(Sp. ajete) Young garlic; leek.
A kind of odoriferous flowering plant.
To wash, rinse, pour water over something or somebody, and the like. Ahógi akó sing túbig. Pour water over me. Iáhog ang túbig sa úlo ko. Pour the water over my head. Ahóga ang ákon likód sang túbig. Pour water over my back. May inugáhog ikáw? Have you a scoop or vessel for pouring out liquids? Sang íla pagpalígos sa subâ nagahogáy or nagahogánay silá. When they took a bath in the river they poured water over each other. (see bóbò).
(Sp. ajo) Garlic; leek. Butangí sing áhos or ahósi ang kárne. Put some garlic with the meat.
To tease, to stroke or caress a child against its will, to pat or fondle a child averse to such handling till it cries, gets angry or runs away. Ahosá siá. Tease him. Ipaahós mo sa íya ang bátà. Let him tease the baby. Nagmasakít ang bátà kay inahós ni Fulána nga áswang. The baby got sick, because the witch N.N. had caressed it or had teased it. (see ulít, tiáw-tíaw, lahóg-láhog).
An exclamation to draw another's attention: Hey! Hello! Ahoy! Ahóy, hulatá akó ánay. Hey, kindly wait for me. Ahóy! kamó dirâ! Kumarí kamó dirí kag bulígan nínyo kamí. Hello, you there! Come here and help us! (see hóy).
(Sp. aire) Air, atmosphere; liveliness, cheerfulness, sprightliness; gracefulness, elegance in manner, bearing, carriage, etc.
To tear off, to bark, to strip (a tree of its bark). Ak-aká ang pánit sang káhoy. Strip the bark off the tree. Ak-akí ang káhoy sang íya pánit. Strip the tree of its bark. Pánit nga inák-ak. Bark torn or pulled off. Káhoy ngga inak-akán. A tree stript of its bark. (see bákbak).
To sell well, be much in demand, be much sought after. Nagáka karón sa Ilongílong ang páhò, ságing, ísdà kag manók. At present mangoes, bananas, fish and chickens are much in demand in Iloilo. Sang túig nga tinalíkdan maíwat ang pamaligyáon sang sibúkaw, ápang nián nagáka na. Last year the market for sibúkaw-wood was dull, stagnant, but now it is much in demand. (see maáka, kaáka, mabákal, bákal, ágaw, dásà).
To bubble, to seethe; to throb. Nagabukál na ang túbig, kay nagaakál-akál na. The water is boiling now, for it is bubbling. Nagaakál-akál ang tutúnlan ko. My throat throbs. Indì mo pagbak-itón ang tsaréra, kóndì paakál-akalá ánay ang túbig sing maáyo. Don't take the tea-kettle off the fire, but let the water first boil properly.
(Sp. acacia) Acacia-tree.
(B) Darling. A term of endearment used towards small girls, sweethearts, daughters, daughters-in-law and other near female relations. Diín si akáy? Where is darling? Ihátag iní sa kay akáy. Give this to darling. (see índay, gíngging, néna, nénè, néning, púngpung; the corresponding masculine terms are nónoy, tótò, tútò).
To challenge, provoke, defy, invite to a combat. Akiatá siá. Defy him. Challenge him. Iákiat ko sa íya iníng binángon. I will challenge him with this bolo. (see ákyat id.).
(H) Anger, ire, wrath, rage, passion, choler, fury, indignation; to be or make angry, become angry, irate, wroth, wrathful, furious, indignant. Indì ka magákig or mangákig. Don't be angry. Tî, kon may salâ ang bátà mo akígi kag hanóta. Well, if your boy is at fault, show him your displeasure and give him a whipping. Indì mo siá pagakígan, kay dílì siá amó ang may salâ. Don't be angry with him, for he is not the one to blame. Indì ka ánay maghámbal sa íya, kay básì maákig siá. Don't talk to him now, for he may get angry. Inakígan níya gid ang ámon paglatás sa íya nga talámnan. He flew in a rage, because we had cut straight across his field.
(H) Angry, wroth, irate, furious, exasperated, in a-rage,-passion.
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