Priest, Father, Reverend; Parish Priest, Rector; to become a priest. Si Párì Albérto. The Rev. (Reverend) Father Albert. The Rev. Albert. Fr. Albert. Sógò inâ sang Párì. Such is (was) the order of the Parish Priest. Those are (were) the Father's orders. Nagpárì na si Fuláno. N.N. has become a priest. (see Sp. pádre).
To invite, to ask or request one's presence. Agdahá siá. Invite him. Ginágda mo na ang tanán mo nga mga ábyan? Have you invited all your friends? Ang áton piésta pagaagdahán ko sing madámù nga mga Párì. I shall invite many priests to assist at our feast. I shall request the presence of many priests at our feast. Ari na ang mga inágda. The invited guests are now here. Nalipatán níya sa pagágda sánday Pedro. Paagdahón ko siá sa íla or ipaágda ko silá sa íya. He forgot to invite Peter and his friends or Peter and his family. I'll make him invite them. Padálhan ko siá kuntánì sing sulát nga iágda ko sa íya, ápang walâ gánì akó kasáyod kon diín siá nagapuyô karón. I should like to send him a letter of invitation, but I do not know where he is staying at present. (see abiár, hágad, kángay, )
(Sp. balance) Balance; equilibrium, symmetry, equipoise; to balance, poise; to shift, change, transfer from place to place, arrange methodically, so as to have symmetry or equilibrium, to keep in equipoise. Ginabalánse na liwán ang mga Párì sang diósesis sa Háro. The priests of the diocese of Jaro are again being shifted or transferred from one place to another. Indì mo pagbalansehón ang mga galamitón sa sála. Do not shift the furniture in the drawing-room. Ginbalánse níla ang mga balalígyà. They shifted their wares or removed them from their customary places and put them up somewhere else in the shop. (see tímbang, timbángtímbang).
Dim. of bató. Also: to do a little at a time, pick up here and there, read and spell at the same time, do falteringly or haltingly, do or let do by turns and the like. Ginbatóbató silá sang Párì sang mga tóksò. The Parish-Priest picked out several questions from the catechism for them to answer one by one. Nagabatóbató siá sa pagbása. He reads with difficulty, falteringly, stumbling over syllables, etc.
(Sp. bautizar) To baptize, christen. Sín-o ang nagbautizár sa ímo?-Ginbautisahán akó ni Párì Fuláno. Who baptized you?-I was baptized by Father N.N. (see búnyag, bulunyágan, binunyágan).
To invite, call to, request one's presence or company; to lead by the hand, guide, help along a road or the like. Dapíta siá. Invite him. Dapíti ang kalasálon sang isá ka bánda nga músika. Engage a band for the marriage-feast. Idápit akó ánay sa íya. Please invite him for me or in my name. Sa tanán nga mga dinápit diótay lámang ang mga nagtalámbong. Of all those that were invited only a few attended. Dinapítan níla ang íla pándut sing madámù nga mga Párì. They invited many priests to assist at their feast. Gindápit níya ang bátà. He led the baby or child by the hand. Dapíta iníng tigúlang nga táo sa íya paglakát sa dálan. Help this old man along the road. Guide-, lead-, support-him on his way along the road. (see ágda, kángay, hágad).
A quick downward motion of the head from drowsiness, a nod; to let the head sink-,-drop-,-bend-, from drowsiness, to incline the head in sleep, to nod. Nagadúkà siá. He is nodding (from sleepiness). Dílì ka magdúkà sa sulúd sang láygay or dílì mo pagdukáan ang pagláygay sang Párì. Don't sleep during the sermon of the Parish Priest. Dinukáan gid lámang sang madámù nga mga tumalámbong ang íya pamulóngpúlong, kay támà kaláwig. Many of those that were present fell asleep during his discourse, because it was very long. (see tuyó, dukô-to bow the head).
To drop in, visit, call upon; to strike, graze, touch. Hápit ka ánay dirí sa ámon? Won't you come up for a moment? Ginhapítan nínyo si Párì Lukás dídto sa Ilóngílong?-Walâ kamí makahápit sa íya, kay nagdalî kamí sa pagpaúlì. Did you call on Father Lucas in Iloilo?-No, we could not call on him, for we were in a hurry to get home. Ang íya baláy hinápit sang líntì kag nasúnug. His house was struck by lightning and burnt to the ground. Ang isá ka trák humápit sang íya nga síko nga natángday sa talámbwan sa túman kabáskug nga túbtub ang mga túl-an sang íya abága nagkalutá gid. A passing truck grazed his elbow, which was resting on the window, with such force that his shoulder was dislocated. (see sákà, dúaw, salapáy).
To receive Holy Communion, communicate. Nakakaláwat na ikáw? Have you been to Holy Communion? Sín-o ang ginakaláwat? Who is received in Holy Communion? Buás magakaláwat akó. To-morrow I will receive Holy Communion. Mangaláwat akó karón. I am going-to receive Holy Communion now. Ang masakít nga táo ginpakaláwat sang Párì. The sick man had Holy Communion administered to him by the Priest. The Priest gave the sick man Holy Communion.
To marry, bless or solemnize a marriage. Sín-o ang nagkasál sa ínyo? Who married you? Who solemnized your marriage? Sín-o ang nagpakasál kaína sang ága? Who was married this morning? Sín-o ang ginkasál sang Párì kahápon? Who was married by the Priest yesterday? Mapakasál kamí buás. We are going to be married to-morrow. Nakasál-or-nagpakasál na kamó ukón walâ pa? Have you been married yet or not? Indì mo pagipakasál ang ímo anák sa kasamiénto sibíl. Don't permit your son (daughter) to contract a civil marriage. Ang mga Kristiánhon nga nagapakasál sa sibíl nagapakasalâ sing dakû sa atubángan sang Diós. Christians that contract a civil marriage sin grievously in the sight of God.
Admonition, exhortation, sermon, counsel, advice; to admonish, advise, exhort, enjoin, preach, counsel. Laygayí siá. Exhort or admonish him. Iláygay sa íla ang mga sógò sang Diós. Explain to them and exhort them to observe the commandments of God. Instruct them in the divine precepts. Nakabatî ikáw sang láygay sang Párì? Did you hear the priest's sermon? Indì siá magpaláygay. He will not listen to advice. Ginláygay ko inâ sa íya sing masúnsun, ápang walá siá magsapák sang ákon nga láygay. I often advised him to that effect, but he would not listen to my advice. (see túdlò, panúgyan, badlong, sáysay, etc.).
To shun, avoid, turn away from, neglect, take no notice of, deviate, digress; omit, be disobedient. Buút siá maglípas sa ákon, kay mahádluk nga sókton ko siá sang ákon kwárta nga ginpahulám ko sa íya. He wants to avoid me, because he fears that I might demand payment of the amount he has borrowed from me. Sang pagkakítà níya sa ákon sa dálan naglípas siá. When he saw me on the road, he turned away from me. Ginlipásan níya siá gíkan sa kahuyâ. He avoided meeting him out of shame. Naglípas siá sa párì, kay naglápas siá sa pagsímba. He avoided meeting the priest, because he had neglected going to church,-had missed Mass. (see likáw, lígad, lubás, aklihís, lápas).
(Sp. misa) Mass, the holy sacrifice of the Mass; to say Mass. Mísa risáda (Sp. rezada) Low Mass. Mísa Mayór. High Mass. Sín-o ang párì nga nagmísa kaína? Who is the priest that said Mass a short while ago? Ang hálad sang Mísa. The sacrifice of the Mass.
(Sp. orden) Orders; Holy Orders, Religious Order or Congregation; to confer Holy Orders. Ang órden sa pagkapárì. Ordination to the priesthood. Priestly orders. Ginordenán siá nga párì sang halángdon nga obíspo nga si N.N. He was ordained a priest by the Right Rev. Bishop N.N.
(Sp. orden) Orders; Holy Orders, Religious Order or Congregation; to confer Holy Orders. Ang órden sa pagkapárì. Ordination to the priesthood. Priestly orders. Ginordenán siá nga párì sang halángdon nga obíspo nga si N.N. He was ordained a priest by the Right Rev. Bishop N.N.
To have, or get, something blessed. Nagpabendíta siá sang íya bág-o nga medálya. She had her new medal blessed. Ginpabendíta níya sa Párì ang íya nga koréa. She had her cord (belt, girdle, cincture) blessed by the priest. Ipabendíta mo sa Párì ang ímo bág-o nga baláy. Have your new house blessed by the priest. (pa, bendíta (Sp.).
To let or order to go off, remove, send away, turn out, cast out; expel, eject, evict, drive out, throw out, put on the stage, produce, show, give a performance. Pagwaá ang idô sa simbáhan. Drive the dog out of the church. Ginpagwá sang párì ang mga bátà nga nagahibî sa sulúd sang simbáhan. The priest sent the children out that were crying in church. Pagwaí akó sing tátlo ka nahót nga tabákò. Put out three cigars for me. Ipagwá ang tinágò mo nga álì nga tabákò. Bring out your hidden best cigars. Buás magapagwâ silá sang bág-o nga talan-áwon nga sinulát ni Fuláno. To-morrow they will stage the new play written by N.N. (pa, gwâ).
A prefix meaning:
a.) To pretend, feign, make a show or false appearance of, assume the airs of what the root implies, e.g. Indì ka magpakamanunúon, kon dílì ka manunúon nga matúod. Don't pretend to be a teacher, unless you really are a teacher. Nagpakapárì siá, ápang nasápwan sa madalî nga dílì siá párì galî. He pretended to be a priest, but it was soon found out that he was not a priest at all.
b.) To imagine, consider, think, hold something to be what the stem of the word indicates, e.g. Ginpakamaáyo níla ang amó nga pagbulút-an. They considered that to be a good law, they approved that law. Ang tanán nga nagapakasáyod (nagapakasayód) sinâ--. All those that think that they know the facts in that case--.
c.) To do or experience "really" what the root implies, e.g. Ang mga nagpakabatî sa íya--. Those that (actually) heard him--. Ang mga nagpakatiláw sang amó nga pagkáon nagasilíng nga--. Those that have (actually) tasted that food say that--. Ang mga nagpakatámbong, nagpakadáyaw, etc. Those that were present, applauded, etc. Ang Anák sang Diós nagpakatáo. The Son of God became (really, truly, verily) man.
N.B. It should be borne in mind that there are terms, as e.g. pakalisúd, etc., in which the "ka-" belongs to the stem and their meaning is consequently determined by the prefix pa-, not by paka-.