(Sp. abundar, abundante) Abundant, plentiful, amply sufficient, more than enough, enough and to spare, abounding; to abound, be abundant, etc. Abúnda na or nagaabúnda na ang humáy. There is plenty of rice now. Naabundahán na kitá sang áton pangabúhì. We have now plenty to live upon. Maíwat karón ang ísdà, ápang magaabúnda man liwán kunína. Fish is now scarce, but it will be plentiful again. (see bugánà, dagáyà, dagásà, óya, úya).
(Sp. abusar) Misuse, abuse; to misuse, abuse. Nagabusár siá sang kaálwan sang íya tíà. She abused the generosity of her aunt. Ayáw pagabusahí ang íya kaáyo. For God's sake, don't abuse her goodness. Ginabusahán níla ang íya kalólot. They took advantage of his kindness.
(Sp. abuso) Abuse, wrong-doing, impropriety, reprehensible conduct, bad custom; to abuse, beguile, cheat, misuse. A, abúso gid inâ. Oh, that is a bad custom. Ah, that is very improper. Dílì mo pagabusóhan ang ímo isigkatáo. Don't cheat your fellow-man.
To arrive, come to, reach, to appear on the scene. Sán-o pa ikáw magabút? When did you arrive? Sán-o ikáw magaabút? When will you come? Abutan ko ikáw karón sa ímo balay. I will come to see you presently at your home. Inabután siá sing dakû nga kahádluk. Great fear came over him. Anó ang ginapaabút mo? What are you waiting for? Paabutón ta pa ang koríyo kag ugáling magpaúlì. Let us wait for the mail to come in and then go home. Maglakát ka na sing madásig, agúd makaabút pa ikáw dídto sa napát-ud nga táknà. Now, walk quickly, that you may reach there at the appointed hour.
To reach, come up with, overtake, catch up with. Abúton ko ikáw karón. I shall soon overtake you. Dalágan ka, agúd dílì ka maábut kag sungáyon sang karabáw nga simarón. Run, lest the wild buffalo should catch and toss you. Básì maábut mo pa siá sa dálan. Possibly you may overtake him yet on the road. Nagabút gid siá, ápang walâ makaábut sang misa. He arrived, indeed, but too late for hearing Mass. (Literally: "----, but he could not reach Mass).
Freq. of abút. Also: Following one another in quick succession, (see abák-abák).
Freq. of ábut. To come and go, pass off and on; to come within reach, to reach nearly, but not quite. Nagaabút-ábut sa íya ang balatían. The disease attacks him periodically or in frequent fits. Ang kánding ginaabút-ábut na sang idô nga nagalagás. The goat is being nearly caught up to by the pursuing dog. Ang tá-ub nagaabút-ábut dirí siníng baybáyon túbtub sa tungâtúngà sinâ nga búgsok. The high tide on this beach usually rises to about the middle of that post.
To make or scramble for, gather, collect, lay up. See hábwà id.
See ábian id.
See abiérto, ábiog, abiogán.
To cut in thin slices, to slice with a frame-set knife. Ad-adá ang kamóti. Slice the sweet potato. Iád-ad akó ánay siníng mga patátas. Kindly slice these potatoes for me.
To gossip, divulge or let out secrets, give full rein to the tongue. Indì mo pagad-adón ang mga tinágò sang ímo isigkatáo. Don't let out your neighbour's secrets.
To reject food, slobber, slubber, drivel, slaver, let food slowly flow from the mouth (as babies often do). Indì mo pagadadón ang kán-on. Do not slobber your food. Indì mo pagadadón ang ságing. Don't slobber and spit out, the banana.
A slicer, a frame-set knife for slicing potatoes, radishes, tomatoes and the like, (ád-ad).
(Sp. háda) Fairy.
To receive in trust, to acquire with the prospect of ultimate ownership, to have some property provisionally settled on oneself during the lifetime of the testator (especially applied to lands distributed to their children by parents with the stipulation that the parents retain the ownership as long as they live, and may at any time change the previous arrangement). Nagaadá-áda siá siníng (or ginaadá-áda níya iní nga) bántud sámtang (miéntras) buhì ang íya ginikánan. This enclosed field is in his possession or administration during the lifetime of his parent (with the promise of ultimate ownership after the death of his parent). Ginpaadá-adahán níya ang íya mga anák sing mga dútà. He distributed some lands among his children.
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