Respecting, regarding, concerning, with regard to, with reference to, in point (in consideration) of, as concerns, as for, as to. Nahanungúd sinâ--. With regard to that--. Nahanungúd (Sa nahanungúd) sang íya nga ginsilíng--. With reference to what he said--. Walâ gid ikáw sing lábut nahanungúd sinâ. You have nothing to do with it. Mind your own business. (see tungúd, nahatungúd).
Why; wherefore, for what reason, cause or purpose; now, how is that, let me see, tell me, or the like. Ngáa man nga ginhímò mo inâ? Why did you do that? Ngáa balá nga gintúga sang Diós ang kalibútan? Why did God create the world? Ngáa náton? How does it concern us? Why do we say so? What have we to do with it? Ngáa, isá gid ka anó ang mahátag níya sa ímo? Tell me, how much can he give you? Ngáa man nga índì (walâ) ka magkádto dídto? Why don't you (didn't you) go there? (see tungúd, sa, anó, bangúd, sa, anó, ándot).
Caus. of álay. To tire, make stiff. Also: (especially in (B): to worry, feel uneasy, be upset. Ang paglakát nagpaálay sang ákon páa. The walk has made my legs stiff. Pagapaaláyon (pagapaalayón) gid ang ímo láwas kon magpangabúdlay ka sa ínit. You will certainly get tired and stiff, if you work in the heat of the sun. Ngáa nga nagapaaláy ka gid túngud sinâ? Why do you worry about that? Why does such a thing upset you? Anó ang ímo ginapaalayán (sang ímo hunâhúnà)? What are you worrying about? What is it that makes you feel so ill at ease?
To prepare, make-, get-, ready; to warn, notify, inform. Tungúd siní gánì ginapaáman ko sa tanán nga--. For this very reason I am warning (giving notice to) everyone that--. Ginapaáman níya nga dáan sa ákon nga--. He had informed me beforehand that--. (pa, áman).
To attribute, refer to, put down to, ascribe to, assign as a cause or motive. Ipahanungúd mo lang sa tubâ ang íya nga agrót, kay nakainúm siá sing lakás. Simply attribute his nonsensical talk to the tubâ, for he has drunk too much. (tungúd). (see pabangúd).
To let massage, go to a massagist, to have kneaded, rubbed, slapped, pressed, stroked. Mapahílot akó sa manughilót tungúd sang ákon síkmat. I will go to see the massagist about my rheumatism in the back. Pahilóta ang médiko sang ímo balî nga batíis. Let the doctor massage your broken leg. Ipahílot mo sa manugbúlung ang ímo bátà nga masakít. Let your sick child be massaged by the doctor. (pa, hílot).
Flustered, flurried, distracted; to be flustered, flurried, distracted with many cares, bewildered, preoccupied, put out, upset, to have one's head turned with a multiplicity of affairs to be attended to. Nagpalág akó tungúd sang madámù nga mga bisíta. Napalág akó, kay madámù ang mga bisíta. I am quite bewildered with so many visitors-to attend to,-to look after. (see lingín, libúg).
Rotten, tainted, bad, contaminated, spoilt, putrid, said especially of foodstuffs; to rot, go bad, get spoilt, etc. Nagpán-os ang kárne. The meat was tainted. Napan-osán kamí sang ísdà kag tungúd sinâ walâ kamí sing súd-an sa panihápon námon. Our fish went bad and consequently we had no side-dish for our supper. (see bángog, bagéu, báng-aw, pángos, lúb-uk, hurô).
To be envious, grudge another a distinction or preference, feel a little jealous. Si Hosé nagapanagíp-ol kay Pédro. José is a little jealous of Pédro. Tungúd kay ginapalánggà ni Tíyò Pédro si María, nagapanagíp-ol kay María si Luísa. Because Maria is Uncle Pedro's favourite, she is the object of Louisa's jealousy. (see pangímon, ímon).
To cause pain and swelling in the joints, said of wounds, burns, scratches, etc. that have become infected. Ang pilás sang túdlò sang íya kamót nagpangádlay sang íya bútkon-or-Ginpangadlayán ang íya bútkon tungúd sang pilás sang túdlò sang íya kamót. The wound in his finger has infected his arm (causing swellings in the elbow and armpit). Ginapangadlayán ang íya hítà gíkan sa hubág sa íya tiíl. He has a swelling in the groin due to the ulcer on his foot.
To be or make drowsy, sleepy, to sleep long, lie in bed till late in the morning (day) on account of lack of sleep during the previous night. Nagmatá na si Kwán?-Walâ pa, napúyat siá tungúd sang báyle kagáb-i. Has N.N. risen from sleep?-No, not yet, he needs much sleep on account of last night's dance. Ginapúyat siá, karón, kay nagab-ihán siá magpaúlì kagáb-i. He feels very sleepy now, because last night he came home late (at a late hour). Napúyat siá tungúd sang belasyón kagáb-i. He rose late this morning on account of last night's wake.
Trifles, matters that are not to the point or are of no importance, addition, embellishment, flowers (of speech); to mention frequently, converse about, speak of, refer to constantly, talk about matters of little importance. Madámù siá sing rawáráwa kon maghámbal. When he talks he makes many irrelevant statements, "beats about the bush". Mga rawáráwa lang ang íya nga ginsúgid. He mentioned nothing of importance, uttered mere commonplaces or platitudes, spoke about trifles, was not to the point. Masúnsun siá nagarawáráwa tungúd sang íya nadúlà nga kwárta. He frequently talks about the money he lost. (see bulákbúlak, punípúni, móno, búkò, hámbal, wákal, búrà).
To flow or boil over, overflow, inundate. Ang túbig nagasagáhay sa kólon. The pot is boiling over. Ang túbig nagasagáhay sa dálan, umá, etc. The water is overflowing the road, the field, etc. Ang ákon talámnan ginasagaháyan sang túbig tungúd sang madámol nga ulán. My field is under water owing to the heavy rains.
Ill-fitting, out of alignment, at odds, at variance, contradictory, disagreeing; to be out of harmony, disagree, etc. Nagasorolísas iníng mga sinúgid; tungúd siná índì akó magpáti. These stories are contradictory; therefore I will not believe them. Tungúd kay walâ sing kasapulán ang íla bádù amó nga nagsorolísas ang mga hímos níla. For the reason that they had come to no agreement about their banquet, their preparations were at cross purposes. (see taláng, tálang, sayúp, dílì, sinántò, dílì, ígò, dílì, hilitóhog, etc.).
Sorrow, grief, sadness, distress, woe, affliction; to be or become sorrowful, sad, unhappy, woe-begone, etc.; to grieve, mourn, repine. Nagsubô ang íya tagiposóon. His heart was grieved, saddened. Nagakasubô siá tungúd sang balítà nga íya nabáton. He feels sad over the news he received. Ginakasuboán ko gid inâ. I am very sorry for it. Dílì mo igkasubô inâ. Don't get downcast over that. Ginakasuboán níya sing dakû ang balatían sang íya ilóy. He is in great distress about his mother's illness. Dílì mo pagpasuboón ang ímo mga ginikánan. Don't grieve your parents.
The letter "T" in Visayan is pronounced as in English. After the prefix pan-"T" beginning a word is dropped, e.g. panábang (pan-, tábang); panikáng (pan-, tikáng); panókap (pan-, tókap); panubús (pan-, tubús). After the prefixes hi-and ha-"T" beginning a word is frequently changed into "n", e.g. hinabón (hi-, tábon); hanungúd, hanabô (ha-, tungúd, tabô) etc. etc.
To remind, bring to one's notice, draw (call, direct) attention to, keep on the alert, put a person up to, point out to, inform, notify. Tinggahá (Padumdumá) silá tungúd sinâ nga tabô. (Tinggahá sánda tungúd kariá nga (kariáng) natabô). Bring that event to their notice. Put them up to what has happened. Gintíngga na silá nga dáan nga--. They were reminded some time ago of the fact that--. Ngáa balá nga walâ mo silá pagtinggahá? Kon tiníngga mo kúntà silá dílì gid maláin ang gwâ ta. Why did you not inform them? If you had informed them the outcome would not have been so bad for us. (see padúmdum, paálam, pamáan, pahibaló, paándam).