Search result(s) - karón



To be or become diligent, assiduous, zealous, active, energetic, indefatigable, hardworking; to apply oneself to with zeal, perform diligently. Nagpísan siá karón, ápang sang úna matámad siá magtoón. Now he is diligent, but formerly he was too lazy to study. Pisáni gid ang ímo pagtóon, pagpangabúdlay, etc. Study with great application, work with zeal, etc. Ginapisánan níla ang pagáni. They are working hard,-hard at work (diligent or industrious) at harvesting rice. Kon mapisanán (note the accent!) akó mahápit akó sa ímo baláy. If I feel inclined (disposed or in form) I will pay you a visit at your home.



All without exception, one and all, every one of them. Iníng mga páhò pulús gid mga maáyo. These mangoes are all good, there is not a bad one amongst them. Ang mga pumulúyò sang ámon bánwa pulús mga katóliko. The inhabitants of our town are all (All the people in our town are) Catholics without exception. Pulusá lang ísdà ang súd-an ta karón sa panyága. Serve only fish as a side-dish for our dinner. (see tanán, pasáy).



Dreary, lonely, sad, lone, forlorn, solitary, unfrequented, cheerless, lorn (poetical); to become dreary, etc. Ginapung-awán akó. I feel lonely. Sádto ánay masádya iníng lugár, ápang karón nagpúng-aw na. Formerly this was a cheerful place, but now it has become lonely. (see míngaw, sím-ong).



To be or make drowsy, sleepy, to sleep long, lie in bed till late in the morning (day) on account of lack of sleep during the previous night. Nagmatá na si Kwán?-Walâ pa, napúyat siá tungúd sang báyle kagáb-i. Has N.N. risen from sleep?-No, not yet, he needs much sleep on account of last night's dance. Ginapúyat siá, karón, kay nagab-ihán siá magpaúlì kagáb-i. He feels very sleepy now, because last night he came home late (at a late hour). Napúyat siá tungúd sang belasyón kagáb-i. He rose late this morning on account of last night's wake.



Dim. and Freq. of ráhay. Raháyráhay (maraháyráhay) karón ang íla pangabúhì. At present they are living quite comfortably. Raháyráhay (maraháyráhay) ang íya památyag, kay nakapalígos siá kaína. He feels quite well and fresh, for he has taken a bath to-day. (see súlhay).



To rub, scrape. Karón ramásan ko ang ímo dílà sing katúmbal, kon dílì ka maghípus. I will rub your tongue with chili, if you don't keep quiet. (see bányos, háplas).



(Sp. repaso) Going over a lesson; rehearsal, practice of a piece of music, an artistic entertainment and the like. Nakarepáso na kamó sang beláda? Have you rehearsed the theatrical entertainment? May repáso karón sa hápon. There will be a rehearsal this afternoon. Matámad silá magrepáso. They are too lazy to practise. (see hanáshánas).



(Sp. recoveco) Artifice, machination, contrivance, winding ways and means. Madámù nga mga rikobíkos ang kinahánglan karón sa pagpakasál. Many things are required now and many formalities have to be gone through to get married. (see padúgi, pahitôhítò, padihútan, pandihútan, patúga).



(Sp. repique) Chime, peal, solemn ringing of bells; to ring the bells in a solemn peal. May tátlo ka ripíke karón sa las dóse. There will be three peals of bells to-day at twelve o'clock. Ripikéhi ang mga kalasálon. Ring a peal of bells for the marriage-couple. (see basál, básal).



(B) Now, presently, at this time; already. (see na, karón, nián, don).



(B) (Probably a contr. of rón man, karón man) Now again, also now, shortly, presently, within a short time. Maágtò kaw rumán sa Ilóngílong? (Mapailóngílong ikáw karón liwán?). Are you going to Iloilo again (within a short time)?



(B) To look for, try to find, seek, go in search of, search for. Sagápa ang báboy nga nadúrà (nadúlà). Look for the lost pig. Anó ang ginaságap mo? What are you looking for? Sagápi akó ti ságing (sing ságing). Find some bananas for me. Nagaságap akó kang kálò ko, pay warâ ko makítà ásta tulád kadiá (kadyá). (Nagapangítà akó sang ákon kálò, ápang túbtub karón walâ ko makítà). I am looking for my hat, but can't find it. (see sághap, lághap, pangítà).



To glean, pick out, select, gather, cut the best ears with the rice cutter, collect the best or passable ears from a bad crop or from a crop spoilt by the action of birds, insects, etc. and leave the rest alone. Saghawá ang humáy. Gather the best rice-ears (and leave the rest in the field). Kúl-aw gid ang ámon pinatubás sa karón nga túig; sinaghawán lang námon ang ámon talámnan. This year we had a bad harvest; we just (picked out and) gathered the better ears from our rice-land (and left the rest as pasture for the cattle, etc.). Saghawá ang nabilín nga alányon. Gather what is left of the rice-crop. (see ág-ag, panálà, panagílò).



(B) Probably derived from sági and íwat. The passive forms in -an (sagiwát-an) are mostly used in the meaning of: to be precarious, be in difficulties, to eke out; to utilize to the utmost, make a little go far, make good use of slender resources, or the like. Bisán maisót lang ang sóhol na, pay ginasagiwát-an na gid. (Bisán diótay lang ang íya sóhol, ápang ginapanginyawátan níya gid). Though his salary is small, yet he makes good use of it. Nasagiwát-an (Nawád-an, balasúbas) akó karón. At present I am out of cash, am hard up.



To be occupied, keep busy, to be busy; have much to do, give much work, be hard at work, hard at it. Nagasákò silá karón sang íla pagtánum. They are at present very busy planting rice. Masákò ang ákon trabáho. I have much work to do. Ginsákò níla ang pagpatíndog sang bág-o nga baláy, kay madalî na lang pagakáslon ang nóbyo kag nóbya. They have been working hard building the new house, for the bride and the bridegroom are soon to be married. Sakóa siá sang íya nga útang. Keep him busy with his debt i.e. remind him often of his debt, so that he may make an effort to pay it.



Ill, evil, disease, sickness, illness; to make-sick,-ill. Andam ka, agúd índì ka pagsakroón liwán. Take care or you will get sick again. Si Fuláno ginsákrò sang isá ka simána kag túbtub karón ginasákrò pa siá gihápon. (Si Fuláno ginsákrò kang isaráng simána kag ásta tulád kadyá ginasákrò tána angód). N.N. was taken ill a week ago and up till now he is still unwell. Ang sinámbit nga mga sákrò amó ang íya ginabátyag. The ills mentioned are precisely those he is suffering from. (see sángkò, masakít, molomasakít).

salimáo, salimá-o


A ñt of bad temper, angry explosion; rage, violent outbreak. Indì ka magpalapít sa íya karón, kay ginsalimá-o siá (kay nasakáan siá sang salimá-o). Don't approach him for the present, for he is in a fit of rage. (see baríno).



To chance upon, happen to come to, arrive at a place accidentally or unexpectedly. Anó ang kabangdánan nga nakasalínà ka dirí karón? Why do you happen to have come here? What chance brought you here at this time? Kon makasalínà ka sa ámon índì ka malipát (magkalipát) sa pagdúaw sa ámon. Whenever you chance to come to our place, don't forget to pay us a visit. (see daláng, dánlag, típlang).



To gratify fully, make content, satisfy. Kon índì mo masámba ang íla lúyag amó inâ ang halinán sang íla lilibákon. If you don't gratify their wish they will begin to find fault with you. Sambahá nga dáan ang kabatáan, agúd índì na magsámok karón kon magkáon ang mga tigúlang. Feed the children well beforehand, so that they may not be troublesome when the grown-ups take their meal.



Ability, capability, power, capacity, means; to be able, capable, can. Walâ siá sing saráng sa pagbáyad sang íya útang. He hasn't the means of paying his debt. Makasaráng ka sinâ-or-masarangán mo inâ? Can you do that? Kon mga saráng, bulígi akó. If at all possible, help me. Saráng ka na makasulúd sa íya kwárto. Now you may enter his room. Walâ siá sing ígò nga ikasaráng kag ikasángkol sa amó nga palangakóan. He hasn't the proper capacity and fitness for such an office. Sang duhá ka táknà nasarangán pa nínyo ang pagtabók sa subâ, ápang karón índì na mahímò. Two hours ago you could have crossed the river, but now it is impossible.

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