Also: a coward, poltroon, etc. See matálaw, talawán.
Cock, rooster. (see sulúg, manók, sumaláyhaw-a young cock).
To support, help along invalids or sick persons, etc.; to help, assist, succour in straits or difficulties. Agáka siá. Help him along. Ipaágak siá sa ímo sologoón. Let your servant lend him support. Order your servant to help him along. Ginaágak silá sang íla mga ábyan. They are being helped along in life by their friends. Agákon ko siá sa pagtabók sa subâ. I will lead him by the hand whilst crossing the river. (see agubáy, tóytoy, búlig, tábang).
To cope with, be able to perform or accomplish, to manage. Agamón ko gid iníng trabáho. I will readily undertake to perform this work. Makaagám ikáw sinâ? Can you cope with that? Can you manage that? (see ágap).
Dim. and Freq. of agám. Also: to take a firm hold of, do (handle, manage) well (carefully).
Prepossessing, charming, captivating, attractive and hence having many admirers, clients or customers, being much sought after or resorted to. Agao nga dalága, magtotóon, manugbúlong, buluthóan, etc. A charming young lady, a favourite teacher, a doctor much in request, a school or college that attracts many pupils, etc.
To seize, take by force, usurp, snatch away from another. Indì mo pagagáwon ang íya sang ibán. Do not take what belongs to another. Ginágaw níla ang íya dútà. They took the land away from him by force. Inagáwan akó níla sang ákon bántud nga dídto sa bakólod. They seized my plot of enclosed farmland there on the hill. Agáwa sa íya ang binángon. Snatch the bolo away from him. Ang mga bátà nagainágaw sang tinápay. The children are fighting or scrambling for the bread. Tabúga iníng idô nga malúyag magágaw sang báboy sa bátà. Drive off this dog that wants to snatch away the pork from the child. Inágaw nga háyup, bátà, etc. Stolen cattle, a kidnapped baby, etc.
To rise early, be early at work, to do early in the morning, anticipate. Agapí ang pagarádo. Be early at the ploughing. Rise early in the morning for the ploughing. Agapá ang pagbúhat sinâ. Do it early in the morning. Gina-*agapán nila ang pagpangítà sing mga tulún-an, bisán madúgay pa ang pagbukás sang mga buluthúan. They are already looking for books, though the opening of the schools is still a long while off. (see pamúka).
To close, heal, form scabs (said of small-pox, measles and other diseases affecting the skin). Ang butí nagaágas na. The small-pox is forming scabs, is slowly healing. Ginaagásan na ang bátà sang típgas (típdas, tígpas), butí, etc. The child is now recovering from measles, small-pox, etc.
Dim. of ágas. To begin healing, start to form scabs, be on the way to recovery.
See ágao.
Usurper; one who takes (or is accustomed to take) things by force; highhanded, overbearing, violent. (see ágaw).
What is to be or should be snatched from or saved at once. Sang pagabút námon dídto walâ na siá sing pangalibútan kag agáwagawón gid siá. When we arrived there he was already unconscious and it was high time for us to try to save him. (see ágaw, hingagawón, hilingagawón).
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