(H) See balaód-dysentery.
(B) An interrogative particle having the meaning of: How can you think so? Do you imagine that--, unless--? Would one do this or act in such a way, if it were not--? Baláw makádto akó dídto, kon walâ akó sing kinahánglan? Do you imagine I would go there, unless I had a good reason? Baláw tagóon ko iní kón índì ákon? Can you think that I would hide or keep this, unless it were mine? (see balá).
House, home; building, dwelling, abode; nest, breeding place, shell of a snail, of a turtle, etc. Diín ang baláy mo? Where is your home? Anó nga baláy ang ginadayónan mo dirí? What house are you staying at here? Ang baláy sang ánay. The nest of termites, a white ants' nest. Ang baláy sang pawíkan. The shell of a tortoise, tortoise-shell.
To start building a house, commence the erection of a building; in baseball: to make a home-run. Nagabálay silá. They are starting to build a house. Baláya ang baláy. Commence building the house. Nagbálay na silá sing makaduhá. They have made two home-runs already.
Dim. of baláy. Hut, hovel, shack, tent, any small dwelling or living quarters; anything resembling a house.
A large piece of wood, a rafter, especially the length of timber that rests on the wall and reaches to the roof-tree or ridge. The laths or stringers (hawák, anamán) are nailed horizontally across the rafters.
Parable, simile, similitude, figure of speech, comparison, discourse in figures and comparisons; poetry; poem. Also used as a verb: to liken to. Binaláybay nga hámbal. Poetical speech, a discourse in figures or parables. Binaláybay. What has been expressed in parables, figures, etc.; a poem.
(H) Debt, liability, account, score, what one owes or what is to be paid for. (báyad, baláyran).
Relation between the parents of married people, the parents of the husband being "ang mga baláye" to the parents of the wife and vice versa; to be related in that way. Nagabaláye silá. They are the parents of husband and wife respectively.
(H) Domestic. See balayón.
(H) A pestle, especially one for a small mortar like almirés. (bayó; baráyo id.; see hál-o-the large pestle for pounding-rice).
Domestic, domesticated, accustomed to live in a house, applied to domestic animals like cats, dogs, poultry, etc. Applied to persons it means one who is much attached to the house, living nearly always within and going out but rarely, home-loving, stay-at-home. (baláy).
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