A kind of tree.
Shunning work, avoiding labour, lazy, slothful; to be or become lazy, slothful, indolent, averse to work. Mostly used with pa- in the meaning of: to shirk or avoid work, to perform lazily. Indì ka magpaagohós sang pangabúdlay or indì mo pagpaagohosán ang pagpangabúdlay. Don't be lazy or indolent at your work. Don't work lazily. Ang mga matámad nagapaagohós sang pangabúdlay. Lazy people are averse to hard work. (see támad, amád, ágol).
A plant, whose tender shoots are edible.
Lazy, indolent, slothful; to be lazy, indolent, slothful. Indì ka magágol. Don't be lazy. Indì mo pagagólan ang pagtúman sang ímo mga katungdánan. Don't be indolent in the performance of your duties.
Dim. of ágol. A little lazy, somewhat indolent. Agól-agól nga táo. A rather lazy fellow. Iníng kaláyo agól-agól láng. This fire burns dull,-does not burn bright.
Lazy, indolent.
A native drum, gong, sounding-plate.
A trickster, sneak, cheat, thief in a small way; to trick, cheat, deceive, obtain under some plausible pretext. Ginagóng níya ang ákon páyong. He deprived me of my umbrella by a mean trick. Agongá ang íya kálò or agongi siá sang íya kálò. Get hold of his hat by some stratagem. Likawí ang mga agóng kag makáwat. Avoid sneaks and thieves. (see dáyà, límbong, tíkas, takáb, káwtì, lág-it).
(Sp. agonia) Agony, death-struggle, death-rattle; knell, death-bell, passing-bell; to knell, toll the bell. Sin-o ang ginaagoniásan? Whom is the passing-bell ringing for? Paagoniási siá. Have the passing-bell rung for him.
(Sp. agonizar) To agonize, struggle between life and death, to be in the death-agony. Ang nabadlisán kag na-biatikohán kaína nagaagonisár na, konó. They say, that the one who received Extreme Unction and Viaticum a short while ago is now in his agony.
Mouldiness, mustiness, mould. Also used as a verb. Iníng tinápay may agóp-op or ginaagóp-op. This bread is mouldy. Indì akó kaúyon sang tinápay nga inagóp-op or inagop-opán. I do not like to eat musty or mouldy bread. Indì mo pagpaagóp-opón ang tinápay, kán-on, dólse, etc. Do not let the bread, rice, sweetmeats, etc. become mildewed or musty.
Musty, mouldy, mildewy, mildewed.
A kind of snail similar to tamburukò and tibótíbo.
(Sp. agosto) August. (see lubádlúbad).
An exclamation of pain and suffering. Agóy, kasakít siníng hubág ko. Oh, dear me. Oh, the pain of this boil of mine! Agóy, daw sa dílì na akó makabatás siníng kahápdì. Oh, dear, I can hardly stand this pain any longer. (see aragóy).
A small crab living in holes in the sand on the beach.
A hank of yarn or thread. Also used as a verb. Agpangá ang binúlung nga búlak sang búlak. Make up the spun cotton into hanks. Bunáng nga inágpang. Yarn in hanks, yarn by the hank. (see labág).
(Sp. agricultor) Farmer, husbandman. (see mangungúma).
(Sp. agricultura) Farming, agriculture. (see pangúma).
(Sp. agrimensor) Land-surveyor.
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