see palítog).



To strike, whip, lash, beat, flog. Litosá siá-or-litosí siá sing napúlò ka lápdus. Give him ten strokes of the whip. Ginlitós ni tátay ang ákon útud, kay nagsinutíl siá. Father gave my brother a beating, because he was naughty. (see búnal, látigo, hámpak, lámpus, hánot, lápdus, láw-it, lábtik).



Again, repeatedly, a second time; to do again, repeat, to retract. Liwanón ko ang ákon sulát. I will rewrite what I have written. Ginliwán níya ang íya batásan. He changed his habits. Indì ka magliwán mangáwat (sa pagpangáwat). Do not steal again. Liwaní siá sing isá ka kúpa nga bíno. Give him another glass of wine. Ginliwán níya ang íya hámbal. He repeated his statement. He changed his statement. He retracted his statement. (see liwát).



To crush or smash under a falling object. Naló-oy ang tanúm kay natapákan sang táo, kay napukánan sang káhoy, etc. The plant got crushed, for it was trodden down by men, for a tree fell on it, etc. Nahulúgan akó sing káhoy kag naló-oy ang ákon tiíl. I was hit by a falling tree and my foot was smashed.

ló-oy, lóoy


Mercy, compassion, consideration, sympathy, lenity, clemency, commiseration, lenience; to have mercy, be merciful, to pity, have-, show-, take-, pity on, commiserate, compassionate-, condole-, with, be sympathetic to. Nagkalóoy (nalóoy) siá sa ákon. He had mercy on me, took pity on me. Maló-oy ka sa íya. Be merciful to-, sympathize with-, him. Ginkalo-óyan níya siá. He condoled with him.



To roll up, wind up, tuck up. Lolosá ang pakô sang bátà, kay síbtan siá sang manugbúlung. Tuck up (roll up) the child's sleeve, for the doctor is going to vaccinate it. Ginlolós níya ang kortína sang higdáan. He rolled up the bed-curtain. Indì mo paglolosón ang mantél sang lamésa, kóndì lábhan mo ánay kag ibulád sa ínit. Don't roll up the table-cover (table-cloth), but wash it first and spread it in the sun to dry. Ilolós akó ánay sang amákan. Please roll up the bamboo mat. Naghúmlad (nalógho) ang linolós níya nga delárgo. His tucked up trousers have come loose. Andam ka agúd índì magúntay (malubád) ang linolós mo nga pakô. Be on your guard or your turned-up sleeve may become loose. Untayí akó sang álba nga nalolós sa ákon likód. Let down the alb that is all rucked up on my back. (see lolón, balólon, baláking, kolókos).



To knock or push against, to come in sharp contact with. Nakalónggò ang úlo ko sa díngding. I knocked my head against the wall. Nalonggoán sang ákon ágtang ang halígi. My forehead came in sharp contact with the post. Andam ka agúd índì ka makalónggò sa pángpang sang lóblob. Look out, and don't knock against the sides of the narrow defile. (see búnggò, súnggò).



To suck, move the lips as if sucking. Linótgot (linotgotán) sang bátà ang ákon túdlò. The baby sucked my finger, sucked at my finger. Lotgotá (lotgotí) lang ang butóngbútong. Just suck the butóngbútong-candy. (see súpsup, súyup).

luát, lu-át


To cease, stop, leave off, desist. Indì akó maluát sa pagkádto dídto túbtub nga ákon siá makítà. I will not stop from going there till I see him. Walâ níya pagluatí ang pagbalíkbálik dídto túbtub nga nagkasugtánay silá kag nabakál níya ang báka. He did not (would not) desist from returning there again and again till they came to an agreement and he succeeded in buying the cow. (see liát, libútay).



Rotten, putrid, decayed, stale, bad smelling, said of fish, meat, etc., corrupt, putrescent, bad, tainted, foul, fetid, evil smelling, stinking, malodorous. Nagalúb-uk lang dirí ang ísdà kay walâ sing nagabakál. The fish is just rotting here, for there are no buyers. Ibalígyà ang kárne sing madalî, agúd índì maglúb-uk. Sell the meat quickly or it will spoil. Nalub-ukán akó sing madámù nga ísdà; dakû ang ákon kaperdihán. Quite a lot of my fish went rotten; my loss is great. (see dúnut, dunút, hurô, bahál).



Burial, funeral, exequies, obsequies, interment, inhumation, entombment; to bury, inter, inhume, consign to the grave, hide in the ground. Ilubúng na lang ang patáy nga karabáw, kay índì mapúslan ang íya kárne. Just bury the dead buffalo, for his meat is of no use. Sán-o kamú magalubúng sang minatáy? When will you bury the dead? When will the funeral take place? Dirí may linubúng nga pílak nga nasulúd sa tibúd, konó, ápang túbtub karón walâ maquítà. Here, they say, a pot of money was buried, but till now it has not been found. Amó iní ang linúbngan sa ákon ilóy. This is the grave, where my mother was buried (laid to rest). (see kótkot, lulúbngan).



A hole, opening, aperture; to open, form a hole, etc.; perforation, rent, break, rupture, tear. Naglubút ang ákon bakág-or-nalubután (nalúbtan) akó sang bakág kag nakagwâ ang humáy. My carrier-basket burst and the rice came pouring out. (see luhót, tohók).



To scour, rub with something hard, as with a stone in bathing, or the like; to scrub. Ilúdgud sa íya iníng lulúdgud. Rub him with this scourer. Ludgurí siá sing bató sa likód. Rub his back with a stone. Ludgurí sing maáyo ang ákon luáglúag. Lúdgud ka sing maáyo sang ákon luáglúag. Rub my shoulder blades well. (lúgod id.).



To colour, dye, steep in colour, tinge, stain. Ilúgum sa ákon báyò iníng lugúm nga mapulá. Colour my jacket with this red dyestuff. Lúgma (lugúma) ang ákon báyò sa (sang) itúm. Steep my jacket in black dye. Makahibaló ikáw maglúgum? Do you know how to dye? (see húgum, húpug, lígum).



Tear, tear-drop; to fill with tears, water, be wet with tears, shed tears. Nagalúhà ang ákon matá, kay napúling. My eye is watering, because a mote got into it. Naglúhà ang matâ níya. Her eyes filled with tears. Ginluháan níya sing mapaít ang kamatáyon sang íya anák. She shed bitter tears over the death of her child.



To open, lay open in folds, lay bare, expose. Nalúk-ab ang íya úlo, kay naígò siá sang lisó. His brain was laid bare, for he was hit by a bullet. Luk-abá ang dútà sang ímo tagád. Open the ground with your dibble. Luk-abí akó sing isá ka púnò nga asuséna, kay itanúm ko sa ákon pamulákan. Dig out (with roots and earth) one white lily for me, for I wish to plant it in my garden. Naluk-abán siá sang íya úlo kag napatáy. His head was split open and he died. (see lúkba, húl-ab, ukáb).

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