Search result(s) - wálà



To postpone, procrastinate, tarry, put off, delay; tarrying, delaying, etc. The verb is frequently used with pa-. Dílì kamó magpaalogán-gan or maginalogán-gan sa pagsílhig sang hulút. Don't put off sweeping the room. Ginalogán-gan níya ang pagkádto dídto kag tungúd sinâ walâ siá makaábut sang tábad. He put off going there and as a consequence came too late for the dinner or banquet. Indì siá magpaalogán-gan sa pagsakáy pa Manílà or índì níya pagialogán-gan ang pagsakáy pa Manílà. He will not postpone his trip to Manila. Alogán-gan siá sing pamatásan. He is inclined to procrastinate, put things off. (see palántang, agáp-to anticipate).



Slow, gentle, soft, mild, not quick, not impetuous, not impulsive; chronic, not acute (of disease); to be or become slow, gentle, mild. Ang mga balatían nga alugáynay. Chronic diseases. Nahúlug siá sa bintánà, ápang walâ siá masamári, kay nagalugáynay ang pagtupâ níya sa dútà nga mahómok. He fell out of the window, but was not hurt, for his fall was soft on the loose earth. Alugáynay gid lámang ang íya nga pagpangítà sing kabuhián. He earns his livelihood with difficulty. His earnings are coming in but slowly. (see ananáy, inanáy, hínay, nagáynay).



To hang or droop loosely, to fall or break down in a heap, to sink or drop to the ground in great weakness. Nagalungáyngay siá nga daw mapatáy. She sank to the floor as if about to die. Walâ níya pagluatí ang pagbálbal sa íya kon walâ siá magalungáyngay kag magpaalumátay sa salúg. He would not have desisted from giving him more blows, if he had not dropped to the floor and pretended to be dead.



Lazy, indolent, slothful; to be or become lazy, indolent, slothful, slack. Ang amád nga táo amó ang isá ka táo nga may katámad. A lazy man is one who has the vice of sloth. Indì ka magamád. Dont get lazy. Walâ siá makapasár sa íya grádo, kay nagamád siá sa pagtoón. He could not pass his grade, because he was too lazy to study. Naamadán siá sa pagsímba. He is (was) too lazy to go to church. (see támad, ágol, agohós, ligóy, pasalipótpot).



To add, superadd, throw in, give something in addition to what has been bought or is contracted for. Amáni akó sing isá ka gamól nga humáy. Add one handful of rice gratis or give me one handful of rice over (in addition to my share for harvesting, etc.). Iaman mo sa ákon iníng isá ka bílog nga ísdà. Let me have this fish too (in addition to the fish I have bought, etc.). Also used as a noun. Walâ sing áman? Is there no gratis-addition? May diótay gid man nga áman kon matambingán mo ang báyad. There is a little more thrown in, if you pay spot cash. (see támba, dúgang).



Little by little, step by step; to do slowly, gradually, leisurely, etc. Nagpadásig balá kamó sang ínyo paglakát?-Walâ, kóndì amát-ámat lang. Did you walk quickly?-No, quite slowly. Amát-amáton nínyo ang pagarádo. Plough slowly, little by little. Naamát-amátan gid námon sa pagbakál ang kalámay. We bought sugar only in small quantities at a time.



Loveliness, prettiness, attractiveness; self-respect, tact, modesty; to be or become nice, pretty, lovely, self-respecting, tactful, modest, etc. Magámbong ka sa ímo kagawián. Try to be modest in your behaviour. Be tactful in your manners. Ginámbong níya gid ang íya pamísti (pagnaúg). She was very properly dressed, took care to have her clothes neatly arranged. Ambongá ang ímo paglakát. Be modest or well-mannered in your way of walking. Si Pedro naambongán sa kay Pulána, ápang si Hosé walâ maambongí sa íya. Peter was well impressed by the bearing of Miss N. N., but Joseph was not well impressed by her manner. Nagámbong na iníng bátà. This child has grown quite pretty. (see ányag, gayón, tahúm, mahî, úgdang, lígdong).



Fragrance, sweet smell, agreeable odour, perfume, scent; to be or become fragrant, sweet-smelling, scented, odoriferous. Iníng matahúm nga búlak walâ sing ámion (kaámion). This beautiful flower has no scent. Nagámion na ang hulút tungúd sináng mga búlak. The room became fragrant on account of those flowers. Naamionán akó siní nga búlak, ápang si Fuláno nabahoán. I like the smell of this flower, but N.N. dislikes it. Ang kalabánan sang mga búlak nga dirâ sa ámon pamulákan nagapangámion. Most of the flowers in our garden are fragrant. (see kaámion, maámion, pangámion, ámyon, hamút, humút).



(H) The same, that. Ang-amó ang-. He-, who-Amó iní. This is the same i.e. this is it. Amó gid iní. This is the very same. This is it exactly. Ang matinumánon nga táo amó ang pagabalúsan. The obedient man is the one who will be rewarded. The obedient man will be rewarded. Iníng idô amó ang naglagás sa íya. This is the dog that pursued him. This dog pursued him. Kon amó inâ-. If that is so, if that is or be the case-. Walâ man akó magapáti sinâ, ápang amó gid ang íya nga ginsilíng. I do not believe it, but that is what he really said, (see imáw).



Contribution, mite, offering, donation; subscription; to contribute, subscribe, donate, pay a share, donate in common with others, etc. Magámot kamó. Contribute. You should contribute. Amóti nínyo ang simbáhan. Contribute for the church fund. Iámot iníng duhá ka mángmang sa mga nasunúgan sang íla baláy. Contribute these two pesos for the benefit of those whose houses were burned down. Amótan nínyo nga tátlo ang ákon báboy. The three of you should put your money together and buy my pig. May mga paámot sa madámù nga kinahánglan. Contributions are solicited for many needs. Paamóta siá sing madámù kay manggaránon man siá. Get him to contribute a good amount, for he is rich. Madámù ang walâ pa makahátag sang íla ámot. Many have not yet paid their contribution-or-subscription. Paamóti sa mga pumulúyò ang áton hospitál. Get the townspeople to give something in aid of our hospital. (see alamotán, umalamót, báyad, baláyran, tákay).



Favour, sympathy, support, help, partnership; supporter, sympathizer, helper; to take sides with, to help or support. Walâ siá sing ámpin. He has no-one to support him, or he has no-one to back him up. Kon walâ ka sing ámpin índì ka makadaúg. If you have no help you cannot win. Iníng pányo ilámpin ko sa bátà nga bílang iámpin sa hángin. I'll wrap the child up in this cloth as a protection against the wind. Ampiní siá. Support him. Back him up. Itípyok ko ang tanán ko nga mga ginsakúpan nga ipaámpin ko sa ímo. I will hand over all my followers to your support. Sín-o ang nagámpin sa íya? Who gave him a backing? (see ápin).



Prayer, petition, request, to pray, beseech, ask, beg, petition, request. Nagaámpò akó, or ginaámpò ko nga-. I pray, that-. Iámpò mo akó sa Diós. Please, pray to God for me. Ginaampoán ko ikáw ánay siníng duhá ka mángmang nga ákon útang túbtub nga makítà ko ang ikabáyad sa ímo. I beg of you to wait a little with regard to those two pesos I owe you till I find the money to pay you with. Ampò ka sa hukóm, básì kalo-óyan ikáw níya. Petition the judge, may be he will have compassion with you. Mangámpò akó. I surrender; I give in; I ask for mercy. (An expression often used by one beaten at wrestling, boxing or the like). Ginámpò ko sa íya inâ, ápang walâ níya pag-ihátag sa ákon. I asked him for it, but he did not give it to me. (see pangáyò, pangamúyò, pakilóoy, ahâ, etc.; magalámpò-intercessor, patron).



Likeness, similarity, resemblance, similitude; like, similar, resembling; to be like or similar to, to compare with. Walâ sing ánggid sa íla nga duhá. There is no resemblance between the two. Anggid silá nga duhá-or-nagaánggid silá nga duhá. The two of them resemble each other-or-are like each other. Ang kápid nagaánggid gid. The twins are very much like each other-or-very much alike. Iánggid (but better "ipaánggid") iníng estampíta sa isá, kay tan-awón ko kon parého silá. Compare this picture with the one there, for I want to see, whether they are alike or resemble each other. Paanggidí ang patádyong ko, kon maghabúl ka sang ímò. Imitate or copy my skirt, when you weave one for yourself. (see agid-ágid).



To look out of a window, watch, observe, gaze out, thrust out or pop out one's head, to visit, inspect, oversee, superintend. Anghawá kon sín-*o ang árà sa idálum. Pop out your head and see who is down there. Anghawí kamí dirí sa sílong sang baláy. Look down at us here underneath the house. Iánghaw sa ámon ang ímong nawóng. Show us your face. Walâ ka gid magánghaw sa ábyan mo nga nagmasakit. You have not visited your friend who has fallen sick. (see gáwa, láaw, lántaw, bísta, bisíta, dúaw).



The smell of perspiration; to smell of perspiration. Ginaangholán akó sang ímo mga médyas. I notice the smell of your socks. Nagaánghol ikáw, kay walâ ka pagpalígos. You smell of perspiration, because you never take a bath.



To close well, to shut or lock a door, etc. properly. Angkopá ang ganháan, ang ba-úl, talamwáan, etc. Lock the door, trunk, window, etc. Básì nga walâ siá dirâ sa íya hulút, kay naángkop ang mga bintánà. Perhaps he is not in his room, for the windows are shut. (see será, dápat, háom, háup).



(B) Yet, still, at this or that time, thus far, hitherto. Warâ angód tána magabút. (Walâ pa siá magabút). He has not come yet. (see pa, gihápon).



(Sp. ánimo) Life, energy, will power; understanding, reason. Walâ siá sing ánimo. He has no energy. He lacks understanding. (see kabúhì, kapísan, kaísug, kalibútan, pangalibútan).



Shadow, outline, trace, silhouette, often used as a figure of speech. Walâ akó sing aníno sa paglakát dirâ. I have not the shadow of a thought or intention of going there. Walâ sing aníno ang tiémpo nga magaulán sa madalî. It does not look at all as if it were going to rain soon. (see lándong, tándà).



Superstitious practices, ceremonies and sacrifices; to make use of or perform superstitious rites. Indì ka magpáti sináng mga aníto nga walâ sing naigoán. Don't believe in those superstitious practices that are so nonsensical. Ginanitóhan níla siá. He was subjected by them to superstitious rites. (see diwáta, babáylan, diósdíos).

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