of bagâ-to quarrel, etc.
Freq. of bagáng-to warm, heat; to inflame (a passion, or the like).
Freq. of bághot-to cut back-, cut off a piece of (less than half an inch a day)-, lop off the tip of-, the "swak" (the fruitstalk of the coconut palm) in order that the tubâ may flow the better.
Freq. of bágting-to ring the bells, etc.
To make dear, overcharge, sell at a high (extravagant) price, ask (exorbitantly) much, raise-, put up-, boost-, the price. Pamahalá ang tubâ. Raise the price of tubâ. Ginpamahál níya ang mga kólon sing taglimá ka dakû. He put five centavos more on-, he put up (boosted) the price of-, each earthen rice-pot (by five centavos).
Freq. of páhat-to divide, cut up, distribute.
Breakfast, afternoon tea, light repast; to have breakfast, to breakfast, take a light repast. Namáhaw (Nagpamáhaw) ka na? Have you breakfasted yet? Tagái silá sing pamáhaw. Give them a light repast. Papamaháwa silá. Give them-, prepare for them-, let them have-, breakfast. Pinamaháwan kami níla-, hinatágan kamí níla sing pamáhaw-, dídto sa íla baláy. They gave us breakfast there at their house. (see báhaw, meriénda).
Freq. of páhid-to rub out, wipe off, etc.
Dim. of pamáhid.
Freq. of báhin-to divide, share out, etc.
Freq. of bahóg-to mix food, feed a pig, etc. (pandamóg).
Attention, respect, consideration (for the feelings of others), concern. Sa walâ gid sing pamahóngpahóng pumalapít siá sa ákon. He approached me-, came near me-, without any formality or without any consideration for those present. (see pahóngpahóng).
Freq. of báhuy. A scarecrow; a ghost; to behave and do mischief like a witch, to frighten people by night, to haunt. Si Fuláno nagapamáhoy, konó. N.N. is scaring people by night, they say.
Freq. of páhug-to intimidate, frighten, scare, threaten, daunt, overawe, deter by threats.
Freq. of bahúlay-cold sweat (perspiration); to be in a-, be covered with-, cold sweat.
Freq. of páin-to separate, segregate, etc.
Freq. of bakál-to buy, etc. Ang pamakál kag pamalígyà. Buying and selling. Baráto (Mahál) siá sing pamakál. He buys cheap (dear).
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