Eighty, four score. (walô).
To go or step over a fence, pass out over the side of a vehicle instead of leaving it by the ordinary way of exit, etc. Nagkáwas lang siá sa bíntana. He simply went out by the window. Dílì mo pagpakawáson ang mga karabáw sa kodál. Do not let (make) the buffaloes step over the fence. Kinmáwas ang kabáyo sa kwádra. The horse escaped from its fenced-in stable. Ang kalámpay nagkáwas sa kólon. The calampay-crabs escaped over the rim of the kettle. Pataáson mo ang díngding sang tángkal agúd índì na makakáwas ang báboy. Make the sides of the pigsty higher so that the pig cannot get out again. (see áwas, sagáhay).
(H) Stealth, secrecy, wiliness, slyness, craftiness; to steal, rob, commit theft, take, pilfer, filch, pinch, nab, prig, appropriate unlawfully. Sa káwat. Secretly. On the sly. Stealthily, craftily, cunningly. Sín-o balá ang nagkáwat sang ákon taknáan? Who has stolen my watch? Indì ka magkáwat (mangáwat). Don't steal. Kinawátan si Fuláno sing duhá ka mángmang. N.N. had two pesos stolen from him. Indì mo pagbáklon ang mga butáng nga nahibál-an mo nga kináwat. Don't buy things you know are stolen. (see tákaw, káwtì, tíkas).
To dangle, swing in suspension, etc. (see káway, kabítkábit, kabílkabíl, gawáygáway).
Place where bamboo grows; clumps of bamboo. (see kakawayánan).
A large plain, extensive grounds, extended level land fit for cultivation. (wayáng).
Earpick; to use an earpick, pick out the earwax. Kawhihí siá. Scoop out his earwax. Nagapangáwhi siá. He is taking out earwax with an earpick. (see gómi).
Attractiveness, charm, winsomeness, pleasantness, delightfulness, agreeableness, quality of an object that is pleasing or attractive; liking, attraction, delight; to like, be pleased with. Nagakawíli siá sinâ (Ginakawíli níya inâ). He likes it. He is pleased with it. (see wíli, kawilíhan, makawiwíli).
See kawíli. Also: Things to be liked, attraction, attractiveness. Ngáa man nga nagwíli ka dídto nga walâ man sing kawilíhan? Why did you like it there where there is no attraction? (see kalawilián, kalawilihán, kawilihánan).
Junction, copulation, articulation; to join, copulate, articulate.
Hook; a receptacle for palm-wine made of bamboo and having a hook attached to it for carrying over the shoulder. (see káwit).
Dim. and Freq. of káwit; Dim. of kawít.
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