Search result(s) - humáy



The caterpillar of a moth. It is very injurious to plants, often causing great havoc in rice fields. Also used as a verb. Humáy nga tinamások. Rice attacked by-, infested with-, tamások.



A gratuity, an addition, a "baker's dozen", something that is not charged for, given free or without charge, thrown in, for luck, to the good, an added gift. Patámba is mostly used for the verb-to add, superadd, give a little gratis or without charge over what is required by contract or in justice. Patambahí sing diótay ang ísdà nga ákon binakál. Add a little extra to the fish I have bought. Ipatámba iníng diótay nga maís sa humáy nga íya gindaláwat. Add this little corn for luck to the rice he has bought. (see áman, támban, dúgang, tubúng).



Anything resembling a man, a picture or drawing of a man or woman; a scarecrow, a figure set up in rags and tatters to scare away birds, etc. Ang taótáo sa dúldul, sa humáy, etc. A scarecrow on a kapok-tree, in a rice-field, etc.



To disperse, scatter, fly off in a cloud of dust. Kon báyhon (bayohón, báywon) ang humáy nga háp-og magatáp-ok ang íya upá. When brittle rice is pounded the husks fly off in a cloud of dust. Natap-okán kamí sang yáb-ok. We were surrounded by (enveloped in) a cloud of dust. (see alintabó, ápok, ásik, etc.).



To separate from the ears, cause to fall out, spoil (said of cereals). Natúbas (Nagkatúbas) ang humáy sa uháy, kay nalapákan sang kabáyo. The rice was spoilt, because it was trampled by horses. Ang bágyo nagtúbas (nagpatúbas) sang humáy. The hurricane spoilt the rice-crop (by shaking (separating) the ripe grain from the ear). Natúbas ang humáy siníng talámnan, kay walâ pagánya sang tagíya. (Natúbas ang páray sa tarámnan nga diá, hay warâ nagánya kang tagíya). The rice was spoiled (spoilt) in this field, because the owner did not harvest it in time.



From tukâ-to peck, etc. Ang humáy nga nabulád sa ínit gintúk-an sang mga manók. The chickens picked up some of the rice that was spread to dry in the sun.



Stack, heap, pile of grain in the sheath, sheaf, bundle of grain or straw; to stack, pile, sheaf, make a heap (of grain in the sheath). Nagatúmpi (Nagatulúmpi) silá sang íla nga ginálab. They are stacking what they have cut with the sickle (what they have reaped). Tumpihón nínyo ang humáy. Stack the rice. Koralán nínyo ang tinumpihán sang humáy, agúd índì maábtan sang mga háyup. Build a fence around the rice stack so that the animals (cattle) cannot get at it. (see túmpok, kamáda, aníb).



To bend down, incline, bow down, as the tops of trees, full ears of grain, etc. Nagatúnglì ang humáy, kay matínggas. The rice is bowed down, for the ears are full. (see dúnglay, dukô, dungúk).



Right, reason, motive, interest, relation or connection with, reference, regard. May tungúd siá kag bangúd sa pagbúhat sinâ. In acting thus he has (had) right and reason on his side. Anó ang tungúd mo sinâ? What is your interest in that matter (affair)? What have you got to do with it? Sa tungúd siní gánì--. Just on account of this--. Precisely for this reason--. N.B. Besides as noun "tungúd" is also very widely used as:

1) Verb: to concern, refer to, belong to, have a relation or connection with, e.g. iníng báhin sang humáy natungúd sa kay Fuláno. This part of the rice belongs (pertains) to N.N. Ipanáysay mo inâ sa mga punoán nga natúngdan. Explain that to the authorities that are concerned in the matter (--to the proper, corresponding authorities). Patungúd, pahanungúd-to attribute to, offer up-for,-in behalf of,-in behoof of, to do for the-sake of,-good of, to do to the advantage of, apply to, bestow upon, consider as belonging to, impute, etc. Iníng indulhénsya saráng mapahanungúd sa mga kalág sa purgatóryo. This indulgence can be applied to the souls in Purgatory. Dílì mo pagipatungúd sa ibán ang ímo mga sayúp. Don't impute your own faults to someone else.

2) Conjunctive particle: Because, since, seeing that, for, on the ground that, in as much as, e.g. Naakígan siá sang íya agálon tungúd nga nagsabát siá. He roused (incurred) the anger of his master, because he answered back. Walâ siá makatámbong, tungúd kay nagmasakít siá. He could not put in an appearance, because he-was taken ill,-had been taken ill,-took ill. Tungúd kay (Tungúd nga) ginbúhat mo inâ pangabagáha na man ang salábton. On the ground that you have done it you must also shoulder the responsibility.

3) Preposition: a. About, concerning, touching, as to, as for, respecting, as respects, with respect to, regarding, as regards, with regard to, referring to, with reference to, in connection with, pertaining to, appertaining to, bearing upon, relating to, with relation to, etc. Namángkot siá (sa) tungúd sang bilí sang kawáyan. He asked about the price of bamboo. Sa tungúd sang íya pagpalágyo walâ akó kabatî (makabatî) sing bisán kon anó. As to his flight, I have heard nothing whatever about it.

b. Because of, owing to, for the reason that, on the ground that, on account of, etc. Nasáyran ko na tungúd sang ímo pagsáysay. I know now because of your explanation. Ginbalúsan siá níla tungúd sang íya kaísug kag tungúd sang íya pagpatigáyon sing búlig. They rewarded him for his courage and because he brought up help. Walâ silá makabáyad tungúd sang íla piérde (kapierdéhan) sa bágyo. They could not pay on account of the losses they had sustained in the bágyo. Tungúd sa anó? Why? Wherefore? For what reason? Tungúd siní. Therefore. For this reason.

c. For the good of, for the sake of, for the benefit (advantage) of, for, in behalf (behoof) of. "Indì kamó maghibî tungúd sa ákon, kóndì tungúd sa ínyo kag sa ínyo mga anák". Don't weep over me, but weep for yourselves and for your children".

d. Through, through the agency of, by, by means of, by the help of, etc. Tungúd kay Hesukrísto nga Aton Ginóo. Through Jesus Christ, Our Lord. Nakadángat siá sa pagpatábà sang íya umá sa maáyo nga bilí tungúd kay Pédro. He managed to sell his field at a fair price by the help (through the-influence,-intervention,-good offices) of Peter. (see bangúd, kay, hay, nahanungúd, nahatungúd, pahanúngdan, katungdánan, palahanúngdan).



Dry, dried, exsiccated; seasoned (of timber); sun-dried fish, rice, etc.; to dry, become or make dry, to exsiccate. Nagaugá na ang maís. The corn is getting dry now. Iníng mga tápì ugá na. These boards are seasoned (dry). Nagaugá (Nagapaugá) siá sing maís. He is drying corn. Ugahá ang humáy. Dry the rice. Spread the rice in the sun to dry. May ugá kamó? Have you got any dry (dried) fish (rice, etc.)? (see malá, kigás, tápa, bulád).



Dry, dried, exsiccated; seasoned (of timber); sun-dried fish, rice, etc.; to dry, become or make dry, to exsiccate. Nagaugá na ang maís. The corn is getting dry now. Iníng mga tápì ugá na. These boards are seasoned (dry). Nagaugá (Nagapaugá) siá sing maís. He is drying corn. Ugahá ang humáy. Dry the rice. Spread the rice in the sun to dry. May ugá kamó? Have you got any dry (dried) fish (rice, etc.)? (see malá, kigás, tápa, bulád).



An ear of grain (with the grain). Isá ka uháy nga humáy (sang humáy). An ear of rice. (see óhot-an empty ear of grain).



An ear of grain (with the grain). Isá ka uháy nga humáy (sang humáy). An ear of rice. (see óhot-an empty ear of grain).



Swelling, expanding; to swell, expand, spread. Ang laón nga humáy maúkad kon tig-angón. Old rice swells when cooked. Ang mga lásgà (subáy) maulúkad kon tandogón. The lásgà-ants, if disturbed, will spread themselves in all directions. (see hubág, banóg, bálhong, lápta, aláplag, surumbálì).



Swelling, expanding; to swell, expand, spread. Ang laón nga humáy maúkad kon tig-angón. Old rice swells when cooked. Ang mga lásgà (subáy) maulúkad kon tandogón. The lásgà-ants, if disturbed, will spread themselves in all directions. (see hubág, banóg, bálhong, lápta, aláplag, surumbálì).



To even out, level, spread. Ukáya ang balás. Even out (Level) the sand. Ginúkay ko ang humáy sa amákan. I spread the rice evenly over the mat. (see sáma, saláma, tápan).



To even out, level, spread. Ukáya ang balás. Even out (Level) the sand. Ginúkay ko ang humáy sa amákan. I spread the rice evenly over the mat. (see sáma, saláma, tápan).



(H) Dim. and Freq. of úrut. Sa sulúd sang isá ka pituádlaw maurútúrut níla sang káon iníng humáy. They will be able to eat up all the rice within a week. (see ubúsúbus).



(H) Dim. and Freq. of úrut. Sa sulúd sang isá ka pituádlaw maurútúrut níla sang káon iníng humáy. They will be able to eat up all the rice within a week. (see ubúsúbus).



No, not, none, no one, not any, nothing; there is not, does not exist, there has not been (existed); to be not, have not, be a nonentity, to lack, be deprived of, be not there, to disappear, be gone. Nagkádto ka dídto?-Walâ (akó magkádto). Did you go (Have you been) there?-No, I did not go (I have no been there). Walâ siá pagsugál. He does not gamble. He never gambles. Walâ siá magsugál kahápon. He has not been gambling yesterday. Walâ siá magasugál. He is not gambling (just at present. May kwárta ikáw?-Walâ. Have you (any) money?-No, I have not (none). Walâ kamí sing humáy. We have no rice. Walâ siá dirí. He is not here. Walâ akó gánì sinâ makasáyod. I really did not know it (that). Walâ níya pagtumána (pagatumána) ang sógò. Walâ siá magtúman (magatúman) sang sógò. He did not fulfil (is not fulfilling) the order or precept. He was (is) disobedient. Walâ siá magatoón sa karón nga túig. He is not studying (schooling) this year. Náno na lang ang ímo sinâ sa íla pagdakúp, kon walâ ka sing hinangíban? How can you catch (arrest) them unarmed (without arms, unless you have arms)? Sa walâ sing kon anó--. Without any apparent reason--. Suddenly--. Without much ado (fuss)--. Walâ sing anó man. Don't mention it. It is very little (nothing). Sa walâ gid madúgay umabút siá. It did not last long before he arrived. Sa walâ sing balíbad (lídan). Without excuse (fail). Ginakawalaán (Ginakawád-an, ginakawár-an) silá konkaisá sing pagkáon. At times they have nothing to eat (are lacking, are deprived of, food). (see waáy, waláy, wáy, warâ, warát, warâ, ti, , dílì, índì, bokón, kinawalâ).

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