To be supported insecurely on a narrow ledge, be but slightly connected, hang by a thread, be in danger of having the connection severed. Nagakibít na lang iníng págbo sá halígì, sa baláyan, etc. This rafter rests only on a narrow ledge of the post, girder, etc. Indì mo pagpakíbton ang baláyan sa halígi, kóndì pasámlon mo gid. Don't permit the girder to rest on the edge of the post, but put it on far enough to secure it well. Walâ man mabálì ang íya bútkon, kóndì nakíbtan lang. His arm was not entirely broken, but only dislocated.
To nibble, gnaw. Ang ilagâ nagkíbkib sang tinápay. The rat nibbled at the bread. Ginkibkibán sang idô ang túl-an. The dog gnawed the bone to bits and devoured it. (see ót-ot).
Callous, hard, leathery, horny, thick-skinned, having the skin hardened or thickened by constant pressure or friction like farmers, etc. (kíbul, kibúlon).
A throb, pulsation, beat (of the pulse, the heart, etc.); to throb, etc. Malúya na ang kibô (pagkibô) sang íya nga púlso. His pulse is weak.
Dim. and Freq. of kibô.
See kibít.
See kíblon id.
To mutter, murmur, utter indistinctly. Nagakíbut siá sing mga palangadíon. He is muttering some prayers.
Dim. and Freq. of kibút. Also: To quiver, tremble, move in agitation. Nagakibútkíbut ang íya bibíg. His lips are quivering.
To strike at a tangent, miss the centre, hit only the edge or corner, graze; missing the centre, grazing, hitting or cutting the edge. Indì mo pagpakibyasán sang binángon ang kawáyan, kóndì biálon mo sa tungâ. Don't strike to one side the bamboo with the bolo, but split it in the middle. Nagkíbyas lang ang bála sa íya bútkon. The bullet merely grazed his arm. Ginlabô nía siá sang binángon, ápang kíbyas lang ang pagtupâ. He struck him with the bolo, but it was only a glancing blow.
Cooked to a turn, neither too hard nor too soft, but just right, well-done, said of eatables; to be or become nice, tasty, etc.
To recline or sit comfortably in an arm-chair, etc. Kidángi lang ang butáka kag magtúlug, kon malúyag ka. Just make yourself comfortable in the arm-chair and go to sleep, if you wish.
Dim. and Freq. of kídang.
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