(Sp. baluarte) Bulwark, defence, stronghold, fortress, fort; trench. (see trintséra, palalípdan, palamakurán).
A kind of bird of the size of a pigeon.
A kind of shrub or decorative plant with beautiful large leaves.
A wave, billow, surge, swell, surf, breaker, comber, beach-comber, ripple; to be ruffled, be a little rough (of the sea); to rise and roll (of waves). Karón dalágkù ang mga balúd. Now there are heavy waves (white horses) on the sea. Nagabalúd ang dágat. The sea is rather rough,-is choppy. Nabádlan silá sa dágat. They had rough weather on the sea. (see bádlan, hanúl).
Field near a river, plantation in the immediate neighbourhood of a stream. (see doróg).
To be wavy, corrugated, show wavy lines, be bent in the form of a wave. Nagabálud ang íya kamót, iníng talámnan, etc. His hand, this field, etc. has wavy lines on it.
Dim. and Freq. of balúd. Also: Wavy, shaking to and fro, oscillating, waddling; to waddle, rock, toddle or totter along. Nagabalúd-bálud siá sa dálan. She is toddling along the road. Balúd-bálud ang íya paglakát. He walks unsteadily,-sways to and fro.
Wavy, undulating, rising and swelling or rolling, as waves; of the colour-of waves,-of the sea, sea-green.
The long bristles on the neck of a pig.
To rummage, ransack, turn over in search of, to look for something amongst a number of other things. Indì mo pagbalúk-hayón ang ákon mga ulús. Do not rummage amongst my clothes. Balúk-hayí gid ang íya nga maléta, kay básì ang ímong báyò yárà sa sulúd sinâ. Ransack his handbag, for maybe, your jacket is in there. Ibalúk-hay akó ánay siníng mga panápton, kay ginamáyom ko nga yárà man dirâ ang ákon pányo nga nadúlà. Kindly search these garments thoroughly, for I guess that my missing handkerchief will be found amongst them.
(B) To shove, thrust, impel; to drive into a corner, keep at bay. Ibalún-ok siá sa díngding. Push him against the wall. Amó iní ang padér nga ginbalun-okán níya sa kay Fuláno, kag pinalítkan sang íya úlo. This is the wall against which he thrust N.N. and cracked his skull. (see tulúd, bánsok, balióng).
Change, transmutation, transformation, metamorphosis; to transform-, change-, turn-, fish into meat, cats into birds, wood into stone, etc. A superstitious belief has it, that "áswang" can do such things. Ang ísdà nabalúndò sa kárne. The fish was changed into meat. Nabalundoán siá sing kárne. He had some transformed, or mysterious meat placed before him. Binalundoán siá sing ísdà. He was given mysterious fish (something transformed into fish). Ang kuríng ginbalúndò sang manogbalúndò sa píspis. The wizard turned the cat into a bird. (see bálhin, bályo, báylo).
(B) Tipsy, drunk, fuddled, boozed, intoxicated: to become or make drunk, etc. Nabalúng siá. He got drunk. Indì mo siá pagpaímnon sing lakás nga bíno, kay mabalúng siá. Don't give him too much wine to drink, for he will get tipsy. Ginbalúng níla siá. They made him drunk. Iníng bíno matáb-ang; índì makabalúng sa ímo. This wine is light: it will not intoxicate you. (see hubúg, lingín).
A kind of tree whose leaves are boiled and eaten. Many Philippine homes have one or more of those trees planted near. (see kamalúnggay id.).
Answer, reply, rejoinder, response, retort, return, reward, recompense, remuneration, requital, guerdon; to answer, return, pay back, reward, recompense, requite. Balúsi ang íya sulát. Answer his letter. Balúsi (básli) ang íya kaló-oy sa ímo sa maáyo nga pagtábang sa íya mga kalisúd. Return his mercy to you by assisting him whole-heartedly in his difficulties. Ibálus mo sa íya iníng isá ka búlig nga ságing sa duhá ka sandíya nga íya ginpadalá sa ákon. Give him this bunch of bananas in return for the two melons he sent me. Anó ang saráng ko ikabálus sa ímo? What return can I make you? How or wherewith can I repay you? Kon akó índì makabálus sa ímo ang Diós amó ang magabálus sa ímo. If I cannot make you a fitting return, God will do so. Balúsan kamó sang Mahál nga Diós. May God reward you. Binalúsan (ginbáslan, bináslan) akó níya sing maláin. He made me a bad return. Ibálus mo akó ánay síning sulát ni Fuláno. Please answer this letter of N.N. for me. Ginbalúsan (Ginbálus) níya sing pilô ang pagtámpà sa íya ni Fuláno. He paid back twofold the slap he received from N.N. (see timalús).
To rummage, etc. See balúkhay id. Baluskayá ang ímo korbáta sa baúl. Search for your tie in the trunk. Sín-o ang nagbalúskay sangákon pinutús?-Ang ímo pinutús ginbaluskayán (binaluskayán) sang mánghud mo sa pagusísà kon may binakál ikáw nga dólse. Who rummaged my parcel?-Your parcel was searched by your younger brother to find out whether you had bought some sweets.
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