To alight-, fall-, drop-, come to rest-, on. Natúp-an (Natupaán) ang botílya sang bulutángan sang abó kag nabúung (nagkabúung). The ash-tray fell on the bottle and it (the bottle) was smashed.
Freq. of tupâ-to fall or light on, etc.
Caus. of tupâ-to fall or alight upon, etc. Pinatúp-an níya si Fuláno sang íya kamót. He struck N.N. He laid hands on N.N.
From tupâ-to alight on, etc.
Caus. of túpad. To remove to the side of, join to, bring near or close to. (see paatúbang).
(seldom tupád) To be at the side of, close by, near at hand, at one's elbow, in the immediate neighbourhood, be next neighbour to, to adjoin, be adjacent; to sit or stand side by side. Túpad ka sa íya. Tupári (-ádi) siá. Go (stand, sit) near him, close by him, at his side (elbow). Take your place close by him. Nagatuparáy (-páray) ang íla mga baláy. Their houses are next to (adjoining) each other. Ang tiénda kag ang ámon baláy nagatúpad. Ang tiénda (ámon baláy) nagatúpad sa ámon baláy (sa tiénda). Our house is near (adjoining, at the side of) the market place. Patúpad-to put or place side by side, etc.; to compare. Kon ipatúpad mo ang íya katarúngan sa íya ni Fuláno--. If you compare his argument (reasoning) with the argument put forth by N.N.--. (see íping, kílid, luyó, lapít, támbi, atúbang, támpad-to confront).
Slow, gentle, soft, mild, not quick, not impetuous, not impulsive; chronic, not acute (of disease); to be or become slow, gentle, mild. Ang mga balatían nga alugáynay. Chronic diseases. Nahúlug siá sa bintánà, ápang walâ siá masamári, kay nagalugáynay ang pagtupâ níya sa dútà nga mahómok. He fell out of the window, but was not hurt, for his fall was soft on the loose earth. Alugáynay gid lámang ang íya nga pagpangítà sing kabuhián. He earns his livelihood with difficulty. His earnings are coming in but slowly. (see ananáy, inanáy, hínay, nagáynay).
To stop, stand, come to a-stand,-rest,-standstill, put up at, draw rein, halt, cease to advance. Nagdúlug siá sa atubángan sang ákon baláy. He stopped in front of our house. Ginpadúlug níya ang salákyan sa tupád sang simbáhan. He drew up the vehicle before the Church. Padulúgi sang áwto ang íya baláy. Stop the auto at his house. Padulúga dirí ang trak, kay mulúsad akó. Stop the truck here, for I wish to get out. Sa diín magadúlug ang trak? Where will the truck stop? Sa diín magapadúlug ka sang trak? Where will you stop the truck? Ipadúlug ináng gamó sa mga punoán. Let the authorities put a stop to that annoyance or disturbance. Indì mapadúlug ang lakát sang ádlaw. The sun cannot be stopped in its course. (see pára, táyod-to stand, stop walking).
An idea, a thought, concept, conception; to understand, comprehend, know, conceive, fathom, make out. Indì siá makahántup sang hámbal nga ininglés. He cannot understand English. Nahantupán ko ang íla nga katuyoán. I could make out what their intention was. Ginhántup níya galî ang áton kasugtánan, kay naningádtingád siá sa tágò sang áton sugilánon. He actually knew of our agreement, for he secretly listened to our conversation. Ang amó nga hántup nagpalibúg sang íya úlo. That thought worried him. (see hangúp, hibaló, sáyod, etc.).
Associate, companion, cooperator, collaborator; at the side of, near-by, adjacent. (see tupád).
To strike at a tangent, miss the centre, hit only the edge or corner, graze; missing the centre, grazing, hitting or cutting the edge. Indì mo pagpakibyasán sang binángon ang kawáyan, kóndì biálon mo sa tungâ. Don't strike to one side the bamboo with the bolo, but split it in the middle. Nagkíbyas lang ang bála sa íya bútkon. The bullet merely grazed his arm. Ginlabô nía siá sang binángon, ápang kíbyas lang ang pagtupâ. He struck him with the bolo, but it was only a glancing blow.
To flash, emit a flash or spark of light; a flash or spark. Ang kilát nagakiráb. The lightning flashes. Sang pagtupâ sang wásay sa bató nagkiráb ang kaláyo. When the hatchet hit the stone, it struck fire from it. Pakirabá ang isá ka asúgi. Strike a match. Nakítà ko ang kiráb sang sugâ. I saw the flash of the light.
To be or become rather hard or dry, but not very dry; to be pliable or damp. Ang kusáhos walâ gid mag-ugá, kóndì naglamayó lang. The slice (of meat) has not become thoroughly dry, but only slightly so. Hálus naglamayó ang mga panápton nga inamidolán pinúnpun ko, kay daw matupâ ang ulán. As soon as the starched clothes were slightly dry, I gathered them in, because it looked as if it was going to rain.
A half; one part or side of anything cut in two; the other side, the part or side that is-beyond,-behind,-in front,-to the right or left,-opposite. Isá ka pihák. One half. Sa pihák. On the other side. Sa pihák sang búkid. Beyond the mountain. On the other side of the mountain. Diín ka makádto?-Sa pihák. Where are you going to?-(I am going) to the other side. N.B. Here and in similar cases, on account of the various meanings of "pihák", it may be necessary to further question the speaker as to what part or what direction he really alludes to by "pihák". (see tungâ, bangî, tabók, likorán, atubángan, tupád, kílid, únhan, támpad).
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