Joke, jest, a practical joke, a hoax; to fool, flatter; joke, jest, be witty, hoax, play a practical joke. (see uslít id.).
Joke, jest, a practical joke, a hoax; to fool, flatter; joke, jest, be witty, hoax, play a practical joke. (see uslít id.).
Full of fun, joker, jester, buffoon, clown. (see lahoglahogán).
Full of fun, joker, jester, buffoon, clown. (see lahoglahogán).
See oslitán id.
See oslitán id.
An upper garment, a garment worn over another; to put on an additional garment. Magóslob ka lang sang bág-o mo nga delárgo-or-ióslob lang ang bág-o mo nga delárgo. Just put on your new pair of trousers over the ones you have on. Ginoslobán níya ang maitúm nga delárgo sing maputî. He put on a pair of white trousers over the black ones.
An upper garment, a garment worn over another; to put on an additional garment. Magóslob ka lang sang bág-o mo nga delárgo-or-ióslob lang ang bág-o mo nga delárgo. Just put on your new pair of trousers over the ones you have on. Ginoslobán níya ang maitúm nga delárgo sing maputî. He put on a pair of white trousers over the black ones.
To sink down or lower, sink into the earth, give way under a superimposed weight. Nagósmod ang isá ka halígi sang baláy. One of the house-posts has sunk. Naosmorán kamí sing duhá ka halígi sang ámon baláy. Two posts of our house have sunk. (see lúsud).
To sink down or lower, sink into the earth, give way under a superimposed weight. Nagósmod ang isá ka halígi sang baláy. One of the house-posts has sunk. Naosmorán kamí sing duhá ka halígi sang ámon baláy. Two posts of our house have sunk. (see lúsud).
To force air through the nose, as done by one who dislikes a smell, to snort. Nagaósngad siá, kay dílì níya maíro ang báhò sináng mga siápò. He is blowing through his nose, for he cannot stand the smell of those crushed sugarcane stalks. Ginosngarán nákon ang báhò sináng mga ísdà. The smell of that fish made me snort. (see úsngad, púsnga).
To force air through the nose, as done by one who dislikes a smell, to snort. Nagaósngad siá, kay dílì níya maíro ang báhò sináng mga siápò. He is blowing through his nose, for he cannot stand the smell of those crushed sugarcane stalks. Ginosngarán nákon ang báhò sináng mga ísdà. The smell of that fish made me snort. (see úsngad, púsnga).
(Sp. oso) Bear, bruin. Oso blanko. Polar bear. (Oso nga maputî).
(Sp. oso) Bear, bruin. Oso blanko. Polar bear. (Oso nga maputî).
(Sp. uso) Style, fashion, usage, custom, mode, manner, anything commonly used or in vogue. Markahí lang ang ákon báka sang óso. Just mark my cow (ox) with the ordinary branding-iron.
(Sp. uso) Style, fashion, usage, custom, mode, manner, anything commonly used or in vogue. Markahí lang ang ákon báka sang óso. Just mark my cow (ox) with the ordinary branding-iron.
(B) To vex, trouble, annoy, molest, worry, pester, plague, cause aversion; to be annoyed, etc. Nagakaosók akó sa íya. Ginaóskan akó sa íya. He is a nuisance to me. I am annoyed with (at) him. He is annoying (vexing, troubling) me a good deal. Indì ka magpaosók sa íya. Don't molest him (see hiól, pahiól, lás-ay, palás-ay).
(B) To vex, trouble, annoy, molest, worry, pester, plague, cause aversion; to be annoyed, etc. Nagakaosók akó sa íya. Ginaóskan akó sa íya. He is a nuisance to me. I am annoyed with (at) him. He is annoying (vexing, troubling) me a good deal. Indì ka magpaosók sa íya. Don't molest him (see hiól, pahiól, lás-ay, palás-ay).
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