Freq. of ábut-to catch up with, reach, overtake.
To make friends, be friendly with. Hirúpi kag pangabyána siá sing maáyo. Try and make her acquaintance, and befriend her. (see ábyan).
To pray, say one's prayers. Magpangadî-or-mangadî ka. Pray. Say your prayers. Pangadiá ang "Amáy námon". Say the "Our Father".
To cause pain and swelling in the joints, said of wounds, burns, scratches, etc. that have become infected. Ang pilás sang túdlò sang íya kamót nagpangádlay sang íya bútkon-or-Ginpangadlayán ang íya bútkon tungúd sang pilás sang túdlò sang íya kamót. The wound in his finger has infected his arm (causing swellings in the elbow and armpit). Ginapangadlayán ang íya hítà gíkan sa hubág sa íya tiíl. He has a swelling in the groin due to the ulcer on his foot.
Freq. of kádto-to go, etc.
Dim. of pangádto. To go (pass) to and fro, roam or walk-about,-from place to place.
Freq. of kádwas-to take hold of or catch with outstretched arm and with the palm of the hand turned downward.
Oblivious, forgetful, wandering in mind, not quite normal, not all there, distracted, dreamy, wool-gathering. (see pungág).
Freq. of ágad. To serve, be a servant or employee. Especially: to serve for an intended wife in the house of her parents.
Freq. of agálon. To seek a master or owner, look for an employment, or the like, hunt for a job, try to find an employer. Ang idô nagapangagálon. The dog is looking for its master. Magpangagálon (Mangagálon) ka kon walâ ka sing palamúgnan. Go and look for somebody who will give you a job, who will employ you (as a cook, servant, errand-boy, washerwoman, etc.), if you are out of work (if you have no position, if you are unemployed).
Freq. of agám. Also; to grasp (do, handle, manage) well, to be careful or circumspect.
Freq. of ágas. The healing process of smallpox, measless, etc.; to heal, form scabs.
Freq. of kagát-to bite, snap, etc.
Freq. of ágaw. Usurpation, forceful appropriation, expropriation, dispossession; to take by force, usurp, etc.
Freq. of ágda. To invite, etc.; invitation-card. Magpabálhag ka sing mga pangágda. Have some invitation cards printed.
Freq. of kághà-to grieve, be in sorrow, etc.
Freq. of ági-to go or pass by, etc.
Tenancy, tenantry, tenure, lease, leasehold, tenure by lease; to work or till land belonging to another for part of the produce, to be a tenant or leaseholder. (see ágsa).
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