To gulp down, devour. See síbà. Ginabantayán lang níya dirâ ang íya saráng masibád. He is there on the look-out for someone whom he may devour, i.e. take in, cheat, fleece or the like.
Dim. and Freq. of sibád. (see sibâsíbà).
Dim. and Freq. of síbag.
A spear, a kind of barbed lance. Palayógi siá sang sibát. Throw the spear at him. Sibatá ang talunón. Throw a spear at the wild boar. Spear the wild boar.
(Sp. azabache) Jet, jet-black; beads, trinkets, etc. of a jet-black colour.
To inspect or visit traps or the like to see, if something has been caught. Nagasibáw siá dídto sang íya siód. He is inspecting his trap there. Sibawá ang siód nga ginbutáng ko dídto kahápon. Go and look at the trap I put there yesterday.
A perambulator, wheel-chair; a baby's chair with a railing to keep the baby from falling.
A cow-lick, a whorl of hair on the flank of a horse near the hip-joint.
The temple (of the head); top of the forehead, brow.
Wake, streak of water left in the track of a ship; to fish with a hook in the wake of a ship.
A small and rather rough cloth used for rubbing and cleaning the skin; towel; to rub with a towel. Sibíni siá. Rub him with a towel. Isíbin sa íya iníng pányo. Rub him with this cloth.
Pin; to pin, use a pin; vaccinate. Síbta ang úngon ko. Draw out my splinter or thorn with a pin. Ginsíbtan níya ang íya báyò. She fastened her dress with pins. Síbti lang ang delárgo mo nba nagísì. Just pin together the tear in your trousers. Ginsibít níya ang tunúk (dúgi) sa ákon kamót. He took the thorn out of my hand with a pin. (see turúbok, kiríkol, alpilír, espelér).
(Sp. cebo) Fodder fed to animals, in order to fatten them. (see patámbok, inogpatámbok).
Fit, suited, correct, exact; to fit, suit, go-, accord-, match-, with. Síbò gid ang íya (panabát) sabát. His answer was quite correct. Síbò gid ang ímo báyò sa ímo delárgo. Your jacket goes well with your trousers. Iníng lánsang índì makasíbò; dálhi akó sing dakû. This nail won't do; bring me a large one. Pasibóa ang bató sa búhò sang padér. Fit the stone into the hole in the wall. (see ígò, ángay).
(Sp. sebo) Tallow, fat, suet, axle-grease.
Complicated, perplexed, involved; to become involved, etc. Dílì maáthag, kóndì (síbod) masíbod gid ang íya pagsáysay. His explanation is not clear, on the contrary it is obscure. Nasibóran (-ódan) akó sang íya nga hámbal. His speech was too involved (discursive, rambling) for me.
From sibít-to pin, etc.
See síbod.
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