(H) To swell a little, be slightly swollen. Nagabálhong ang ákon túdlò. My finger is slightly swollen.
To regard, have consideration for. This term seems to be used almost exclusively in the following or similar phrases: Indì mo na akó ikabálhot or walâ na ikáw pagbálhot sa ákon. You don't respect me any longer, you have no regard or consideration for me any more. (see bárhot, banâ, tahâ, panagubáli).
(H) Broken, fractured, ruptured, bent or twisted so as to be unable to return to the former position. Utúd gid ang íya nga bútkon?-Dílì, kóndì balî lang. Is his arm entirely cut off?-No, only broken so as to hang down loosely.
To fracture, rupture, break without severing, to bend or twist so as to break, but without tearing off entirely. Nabálì ang íya bútkon. He broke his arm. Ginbálì níya ang alobaybayán sang hágdan. He broke the handrail of the ladder or stair. Balía ang sangá sang káhoy nga nagabálag (sang) sa dálan. Bend back and twist the branch that obstructs the road.
A kind of plant.
(H) Pretext, explanation, excuse, pretence, false plea, subterfuge, often just a story got up for the occasion; to find an excuse, to explain away, to have a pretext or story ready, to tell lies in order to get out of a scrape and the like. Indì ka magbalíbad sang ímo salâ. Don't try to excuse your fault. Anó ang balíbad mo? What excuse or pretext have you got? Indì mo akó pagbalibáran. Don't try to find excuses with me. Don't tell me stories. Don't try to explain. Nagabút siá sa baláy sa pagpakigkítà sa ímo; búsà walâ na ikáw sing ikabalíbad sa íya. He came to the house to see you; consequently you cannot excuse yourself any longer. Pabalibára akó. Excuse me. Ibalíbad mo akó. Kindly excuse me, find an excuse for me. Ginbalíbad níya ang ulán. He put it down to the rain. (see butíg, malí, pasúni).
To bind, fasten, lash, knot, tie with a knot. Balighotá ang písì, dílì mo pagbaloón. Fasten the cord with a knot, not with a loop or bow. Ibalíghot iníng písì sa pinutús. Tie the parcel with this string. Ibalíghot mo akó siní. Bind this for me. Ang pílak íya binalighotán sang íya pányo. He tied the money in his handkerchief. (see higót, balô).
A knot, especially a knot in a handkerchief containing coins, material for betelnut chewing, or the like.
Selling, sale; to sell, dispose of by sale. Nagabalígyà ka siní? Are you selling this? Tagpilá ang pagbalígyà mo siníng mga lápis? For how much each do you sell these pencils? Ginabalígyà mo inâ? Do you sell that? Ibalígyà mo sa ákon iníng mga sapátos. Sell me these boots. Ibalígyà mo akó sinâ. Kindly sell that for me. Nabaligyaán kamí dídto siníng báka. This cow was sold to us there. Ginbaligyaán níla kamí siní. They sold it to us. (see patábà-to sell land: bakál-to buy).
To come back, return, go back to the place one came from. Nagbálik siá sa Ilóng-ílong. He went back to Iloilo. Balíkon mo ang maléta nga nalipatán ko. Go back and fetch the handbag I forgot. Balíki si Hosé. Return to José. Ginbálik níya ang pílak nga íya ginhulám. He returned the money he had borrowed. Ibálik mo na ang líbro ko. Now at last give me back my book. Ipabálik lang inâ sa íya. Just send that back to him. Binalíkan níya ang ámon baláy, kay bangúd sang bahâ walâ siá makatabók sa subâ. He came back again to our house, for on account of the freshet he could not cross the river. Binalíkan pa gid sang idô ang diótay nga kárne nga íya nabilín. The dog went back again to the little meat he had left. (see úlì, buélta, panumbalík).
To go or pass to and fro, backwards and forwards, back and forth, to return again and again. Anó man ang ginabalík-bálik mo dirâ? Why do you go there so often? Ginbalíkbalíkan ko na ang íya baláy sing makalimá, ápang walâ siá gihápon dirâ. I have been five times to his house; but he was not there.
(H) Scratch, excoriation, abrasion; to excoriate, scratch, lacerate, tear, chafe, wound the skin. Nabalíkas ang ákon bútkon sang símsim. My arm got scratched by the bamboo-branches. Ginbalíkas níya ang ákon guyá sang sibít. He scratched my face with the pin. Nabalikásan ang ákon písngi; ambót kon anó ang nakabalíkas. My cheek got scratched; I don't know what caused the scratches. Andam ka dirâ, kay básì mabalikásan ka sang tunúk (dúgi). Be on the lookout there, for you may get injured by the thorns. (see báklis, lísgis).
A very slender bamboo. Its stem is non-hollow or solid like rattan, and climbs trees, etc. like a vine.
Also: Hip, hipbone, femur, thighbone, thigh, hip-joint; buttock, rump.
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