A singing bird. (Perhaps from the Sp. alóndra-lark).
Acridity, pungency, sharpness, bitterness; to be or become sour, sharp, bitter, hot, biting, acid, pungent, acrid. Ang nagakáon sing búnga nga línghod sang kabúgaw maadátan. He who eats unripe fruit of a pomelo tree will find it very bitter. Ang sabór siníng kabúgaw nagpaádat sang ákon dílà. The taste of this pomelo was like acid on my tongue. Naadátan ang tutúnlan ko. I feel a biting in my throat. (árat id.).
(Sp. advertir) To advise, give warning, instruct, give notice, call attention to. Adbertihá siá sinâ. Bring it to his notice. Notify him about it. Call his attention to it. Ginadbertí níya akó nga--. He sent me word that--. He advised me to--. (see tíngga, tíngkaw, paálam, pahibaló, abíso, paabíso).
(Sp. adelantado) Progressive, advanced, modern; fast (of a watch). (see mainuswagón, matín-ad, madásig).
(Sp. adelantar) To promote, ameliorate, introduce progressive methods or modern inventions; to advance, put on. Adelantahí akó ánay sing kwárta. Advance me some money. Paadelantahá ang taknáan (relóh) sing napúlò ka minuto. Put on the clock ten minutes. Kon magadelantár ikáw sa ákon sing napúlò ka mángmang magakosinéro mo akó. If you advance me ten pesos I am willing to become your cook.
(Sp. adelfa) The rose-bay, oleander.
A tree, whose leaves and flowers are supposed to posses cough-curing properties.
Give me. Hand me. Let me have a look. Adí, tan-awón ko. Bring it here, I'll have a look at it. Adí, ákon inâ. Hand that to me, it is mine. Adí ang lápis sang ákon útod. Give me my brother's pencil. (adí is probably a contraction of "dálha dirí"-"Bring it here").
Dandruff, scurf, scurfiness.
Full of dandruff, scurfy, one affected with dandruff.
A term of endearment used in addressing that class of effeminates known as "agî": Deary! My dear!
A large ship; the ark (of Noe).
(Sp. adios) God bless you. God speed you. Good-bye. Farewell. Also used as a verb, mostly with pa-. Nagpaadiós siá sa ákon or ginpaadiosán níya akó. He bade me good-bye. Ihátag mo iní sa íya nga ipaadiós ko sa íya. Give him this from me as a farewell keepsake. (see paálam).
Sun; day; daylight; to be or become daylight; to pass or spend a day. Nagabútlak na ang ádlaw. The sun is rising. Adlaw na; lakát kitá. It's daylight now; let us go. Kon magádlaw (umádlaw) na, pagadayúnon ta ang áton paglakát. When daylight appears, we will continue our march. Sa sulúd sang duhá ukón tátlo ka ádlaw mapamanílà akó. Within two or three days I'll depart for Manila. Naadlawán kitá dídto. We passed a full day there. Naduhaán kitá ka ádlaw dídto. We spent two days there. Sa ádlaw nga Miérkoles. On Wednesday. Sang naglígad nga ádlaw nga Miérkoles. Last Wednesday. Maáyo nga ádlaw. Good day. Good morning. Adlaw nga inugpuása kag inugpaúmud sa kárne. A day of fasting and abstinence. Sang isá sinâ nga mga ádlaw nga naglilí-gad---. One of these last days----. Sa tanán nga ádlaw. Every day.
Daily, every day.
Full daylight after sunrise. Adláwon na, bángon kamó. It's full day, rise. It's bright daylight. Get up.
(Sp. administración) Administration, management. (see dulumaláhan, talatapán).
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