The eaves of a roof.
Squinting; cross-eyed; to squint, look askance. Balisíng or nagabalisíng siá. He squints (see libát).
Upside down, inverted; to turn upside down, invert, turn topsy-turvy. Balískad iní. This is upside down. This is putting the cart before the horse. Baliskará (-adá) ang pínggan. Turn the plate upside down. Baliskarí akó sing isá ka tápa nga nagatúngtung sa bága. Turn over for me a slice of dried meat lying on the coals. Dî mo pagbaliskarón ang ímo mga buluhatón. Keep order in your work or in the performance of your duties. Don't do first what should be done last or vice versa.
To whet, grind, sharpen, hone, put an edge on; to incite, urge, set on. Balitá ang labáha (nabáha). Sharpen the razor. Ibalít akó ánay sang ákon nabáha. Please, sharpen my razor for me. Indì mo siá pagbalitón sa pagpakigáway. Don't incite him to fight. (see báid).
(B) Stubborn, disobedient, unheeding, refractory, unruly, wilful, perverse, self-willed; to be or become stubborn, etc. Balít-ad nga táo, bátà, etc. A stubborn person, child, etc. Indì ka magbalít-ad. Don't be stubborn. Indì mo akó pagbalit-arán. Don't be stubborn with me. Iníng bátà maáyo sádto, ápang karón nagbalít-ad. This child used to be good before, but now it has become refractory or wilful. Indì ko siá pagbatónon, kay nabalit-arán akó sa íya. I will not receive him, for he is too unruly for me. (see batinggílan, dî, manínggol, kabalán).
News, information, notice, communication; to notify, inform, report, communicate. Anó ang mga balítà nga bág-o? What is the latest news? May balítà balá? Is there any news? Nabalitáan kamí sang kamatáyon ni Fuláno. We were informed of N.N.'s death. Ginbalitáan kamí níla sang maáyo nga pagabút níla dídto. They notified us of their safe arrival there. Ibalítà mo sa íla ang kamatáyon ni Fuláno or ibalítà mo sa íla nga napatáy si Fuláno. Inform them of the death of N.N. or that N.N. is dead. Ginpabalitáan sang Diós ang mga manugbántay sang mga háyop sing isá ka ánhel. God sent a message to the shepherds through an Angel. Pinabalitáan níya kamí sa isá ka hatud-dulús sang maáyo níya nga kapaláran. He sent us word by telegram of his good luck. (see pahibaló, pasáyod, pamáan).
A vine, whose fruit is used as a remedy against intestinal worms.
Hone, strop, razor-strop. See balalítan id.
An action-song, singing and dancing combined, a song accompanied by expressive gesticulations; to sing an action-song, etc. Nagakánta silá sing balítaw. The are singing an action-song. Nagasáut silá sing balítaw. They are dancing to a song.
An exclamation of surprise or wonder. Balítaw, pagkatahúm, pagkatáas kag pagkadakû siníng baláy! Look, how beautiful, how high and how large this house is!
A slip-knot, running knot, noose, a bow; to tie in a loop or bow, so as to make it easy to open. Baloá ang paghigót. Tie with a slip-knot. Ibalô akó ánay siníng pinutús. Kindly tie up this parcel for me in a noose.
Alarm, warning, signal or notice of danger from fire, thieves, water, etc.; to give a danger-signal or warning. May bálò nga--. The alarm is given that--. Ipabálò (ibálò) mo sa bánwa nga dirí siníng minurô nagakalamátay ang mga háyop. Send warning (give warning) to the town, that here in this village the domestic animals are dying off. Binalóan or ginbalóan sang búg-os nga bánwa ang amó nga nahatabô. The whole town was alarmed over that event. (see paándam, paálam).
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