(Sp. agrónomo) A writer on agriculture; rural inspector or overseer; husbandman, farmer. (see mangungúma).
A boaster, braggart, exaggerator; boasting, bragging, exaggerating talk. Agrót gid siá; lakás na man ang agrót nga íya sinúgid. He is a great braggart; his exaggerations are really too much. Indì ka magsúgid sang ímo agrót. Don't boast. Don't tire other people with your boastful talk. (see búrà, hákal, hádak, hámbug, wákal, etc.).
See áglot id. Even in Hiligáynon ágrot seems to be more commonly used than áglot.
To work another's fields for part of the produce. Agsa ko lang iníng umá. I work this farm only as a tenant. Sín-o ang ginaagsahán mo? Who is the owner of your leasehold? Ang agsadór ko amó ang nagaágsa sang ákon dútà. My tenant is the one who works my farm. Ginapaágsa níya ang íya dútà sa isá ka salalígan nga agsadór. He let his land on lease to a trustworthy tenant. Kon may lúyag ka ipaágsa ko sa ímo ang ákon umá. If you like, I'll let you have my farm in tenure by lease. Agsahí siá. Become his tenant. Take his land in tenure by lease. Take some of his land on lease.
The one to whom a field is let or leased for part of the produce, a lessee, tenant, leaseholder.
To chip-, trim-, dress-, hew-, wood by cutting or splitting off small pieces. Agsapí ang káhoy. Dress the wood by chipping. Inágsap nga káhoy. A chip-, splinter-, of wood. Ang mga inágsap sang kawáyan ginapaámak sa kaláyo. Bamboo-trimmings are useful for lightning or kindling a fire. Iágsap akó ánay siníng káhoy. Please trim this piece of wood for me. Nagtínlò na ang inagsapán nga halígi. The post that was trimmed has become smooth. Paagsapá ang pánday siníng halígi. Let the carpenter trim this post. (see sápsap).
To fly off, scatter, spray, splash, bespatter. Sang pagbí-al ko sang káhoy ang mga inágsap nagágsik sa malayô. When I split the wood, the chips flew to a distance. Naagsikán akó sang lúnang. I got bespattered with mud. Indì ka magpalapít dirâ, kay básì maagsikán ka sing binílbig nga bató. Don't go near there, for you may be hit by a flying piece of stone. Paagsiká ang bató. Let the stone-chips fly. (see ásang, ásik, ápok, lásik).
Blackish, black, negro-black. Abáw, dáw ágtà ang bátà. Oh, the child is as black as a negro. Diín ka man mag-*ágtà? Where did you become so black? Naagtaán gid akó siníng áti. I consider this negrito very black. (see áta, id.).
(B) To go to, etc. See kádto id.
(Sp. aguaje) Tidal wave; the wake of a ship; sea current, stream; impetus, impetuosity, vehemence; to gather force, increase, augment. Nagaaguáhi pa ang húblag ni Fuláno. N.N.'s movement (agitation, scheme, policy) is still gathering force.
A common shrub, whose leaves are made use of to keep off or drive away bugs.
To support, guide, help along persons who cannot walk well by themselves; to assist people in their necessities. Agubayá iníng piáng. Help along this lame person. Iagubáy akó ánay siníng masakít nga batà. Please support this sick child for me. Ipaagubáy ko lang iníng makaloló-oy nga tigúlang sa mga mádre. I'll get the nuns to take care of this poor old man. Makaagubáy ka sa íya? Can you help him along? Ginagubáy námon siá, kay malúya siá maglakát. We helped him along, as he had little strength to walk.
That, in order that, so that; agúd índì or agúd dílì-lest, in order that not. Magtoón kamó, agúd magálam. Study, that you may become learned. Basáha ang tulún-an sing matalupángdon, agúd ímo masáyran ang ginabása mo. Read the book with attention, in order that you may understand what you read. Kápti ang alobáybay, agúd índì ka mahúlog. Keep hold of the handrail, lest you should fall down. Amligí ang pagdalá mo siníng báso, agúd dílì mabúong. Carry this glass with care, in order that it may not break. N.B. The particle "nga" is frequently added to agúd (agúd nga, agúd nga dílì, etc.), but it may be left out without change of meaning.
Use, usefulness, utility, advantage. Walâ gid siá sing águd. He is quite useless. Ang ákon plúma walâ na sing águd. My pen is of no use any more. (see pulús).
Dim of águd. Diótay lang ang agúd-agúd siníng táo. This man is not of much use.
To obtain, reach, enjoy the possession of, gain, get, acquire, reap. Ang mga matárung magaágum or magahiágum kunína sang himáyà sa lángit. The just will finally enjoy the glory of heaven. Pagaagúman ko gid ang búnga sang ákon ginkabudlayán. I shall surely reap the fruit of my labours. Ipaágum mo sa íya ang ígò nga bálus. Grant him a fitting reward. Paagúma siá sang ímo kamót. Let him feel your hand i.e. strike, box, slap, hit him. Inagúman na níya ang íya nga ginhándum sang madámù nga mga túig. He has now reached the goal desired for many years. (see dángat, ángkon).
A kind of fish that is frequently cut in two, salted and dried in the sun. Agumá-a nga pinákas. Salt agumá-a.
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