A tree valued for the timber it yields.
Also: the drumstick tree.
(H) Cloth fit, suitable, or specially chosen, for making jackets or outer dresses. (báyò).
(H) See baláydan id.
(H) See baláyran. Madámù ang íya balayránan. There are many things he has to pay for.
To shatter, splinter, crush, fracture, break an arm,-bone,-bamboo, or the like. Balbagá ang kawáyan. Crush the bamboo. Nabálbag ang túl-an sang batíis níya, kay naágyan sang ruéda sang isá ka mabúg-at nga káro. His shin-bone was shattered, for the wheel of a heavy wagon passed over it. Ginbálbag sang mga soldádo nga románhon ang mga túl-an sang duhá ka makáwat. The Roman soldiers broke the bones of the two thieves.
(Sp. baldar) A physical defect remaining after an illness or accident, a permanent injury, impairment. (see samád).
(Sp. baldado) Crippled, maimed, permanently injured, impaired, physically defective after an illness or in consequence of an accident.
(Sp. balde) Pail, bucket.
(Sp. baldaquin, baldaquino) Baldachin, baldaquin, a canopy over a throne, altar, etc.
(Sp. baldosa) A fine, square tile, especially for flooring; flag-stone, flat paving-stone.
(Sp. vale) A credit-note, chit; to be worth, to cost. Ang kusúg ni Pédro bále tátlo ni Huán. Peter is three times as strong as John. Iníng baláy bále isá ka líbo ka mángmang. This house is worth a thousand pesos. Baléhi lang ang baláklon mo. Just sign a credit-note for the goods you wish to buy. Buy on tick.
(Sp. valenciana) Rice mixed with sausages, meat, vegetables, etc. and various spices, prepared in many different styles. Also: point-lace, i.e. lace wrought with a needle; a kind of sewing or stitching.
See baléu.
To print, impress. Balhagí akó sing isá ka gatús nga pangágda. Print for me one hundred invitation-cards. Nabálhag na ang líbro nga íya sinulát. The book he wrote is now in print. Ipabálhag mo sa ákon balhágan ang ímo mga balalhágon, kay balhagón ko ang tanán nga kinahánglan mo sing mahípid kag sa kubús nga bilí. Let my printing-press do all your printing, for I will print everything you need in good taste and at low cost. (see imprénta).
Printing-press, printing-office. (see bálhag, balalhágon-what is to be printed, printing).
Sweat, perspiration; to sweat, perspire, make to perspire. Ginabálhas akó. I am perspiring. Anó na man inâ, walâ ka gánì pagbalhasá sang ímo pangabúdlay kag buót ka magpahúay na? What is the meaning of this. The work you have done has not caused you any perspiration and you wish to take a rest already? Binálhas (ginbálhas) siá sang madásig nga paglakát. Walking fast made him perspire. Nagatalabirís gid lámang ang bálhas sa íya nawóng. The perspiration is streaming down his face. (see bahúlay-cold perspiration, as in some fevers, in death-agony, etc.
Change, alteration, transformation, transfiguration, transmutation; to change, alter, become different from what one was before, transform, transfigure, transmute, metamorphose, transmogrify. Nagbálhin ang íya dágway. His form or figure changed. Magabálhin gid ang duág sang ímo báyò kon maulanán. The colour of your jacket will change, if it gets wet with rain. Indì mo pag-ibutáng iníng bíno sa ínit, kay básì mabálhin kag matáhaw. Don't place this wine in the heat, for it might change its flavour and lose strength. Dílì nínyo pagbalhinón ang amó nga pagbulút-an. Don't change that law. Don't alter or modify the provisions of that law. (see baléu, báylo).
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