(H) A little, trifle, morsel, snack; small, little, tiny, wee, scant, meagre, bit, petty, diminutive, few; to diminish, decrease, lessen, be or become small, etc. Nagdiótay iníng bánwa. This town has become small. Diotáya ang pagbutáng sing kalámay sa kapé. Put only a little sugar into the coffee. Diótay man lang ang mga táo nga nagtalámbong. There were only a few people in attendance. Diótay nga butáng. A small, trifling or unimportant matter. Diótay nga táo. A small or uninfluential man. Diótay na lang --. Almost, nearly, close upon, well nigh, all but --. Nadiotáyan gid lang siá (sa paghulúg) nga mahúlug sa busáy. He nearly fell into the abyss. Gindiótay níla ang baláy. They made the house smaller. Ginpakadiótay níla inâ. They made light of it. They considered it a trivial matter. (see dítik, diót, dítay, díting, gamáy, tikî, isót).