Aversion to work, laziness. (see búdlay).
Work, drudgery, fatigue, occupation entailing hard work; workshop. (see búdlay, pangabúdlay).
To trickle, dribble, run down in drops, flow slowly and gently. Naga-*ágay ang mapaít níya nga lúhà kag nagatúlò sa íya kamót. Her bitter tears are trickling down and dropping on her hand. Ináng kalisúd nagpaágay sang íya mga lúhà. That trouble brought tears into her eyes. Ang masakit nga bátà ginapaagáyan sing madámù nga mga lúhà sang íya ilóy. The sick child is being much wept over by its mother. Nagbúswang na ang íya hubág kag nagágay ang nánà. His boil burst and the pus flowed out. Nagpangabúdlay siá sing támà sa ínit nga ang masulúg nga bálhas nagágay sa tanán nga mga buhôbúhò sang íya pánit. He worked very hard in the heat of the sun, so that streams of perspiration poured from all the pores of his skin. (see tubúd, túlò, talabirís, tululágay, ílig).
Shunning work, avoiding labour, lazy, slothful; to be or become lazy, slothful, indolent, averse to work. Mostly used with pa- in the meaning of: to shirk or avoid work, to perform lazily. Indì ka magpaagohós sang pangabúdlay or indì mo pagpaagohosán ang pagpangabúdlay. Don't be lazy or indolent at your work. Don't work lazily. Ang mga matámad nagapaagohós sang pangabúdlay. Lazy people are averse to hard work. (see támad, amád, ágol).
To obtain, reach, enjoy the possession of, gain, get, acquire, reap. Ang mga matárung magaágum or magahiágum kunína sang himáyà sa lángit. The just will finally enjoy the glory of heaven. Pagaagúman ko gid ang búnga sang ákon ginkabudlayán. I shall surely reap the fruit of my labours. Ipaágum mo sa íya ang ígò nga bálus. Grant him a fitting reward. Paagúma siá sang ímo kamót. Let him feel your hand i.e. strike, box, slap, hit him. Inagúman na níya ang íya nga ginhándum sang madámù nga mga túig. He has now reached the goal desired for many years. (see dángat, ángkon).
(Sp. aguantádo) Robust, strong with great powers of resistance to fatigue, pain and stress; one who can stand or bear much, one suffering patiently or with fortitude. Agwantádo siá sa tungâ sang tanán nga pagpangabúdlay kag kalisdánan. He bears up bravely in the midst of all fatigues and difficulties. Dúro siá kaagwantádo. He can stand very much. He is able to bear-, support-, a good deal.
Leavings, sediment, dregs, lees, admixtures; offspring, progeny. Ang alabú-ab sang túbig. The sediment of water. Ang alabú-ab or inalabú-ab sang táo. The progeny or offspring of a man. Also used as a verb. Nagalabú-ab ang túbig. The water has formed a sediment. Ginaalabu-ában akó sang túbig sa sulúd siníng áwang. The water in this cistern contains too much sediment for me or it appears to me that the water in this cistern is mixed with sediment. (see lábud-dregs of wine, tubâ, vinegar, etc.; lágtok-sediment in a tube, tobacco-pipe, etc.; halabú-ab id.).
(H) To follow one thing or work after another. Also: The plural form of ábut. Sámtang nga buhî kitá dirí sa ibábaw sang kalibútan ang mga kabúdlay kag kalisúd magaalábut gid sa waláy langán-langán. As long as we are living in this world labours and difficulties will follow one another without ever coming to an end. Nagalábut silá sa íya sa subâ. They overtook him at the river, (see abút-abút, abák-abák).
(B) To warm up, get warm by taking a hot drink, food, etc. Baáng-baángi ang ímo solóksolók sing diótay nga kán-on sa walâ pa ikáw magsúgud sang pagpangabúdlay. Warm your stomach with a little rice, before you start your work. Mainúm akó sing maínit nga tsa sa pagbaángbáang sang ákon solóksolók. I am going to drink hot tea to warm my stomach. Imna iníng bíno, kay magapabaángbáang sang ímo solóksolók. Drink this wine, for it will warm you up. (see bagáng).
To marvel, wonder, be amazed, be struck with wonder, be surprised or astonished. Nagabalábalá gid akó sang kadásig sang ímo kabáyo, sang kadúgay sang ímo óbra, etc. I am surprised at the swiftness of your horse, at the length of time you are at your work, etc. Indì ka magbalábalá kon índì kamí magabút sa gilayón, kay mabúdlay man ang dálan. Don't be astonished, if we do not come at once, for the road is difficult. Daw nabalábalá akó sang íya nga pangáon. I marvelled at the way he attacked the food. He surprised me with the amount he ate.
(H) String, cord, twine, rope, etc. used to wind around an object; to wind or twist round. Diín ang písì nga balalámbud? Where is the cord for winding or coiling round? Nagabalámbud silá sang písì sa halígi. They are winding the cord around the post. Balamburí (-udí) ang halígi sing pís-i. Coil a rope around the post. Ibalámbud ang písì sa halígi. Wind the cord round the post. (see barámbud, sabúd, sámbud, salámbud, sámbad, kámbad).
Sweat, perspiration; to sweat, perspire, make to perspire. Ginabálhas akó. I am perspiring. Anó na man inâ, walâ ka gánì pagbalhasá sang ímo pangabúdlay kag buót ka magpahúay na? What is the meaning of this. The work you have done has not caused you any perspiration and you wish to take a rest already? Binálhas (ginbálhas) siá sang madásig nga paglakát. Walking fast made him perspire. Nagatalabirís gid lámang ang bálhas sa íya nawóng. The perspiration is streaming down his face. (see bahúlay-cold perspiration, as in some fevers, in death-agony, etc.
(B) Shivering, quivering, shaky, trembling; to shiver, quiver, shake, tremble, etc. Banayón ang íya nga kamót. His hand is trembling. Kon mabúdlay ang ímo kamót kag dáyon mo itúsmug sa matúgnaw nga túbig, magabanayón. If your hand is tired and you plunge it at once into cold water, it will shake. (see píri).
to accustom, to train, practise, break in. Banggará (-adá) ang ákon toréte nga karabáw sa paggúyud sang karósa. Train my young buffalo to draw the sled. Ibánggad akó ánay siníng kabáyo sa pagbútong sang kalésa. Kindly train for me this horse to pull the rig. Nabánggad na siá siníng pangabúdlay. He is now accustomed to, or practised in, this kind of work. (see ánad, nánas, gálit).
On account of, by reason of, due to, because. Bangúd sinâ --. Therefore --. Bangúd sang íya katámad sa pagpangabúdlay napúto siá. On account of his being too lazy to work he became a bankrupt. Walâ akó makakarí sang simána nga tinalíkdan, bangúd nga nahilántan akó. I was unable to come here last week, because I had a cold or influenza. Bangúd sang madámol nga ulán índì kamí makapaúlì karón. Due to the heavy rain we cannot go home now. (see tungúd, kay).
Praise, exaltation, commendation, encomium, eulogy, panegyric, approbation, a tribute of gratitude or homage; to praise, extol, exalt, commend, laud, belaud, eulogize, panegyrize, magnify, glorify, think highly of. Nagbánsag siá sa kay Fuláno, sang íya baláy, sang íya batásan, etc. He praised N.N., his house, his character, etc. Ginbánsag níya ang íla nga pagpuní sang simbáhan. He praised-, lauded-, highly approved of-, their decoration of the church. Bansagá ang íla nga pagpangabúdlay, kapisanón, kaábtik, etc. Glorify their work, commend their zeal, praise their dexterity, etc. Nabansagán siá bangúd sang íya nga kinaálam (kinaádman). He became famous for his learning. On account of his learning he was-well-known, -highly appreciated. (see dáyaw, saólog, bántug, hangád, kilála).
To move about, be up and busy, to be stirring, to stir one self, to be active. Indì na siá makabíknol. He cannot move about any more, he is unable to do any work. Hálus na gánì siá makabíknol gíkan sa kabúdlay, balatían, katigulangón, etc. He can scarcely move any longer on account of being tired, sick, old, etc. Makabíknol pa siá maglágaw?-Indì na gid; pirme lang siá nagahígdà. Can he still walk about? Not at all; he is bed-ridden. (see tíknol, túknul).
To sprinkle, strew, scatter, as grain, flowers or the like. Bilibóri (-ódi) ang manók sing humáy. Scatter some rice-grains to the chickens. Ibilíbod sa mungâ ang isá ka púdyot nga maís. Scatter a little corn for the hen. Binilibóran níla ang laráwan sang Mahál nga Bírhen sing madámù nga mga búlak. They strewed the statue of the Blessed Virgin with many flowers. (see bóbod, sábwag, waráwag, sábud, sáb-og).
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