(B) See pangádto-to go, etc. from kádto, kágtò, ágtò.
Freq. of káhas-to dare, be impertinent, audacious, bold.
(B) Freq. of kahíg. Shape, form and use of one's legs, especially applied to game (fighting) cocks. Iníng sulúg maáyo sing pangahíg. This cock has fine legs, is strong or expert in the use of its legs, can use its legs to good purpose.
Freq. of káhig-to scratch with the feet as chickens looking for food.
Freq. of káhoy. To fetch or gather firewood, collect fuel. Mangáhoy (magpangáhoy) kamó dídto sa bakólod. Go and gather firewood there on the hill.
Freq. of kaingín-jungle fire, etc.
Freq. of ák-ak-to tear or strip off.
Freq. of áka-to be much resorted to or much in demand.
Freq. of kâkâ-to be full to the bursting point.
Freq. of káka-to gather, scrape together.
Freq. of kakáak-to cackle.
Freq. of kakás-to pull or tear down, tear in pieces.
(H) The Freq. of ákig-to be or become angry, etc. Nangákig (Nagpangákig) silá. They got angry, grew angry, waxed hot.
Freq. of ákò-to be able, to undertake a work and its responsibility.
Prayer, oration; to pray, beseech, ask in prayer, to call upon in prayer. Freq. of alába.
To steal garden-and farm-produce during the night preceding All Souls' Day, the thieves pretending to be souls of the departed. Many ignorant people believe that the souls in purgatory walk abroad at that time to visit their former haunts. Pangalagá lang ang íya mga ságing. Steal his bananas on the eve of All Souls' Day. Pinangalagán níla kagáb-i ang ákon kalubihán. Last night they visited my coco-nut-plantation and stole coco-nuts, etc. (kalág).
Freq. of kalág-kalág. Also: to examine, search, try to find, look over a room, road, etc. for lost articles or the like. Pangalágkalagón mo ang kwárta nga nadúlà. Look for the lost money. Try to find the lost money. Pangalágkalagán mo ang dálan, básì pa lang nga makítà nímo ang síngsing nga nawígit (nagkawígit). Keep a sharp lookout on the way (look everywhere on the road), perhaps you will find the ring you dropped. (see pangítà, panulúktúluk).
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